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acing drug tests


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so go figure....i haven't done any drugs in several months, and then conveniently after I smoked a bit...(( about three weeks ago )) and took a bump or two of coke Saturday night, I am offered a job, which is contingent on a drug test.

:( so my question to you crackies....what do i do? Is this stuff still in my system or what??? :confused:

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smoked a bit 3 weeks ago? how much is "a bit".....I wouldnt worry too much ...the coke is out of your system by now and weed is most likely also.... if you were any "every day" toker it would take up to 8 weeks.... a one time smoker is usually clean in a week or so.... This of course assuming its a pee test.... if they're testing hair you're pretty much screwed.... IF you're really paranoid get yourself a test kit and test yourself before you give em an answer.... I doubt you have anything to worry about....if you're average height and weight and are somewhat phisically active you should be ok....

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Originally posted by marcid21

hmmm...where can i get one of those test kits?

The smoking was def. a random deal. I don't think i've smoked in like, 2 years.

you can get em at most of the head shops... if all else fails they usually have em at cvs, rite aid etc.. if all else fails you can order online


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Originally posted by marcid21

hmmm...where can i get one of those test kits?

The smoking was def. a random deal. I don't think i've smoked in like, 2 years.

3 weeks ago? One joint? Nothing before it, nothing after?

I would bet $100 you are clean by now.

Good Luck with your new job!

PS: like bumpdaddy said - just go to CVS - they have the kits there.

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acing the drug test is no prob. first make damn sure its not the first piss of the day (the more fluids you drink before testing and the more you piss the better) also make sure to take some vitamin B so your urine doesn't look diluted (a red flag for them). when you do piss in the cup, let the first half of it go in the bowl and kinda catch it mid-stream - most of the toxins come out first. do that and no worries!


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Originally posted by hroark

acing the drug test is no prob. first make damn sure its not the first piss of the day (the more fluids you drink before testing and the more you piss the better) also make sure to take some vitamin B so your urine doesn't look diluted (a red flag for them). when you do piss in the cup, let the first half of it go in the bowl and kinda catch it mid-stream - most of the toxins come out first. do that and no worries!


good advice...and Good luck.... I'm sure you'll be fine

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Originally posted by hroark

acing the drug test is no prob. first make damn sure its not the first piss of the day (the more fluids you drink before testing and the more you piss the better) also make sure to take some vitamin B so your urine doesn't look diluted (a red flag for them). when you do piss in the cup, let the first half of it go in the bowl and kinda catch it mid-stream - most of the toxins come out first. do that and no worries!


DAMN kid u know your stuff:eek:

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