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ugh boots


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:aright: in all seriousness... i still have most of my burberry "gear" their classic, and timeless... same with the old-school gucci signature pattern... the lightgrey with green and red... and of course LV... however im just really pissed that these mofos are killing these staples of fashion to death with knockoffs and the like... i see these gangstah boos rockin murakami purses and fishnet sandals... wtf~!? or faux diamond bezel technomarine watches and tattered/haggard oldnavy sweat pants... yeah okay... in any event... it just pisses me off... next theyre going to start making knock off cars... "yo check it b... i gotz me the new 2004 benz... but yo i got it on canal st. for a hundo b. A HUNDO~! mofo~!"
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i never really liked LV stuff. the look is just unappealing to me + it is played out.

haha. so this morning at the train station i saw a girl in ugg boots, jeans tucked into them, ugly hat, sunglasses, totally trendy & CHEESY as hell.

the boots looked disgusting, i honestly felt bad for the girl.

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oh man... three girls/ladies whatever, are wearing these bulky timberland type boots here today and they look like DICKS... lol too funny... totally kills their entire outfit... who wears that ish with a skirt/suit??? lol... bring a spare pair of shoes, wtf...

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Originally posted by diabolique007

Why don't you just FUCK OFF you Loser... I don't want to talk to you, or acknowledge you, Bzzzz!



look who's calling who a loser... :laugh: :laugh: I am merley trying to establish when and if you went to Amsterdam/Paris since in all the times I mentioned we went and showed pictures...you never said word...

all you do is sling shit everywhere you go...


sorry for the thread hijack

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Originally posted by dgmodel

:aright: in all seriousness... i still have most of my burberry "gear" their classic, and timeless... same with the old-school gucci signature pattern... the lightgrey with green and red... and of course LV... however im just really pissed that these mofos are killing these staples of fashion to death with knockoffs and the like... i see these gangstah boos rockin murakami purses and fishnet sandals... wtf~!? or faux diamond bezel technomarine watches and tattered/haggard oldnavy sweat pants... yeah okay... in any event... it just pisses me off... next theyre going to start making knock off cars... "yo check it b... i gotz me the new 2004 benz... but yo i got it on canal st. for a hundo b. A HUNDO~! mofo~!"

I despise knock offs.

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Originally posted by thephoenix

look who's calling who a loser... :laugh: :laugh: I am merley trying to establish when and if you went to Amsterdam/Paris since in all the times I mentioned we went and showed pictures...you never said word...

all you do is sling shit everywhere you go...


sorry for the thread hijack

uh, I haven't spoken to you (plural) in over a year and a half (maybe longer, I hope) after only knowing you for 4 or so months. You are NOTHING/NO one/ as significant as the trash in my trash can, to me, my boyfriend, and most of our friends. You never knew me, nor did I share every detail of my life with you, and you certainly don't know shit these days...

"The details of my life are inconSIqUENTAL!" Dr. Evil

So why are you coming over to the fashion forum, like a pussywhipped faggot to "sling shit" after poring over my insignificant fashion post about boots.

sling shit? what shit? I don't like you because, well, let's see, uh, you harrass me CONSTANTLY, you ran a background check that you won't even admit to, even though I have proof out the wazoo, on my bf and I, only to have YOU and Co. be the ones with an arrest record, all over an alter ego that wasn't even me, you tried to blame my bf for having something that you borrowwed ages ago, when he never had it in the first place. You tell other peeps you can't be friends with them becuase they know me, so they have to choose, and all this so long after the fact that you guys tried to fuck me over when all I EVER did was stop hanging out with you. need I go on or have I made my point clear?

You 're like ex-aquaintence stalkers!!

You go onto a thread that you had no business being in to try to put me down, and I wasn't even online. And you then expect me to have a conversation with you ONLINE? If you KNEW me so well, your only mode of contact wouldn't be in a VITRUAL (read: NOT REAL) world that I visit on the weekends!

You see chazpansy, I don't NEED to HIDE like a COWARD behind an alter ego to tell you you suck at being a decent human being. In fact I've considered telling you to your foogly face, if we actually circulated in the same circles, but you know I already hate you & have ZERO respect for you, we can agree on that! so why verbalize it... I'm not willing to waste my time talking to you when I'm busy having a good time.

