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Originally posted by linabina

women have also been shown to be more practical than men... men touch more than women do as a sign of communication and interest... men are also reportedly more romantic than women are. go figure ;)

totally agree

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Originally posted by trueqwest

tastey, as hard as it can be for us men, sometimes ya gotta take what a girl tells you, believe her, and that's it

damn, you´re right. how could i have not understood that all my life??

really thank you, that was the missing piece to the puzzle :laugh:

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Originally posted by weyes

what do you do, as a couple's therapist, when you feel that the relationship between a married couple is hopeless, destructive, and, for the good of both parties, should end?

oh shit i didnt even see this question...

honestly, IMO, i dont necessarily agree with divorce (thats only b/c i hope i never have to go through that)... BUT i do believe, however, that a couple should separate/divorce and be happy rather than stay in a bad relationship. divorce can be a good thing... and quite honestly, if a couple is miserable, does not get along, etc. and does decide to get divorced, that may be the best decision theyve made as a couple. too many times people get married and stay married for all the wrong reasons. granted there are factors that make it difficult to just end a marriage on the spot, i.e kids, financial situations, etc... but what needs to be done, is your mom and stepfather need to do sort of a cost/benefit analysis of the relationship. why are they in it? what are they getting from being in the relationship? are they benefitting from actually being in the relationship? if not, then the best thing that can and should be done, is separate. if they do, however, find more reasons to stay together than not, they should try to work things out. im not exactly sure on the advice to give from there, which is why im not in practice yet LOL, but... im on my way :)

in any event, good luck :)

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well... i am not a therapist... nor can a therapist TELL a couple what to do or how to change, etc... but for now id say exactly what i said in that lil paragraph...id advise the couple to try and discuss costs and benefits... analyze the relationship in terms of what you're gaining from being together.... if you're not benefiting at all, and there are more reasons why they think they shouldnt be together, then the couple should rethink their marriage... its very hard to tell a couple exactly how they should do things, its more to guide them in such a way to help them figure out for themselves what is the best thing to do...

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Originally posted by linabina

lol so i had to write a paper in my intimate relationships class... evaluating my own relationship while incorporating major concepts that we learned in class...

It ended up being 17 pages... i was quite proud of my work and couldnt wait to get it back...

i got it back today.... and got 100% :D

i dont mind putting in tons of hours of work as long as it pays off... plus that was the easiest paper ive ever had to write in my life.. im all about the relationship stuff (hence my major/specialization) but yea... if u ever have the opportunity to take a class on close relationships, i highly recommend taking it :aright:

did we help provide you important info?

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Originally posted by linabina

lol so i had to write a paper in my intimate relationships class... evaluating my own relationship while incorporating major concepts that we learned in class...

It ended up being 17 pages... i was quite proud of my work and couldnt wait to get it back...

i got it back today.... and got 100% :D

I wanna read it, lets see what ya got..............

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