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John Podhoretz


December 2, 2003 -- IT might be best for President Bush's opponents to drop the subject of his Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad. The more they talk about it, the longer it will remain in the public eye - which will only benefit Bush. But some on the increasingly loony Left just can't help themselves, because their compulsion to rant and rave and spew conspiracy theories overwhelms any practical political common sense they may once have possessed.

On the Web site Counterpunch, edited by the veteran leftist journalist Alexander Cockburn, a man named Wayne Madsen announced on Saturday in a piece called "Wag the Turkey" that the whole trip was a fraud because he had figured out the president actually landed in Baghdad at 5:30 a.m. on Thursday. "Our military men and women," Madsen complained, "were downing turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and non-alcoholic beer at a time when most people would be eating eggs, bacon, grits, home fries and toast."

A blogger named Brian O'Connell responded, "Er, no. Change all those a.m.s to p.m.s and then you'd have something like a factual story." Madsen simply misread the report on the time. Baghdad is 8 hours ahead of New York. The plane took off at 7:50 p.m., which is why America found out about the trip as the last big balloon was arriving in front of Macy's just before noon.

How could Madsen have spun so demented a tale? Apparently, because of a typo in a Washington Post story on Friday. But having been caught out, he chose to continue spinning his web. In a piece yesterday called "Wagging the Media," he accused CNN of being in on the conspiracy - even though not a single CNN journalist was among the 13 brought along on Air Force One.

Then there are those who argue that Bush took the trip not because he wanted to spend time with the troops, but because he wanted - get this - to overshadow Hillary Clinton's visit to Iraq.

"Bush probably planned on visiting the troops sometime around Thanksgiving, but hastily decided to give the 'go' command when Karl Rove realized that Bush's 'daring' midnight run into Iraq would be laughed at by the entire country if Hillary Clinton already beat him to it," according to the blogger Hesiod. "It turns out that Hillary's people informed the White House of her trip to Iraq way back in September . . . Anyone still believe this was a 'spur of the moment' decision?"

Yeah, that's why Air Force One flew in the dark over the Atlantic - to rob Hillary Clinton of a one-day news story.

Why, others want to know, didn't Bush stay longer in Iraq? See more troops? See more Iraqis? Why didn't he go to Germany to visit the wounded in hospitals? Why was he wearing an army jacket?

If Bush visited a hospital in Germany, they would ask why he wasn't visiting Iraq. If he stayed longer in Iraq, they would want to know why he was using the troops as a campaign prop. If he visited lots of Iraqis in Baghdad, they'd want to know why he wasn't going to Mosul or Kirkuk.

These responses range from the peevish to the dyspeptic, from the merely cynical to the near-psychotic. Bush is increasingly fortunate to have such people as his enemies, because their demented anger continues to seep into mainstream Democratic Party discourse and threatens to make all anti-Bush rhetoric seem like the ravings of a bunch of lunatics. That happened during the Clinton years, and it's happening now.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1



Conserative (douche bag) columist

Podhoretz is a FOX News Channel contributor, a twice-weekly columnist for the New York Post, a weekly columnist for National Review Online, a contributing editor to the Weekly Standard magazine and a consulting editor at ReganBooks.

Full Bio (click here)


I love when you do this. Everytime you look to diminish or discount those views from someone just because they are from conservative outlets, you simply enhance your own hypocrisy when supporting those from "leftist" sources.....

Retard, and sucker.....nice job falling into that trap you weak ass moron....

Judge writings on content you shallow imbecile...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I know you would love to post your godless rhetoric from all your right wing neo con jag off little heroes all day long without me retorting any of your comments but you're not getting let off that easy, boot licker.

retorting???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by marksimons

you going to reply to the nexus of culture thread igloo?

go on, I wanna see you try...

You are the King of leaving threads (usually when your barbled bullshit runs out of energy)...

And what are you awaiting a response too?...Was I not the one who posted the article....Or are you waiting for a response to you typical anti-American bullshit, or your boring, tired "Bush lied" mantra......Or are you waiting for some reply to your "creative use" of American quotes, which can be used in differing contexts.

For example Mr. Retard who thinks he is smarter than he is:

"One man with courage is a majority."

Thomas Jefferson

Was he referring to President Bush?

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin

- would he vote for the patriot act?

Would he not considering the times, the enemy and their methods ,and the need for "permanent" safety......Liberty yes, suicide no....

"The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted. "

James Madison

Was he referring to Saddam Hussein?

Go fuck yourself jerkoff......Like I said in another post, stick to your little coffee house anti-American meetings.....hopefully you will make enough friends amongst misfits to start your own "No War for Oil" t-shirt business....

I repeat, history has shown jerkoffs like you rarely amount to anything but...

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