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Countdown To.....


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:direct: Countdown to The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the king. I can't wait and it's only a couple of days away. I dunno about you guys but i am exstatic!!!:D :D :D I read the trilogy in middle school and the Last book was the most exciting one. Considering that Peter Jackson has done such a good job with J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpieces The Hobbit and The two Towers, i an't wait to see what his visionary directing will bring for the final film. The 17th of December seems SOOOOOOO far away yet it is near!!!!

CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! :aright:

Gimme your feed back, i'd love to hear what you guys think!

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i saw this at a press screening yesterday afternoon and let me tell you, if you thought the first 2 were good wait till you see this one! it is by FAR & AWAY the best of the 3!! lots of war scenes, lots and lots of emotional scenes and LOTS of history revealed. the openning of the move is quite good. it tells/shows in depth more about a certin historical event that was mentioned in the opening of the first movie but was never elaberated on and that has had a profound effect on the events of what is going on in middle earth now. this movie is AMAZING!! the monsters and cinematography and camera shots are brillant! the running time is about 3h & 10m or so...give or take 5 minutes.

tuesday night i watched both extended editions of the fellowship of the ring and the two towers just to get ready to see the return of the king on yesterday. that was a very long movie sitting!! i can't wait till next november when the extended edition of the return of the king comes out. i mean, if the movie in the cinema was this good i can imagin how good it'll be with the extra 45 minutes of deleated scenes!!


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