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"THeee Saleen's" sponsorship on cp is BUSTED!!!


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alright theee saleen,

last night in the news and today in the paper shows a guy in Golden Beach getting Busted for having an online pharmacy.

im not sure if its the same company as the one in your sig or a similar competitors.

but my thing i asked u way back is how can these sites be legal????

does this mean you will have to get a new sig?

please explain whats going on with these companies :(

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Agents arrest 2 S. Floridians for selling diet, sleeping pills over the Internet

By Bob Lamendola

Health Writer

December 4, 2003

Federal agents arrested a South Florida brother and sister on Wednesday, saying the pair headed a ring of online pharmacies that illegally sold $125 million worth of addictive diet and sleeping pills via the Internet since 1998.

The Web sites and toll-free numbers run by Vineet "Vincent" Chhabra of Golden Beach and his sister, Sabina Chhabra Faruqui, of Weston sold an average of 2 million pills yearly to customers as far away as the United Kingdom, federal prosecutors said in a 108-count indictment.

Chhabra and his colleagues made millions in profits and spent their money on luxury cars, large houses, a jet, precious gems and a grand piano, all of which the government is moving to seize.

The arrest of the pair and eight others -- including five doctors and a pharmacist from other states -- is the government's largest crackdown so far on a proliferation of online pharmacies that sell drugs to almost anyone who wants them.

Federal and state laws say doctors and pharmacists cannot legally dispense drugs -- especially potentially risky stimulants used for dieting -- unless the doctor has first taken a thorough medical history and examined the patient face-to-face.

Chhabra's network of at least 16 Web sites dispensed pills to consumers who filled out a brief online form, the indictment said. The operators contended that independent doctors reviewed each form before pills were dispensed, but prosecutors said it was a false claim.The doctors worked for the Web operators and actually signed few if any of the prescriptions.

"No one associated with the defendants checked the accuracy of the information customers provided," the indictment said. Nor did the doctors perform any followup exams, as many laws require.

"Internet sites that distribute controlled substances and other drugs without valid prescriptions will not be tolerated," said Peter Keisler, an assistant attorney general with the U.S. Department of Justice, in a statement issued by federal officials in Alexandria, Va., where the indictment was filed.

Drug industry analysts said they hoped the arrests would drive other unscrupulous drug sellers from the Internet without hurting legitimate online pharmacies.

"It has been hard to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. This kind of action gives us reassurance that they are trying to go after the bad guys," said Susan Winckler, a vice president for the American Pharmacists Association. Legitimate online pharmacies will ask customers to supply their own prescriptions, she said. Be suspicious of drug sellers that offer to write a script for you, she said.

Wednesday's criminal charges were an outgrowth of a three-year investigation. In October, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration had suspended the controlled substances license of a Chhabra company, RX Network in Davie, because of illegal sales.

Officials and documents said Chhabra's companies pushed stimulant diet pills such as Meridia, Bontril, Ionamin, Adipex-P, Teramine and Fastin, as well as sleeping pills and hot Internet sellers such as Viagra and Celebrex. Investigators said they filled out online forms posing as thin, teen-aged girls and still could buy diet drugs from RX Network.

The Chhabras and three partners operated at least 16 Web sites with names such as get-it-on.com, cybrx.com, eprescribe.com and usaprescription.com.

"To maximize profit, defendants used mass e-mailings, advertising, pricing schemes and other marketing schemes to sell large quantities of controlled substances to customers through the Web sites," the indictment said.

Federal agents arrested Chhabra, 32, and Faruqui, 30, at their homes early in the morning, then went to their office in Weston and hauled away boxes of records in a truck. They were being held pending a hearing.

Others arrested included: their uncle, Sunil K. Sethi, who ran a pharmacy in Midlothian, Va.; Web site operators Dr. Daniel Thompson of Columbus, Ohio, and James Trovato Jr. of Independence, Ohio; physicians William Thompson of St. Charles, Mo., Laurence Cockerille Jr. of Litchfield, Ohio, Arturo Portales of Lexington, Ky., and Russell Johnson of Chester, Va.; and pharmacist Daniel Varalli of Salem, Va.

Chhabra was charged with 108 counts of running a criminal enterprise, money laundering, unlawful distribution of controlled substances and selling misbranded drugs over state lines. The others were charged with some or all of those violations. The counts carry prison time ranging from three to 20 years.

One of Chhabra's attorneys, Sean Ellsworth of Miami, said his client's online Web sites were run legally, filling valid prescriptions from licensed physicians. Chhabra relied on the assurances of doctors who signed the prescriptions that the drugs were suitable for the patients, Ellsworth said.

"Mr. Chhabra has done absolutely nothing illegal," Ellsworth said. "Mr. Chhabra has always relied on the professional judgment of doctors and pharmacists. Doctors have told him they use telemedicine [to evaluate patients for medications] and he accepts that they feel that is appropriate."

The Chhabras and Daniel Thompson began peddling drugs online in late 1998 in Ohio, prosecutors said, but set up other offices in Virginia a few months later after Ohio officials got a search warrant for their office. Florida records show Chhabra started companies in the state in 2001.

