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why you SHOULDNT use needles


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Well, Stymie, is that one of those things filled with pus on your eye? How is my little junkie bootie tonight? But, I agree with you about not using needles, the addicts end up looking like swiss cheese, and when they come to the hospital we can't get a vein we have to cut into them sometimes on their legs to get a vein, usually into their ankles and crap. It's pretty nasty, they miss a vein and they shoot under the skin and the tissue dies, so they get an abcessed hole and when its clears up with antibiotics, its just a crater. LOL, death is so cute, especially when it takes a long time, like a junkie. Unless he OD's, then they spass out on the floor, lose control of their body functions and croak. It's very interesting. :laugh: :laugh: :blown: :blown: :D

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