I don't want anything to do with you, and neither does Eric, so when I say FUCK OFF, don't talk to us, I mean it. Like we never met. Can't you leave well enough alone? or are you just that much of a loser?

AND for the record, everyone knows I don't do nasty shit like coke and crack, and my friends know WHY I don't do that shite. In fact, The last time I saw coke was last christmas when you reamed everyone a new asshole and made them empty their pockets because you actually thought a rabbithead STOLE your precious coke, which turns out you misplaced it in the sofa. I think I was taking a nap at the time. So before you call me a crackwhore, Clean your finger before you point at my spots.

SO if you come back and post here in the fashion forum, it just shows that you are petty and obsessed with me.

ME ME ME :laugh:

It's flattering in a twisted way, but getting REALLY old, as Meng said to you recently.

don't worry one day I will move far away and you can be "KING" and "Queen" "again" & have the guidous drug haven vibe of Miami all to yourself. Just sit tight til then :D

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1. POD did the background check on his own accord on various people I don't have those resources.

2. YOU were the one looking for coke that night and asked me about it. YOU wanted it for free or trade.

3. I am not interested in YOUR kind of trade.

4. Unlike YOUR sorry ass I don't need to hide behind alter egos and be in 'stealth' mode. Only someone who has something to hide or um a PROSTITUTE can beTHAT paranoid.

5. I asked about your trip and because you have nothing to say about it, no concrete evidence that you actually went, you felt cornered and blew up in my face. It's obvious you panicked. So predictable :laugh:

6. You NEVER once mentioned on other forms/message boards where topics came up about 'places you vacationed.' You are the type of person that would take EVERY opportunity to brag about such a trip.

7. Don't flatter yourself. Maybe the desperate losers that pay for your 'service' lie to you to get a better deal who knows :rolleyes: i'll tell you something dear, you need to look in the mirror (i.e without the photoshop) and realize any man with good taste wouldn't touch you with another man's dick :eek: I came to this forum because i heard more about the SHIT you were slinging AGAIN. YOU don't fool me and the other people here don't deserve to be fooled either.

8. you, nor your token LOSER BOYfriend who you have been supporting financially with your ESCORT SERVICE opinions mean nothing to me and my "CO." My significant other as well as DECENT friends stopped socializing with you and yours not because you are a prostitute and he's riding your coat tail (that's your perogative), but because you are a PATHALOGICAL LIAR. People like you could never be trusted. You also have this NEED to 'try' and compete with my girl ALL the time, but i guess in your profession it's the name of the game.

9. I never force my friends to choose. You are very H.S. Sorry you haven't gone past that mentality stage. As i recalled one night at SPI a while back Mimi said hi to you and you told her 'I can't talk to you because you are friends with those guys.' LAME and if you cant' remember that then maybe you should increase your dose of crack or whatever else you are shooting up these days.

I hope the TRUTH that i have stated here does not tempt your pimp to take another swing at my girl because the next time i see skeletor, he will be in pieces.

People like you contribute to the removal of the ozone layer. Do us all a favor and shoot yourself in your rotting piehole :blown:

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Talk all you want, no one respects you anyways. I don't need to prove anything to you, because you mean nothing to many.

Just leave us alone already, it's really annoying to have you follow my posts everywhere I go here. I'll bet you want me to leave this site, ey? It kind of bites with all the negativity polluting the posts, sounds like you belong here...

Some people will believe anything if it is whispered to them.

- Pierre de Miramax

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I mean something to people who matter...YOU don't matter. I don't know what whore and liar does anyway :laugh: or what whore knows the meaning of or earns the respect of GOOD people. :o

You don't want to prove anything because you don't have anything to prove with :D

Keep going. Because the more you talk the more you are exposing yourself :aaah: Oh wait, I forgot, you love doing that. Please keep in mind you are not being paid here :laugh::laugh:

you should leave ALL the sites. it doesn't deserve to be splatterd with your stanky SHIT.

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is wide skies one of your MANY alter egos :laugh: Go ahead, I want to you to continue proving your lame ass photoshop skills LOL This should be good. Let me grab some popcorn. Who knows maybe you kept all the message board people that you really try hard to impress 'in the dark' all this time. maybe one of your idiot client's did pay for you to go over to Amsterdam and paris to lick his hairy ass and balls for $99.00

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