If members of the group are convicted, the government said it would try to seize a long list of their assets to recover the estimated $125 million in illegal drug sales. That includes:

A $990,000 home in Weston owned by the Chhabras' parents, who benefited from the children's companies; Faruqui's $560,000 Weston home; a $157,000 home in Wellington owned by Chhabra; amd a half-dozen properties in other states.

Two dozen vehicles, including a V-12 Aston Martin, six Mercedes sedans, five BMWs, a 1966 Mustang and a Lincoln limousine.

A lease interest in a Canadair executive jet.

72 pieces of jewelry made with diamonds, precious stones, gold or platinum.

A baby grand piano.

54 accounts in banks, brokerage houses and other financial institutions from Fort Lauderdale to India.

Bob LaMendola can be reached at blamendola@sun-sentinel.com or 954-356-4526.

Copyright © 2003, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

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Guest saleen351

that guy vince has been fighting with these guys for years. heck a cp memeber use to work for him.... Thing is, it's all about controls. DEA doesn't like controls being sold. And i'm just an affliliate, not a pharmacy. Basicaly, i just move traffic, not drugs...

All controls very soon will be gone from the internet, but the viagras etc will be around and these will go up on the net very soon:

















Cartia XT








Detrol LA




Ditropan XL


Enalapril Maleate






Glucophage XR


Isosorbide Mononitrate





Metformin HCL








Peniillin VK



















i'm not in trouble, nor will I be. My web guy is taking the controls off very soon, but the feds don't care about me, sites like mine fill threw vince aka usa prescribtions and others.. we have zero do to do with anything, and the scripts are backed by a us doctor..

It's like this, you have a couple hudred sites filling threw about 4 guys, vince was one of those guys, and my guys fill in a couple states. So they go after the head guys, not us...

however, i might be accepting a new job with a canadian drug firm... but i'll keep my site...

oh and yahoo, overture and google pulled all ads for online drugs, so don't use them. they censor what you see

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my company actually had three online pharmacy clients. we advised them months ago. that given the current climate they should consider selling their sites. we had someone from the DEA speak at one of our seminars, who advised us that the government was going to be cracking down on online pharmacies. while the pharmacies themselves are somewhat legal, they occupy a very gray area of the law. the government concern is how scripts are being filled. as you can easily get a script, by simply filling out an online form. bypassing any type of live medical evaluation. pharmacy affiliate sites by their very nature can still legally have charges brought against them. if it can be proven that they acted as a facilitator for the purchase. as a point of information if you're buying drugs online the government knows. as records of such purchases by law must be kept on hand for a certain number of years.

luckily our clients took our advice. as the government is indeed cracking down, and search engines and directories such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, etc are slowly phasing these types of sites out of their databases.

all I can say is buyer beware..


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Guest saleen351

well true but false...

Fact remains, the DEA has not proven the pharmacys to be illegal, it is in a gray area, which is still in the courts. The thing is the pharmacys get busted by doing dumb stuff. They use regulatory issues, which they can show up any day and inspect, so they just get a number of bs complaints and that opens the door for the warrants etc... Vince is a "sketchy" guy, iv'e heard all the stories, and erick might fill you guys in even better...

They are saying the doctor has to have a "physical" exam with you, not telemedicine, but the law doesnt' say the doctor must see you in person. This is the gray area. Plus the pharmacys who fill these scripts all say that they are filling legal scripts from a real us doctor and it's not their responsiblity to police the pharamices thats the job of the DEA...

My site will stay up. controls won't be on there. And on top of that, this is why you incorporate...

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incorporating affords some protection, but not unlimited protection. personally the risks far outweigh the gains. if I where in the business .I certainly would be consulting with a criminal attorney, before doing anything. better to proceed with caution then blindly. ;)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

incorporating affords some protection, but not unlimited protection. personally the risks far outweigh the gains. if I where in the business .I certainly would be consulting with a criminal attorney, before doing anything. better to proceed with caution then blindly. ;)

DEA doesn't have dick to do with non controls, thus i'm getting them off my site. Besides that, until the guys at eva or tropical spiral say take it down, i'm not..

Plus i'm going Canadian anyways.... Saleen always knows how to make a come back;)

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Guest saleen351

i'm just working for them, i won't take any ownership...

oh, and after the new year, and my capital is right, i'm taking ***********.com down and selling the url on ebay, then i'm putting up the site of all sites and it does include porn...

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Originally posted by saleen351

i'm just working for them, i won't take any ownership...

oh, and after the new year, and my capital is right, i'm taking ***********.com down and selling the url on ebay, then i'm putting up the site of all sites and it does include porn...

I'll have to send you my resume later then. :laugh: :laugh:

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saleen this still sucks though:(

they took off all the "good" ones. geee woopie doo its nice to know i can still get Flinstone vitamins online:rolleyes:

the controlled ones are the ones that get u:drunk: :screwy::roll:

just in time for xmas shopping too. now what am i suppose to get all my friends? fruitcakes?:mad:

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Originally posted by fended

saleen this still sucks though:(

they took off all the "good" ones. geee woopie doo its nice to know i can still get Flinstone vitamins online:rolleyes:

the controlled ones are the ones that get u:drunk: :screwy::roll:

just in time for xmas shopping too. now what am i suppose to get all my friends? fruitcakes?:mad:

:laugh: :laugh:
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