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so how many car accidents have you been in?


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Originally posted by replicorexxx

5. Camaro, I was racing down hill with my friend in his Mustang, cat ran out in front of me, Cat said bye bye. Hit it like a brick, heard a big clunk then felt it go under the car and hit evrything down there. after we stoped i looked under the car nothing but blood and cat hair, the front bumper was a mess. as for the cat, well there was not much left of him, just a pool of blood and some mangled limbs.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by bullseye

omg, you poor thing, did you recover completely??


i still have back problems

my right knee gets bad sometimes when the weather changes

and i got migraines before, but since the accident i've had to get 4 to 9 3 inch needles injected into the back of my neck and into the base of my skull

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two accidents, one i was in my best friends car, i was driveN,,, THAT was BAD... & i didnt drive for almost a year after that.... then my 2cd was w/ my dads bronco i think i blackD out b/c i DONT KNOW WHAT happnD alll i remember is that one sec i was at a stop sign and the next thing i was ramN into a parkD car?????


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Originally posted by replicorexxx

Glad someone found #5 to be funny, Thought some one was gonna yell at me for that one.

I won't yell.

I'll just.... sad-smiley-002.gif Poor animal-smiley-030.gif.

I haven't had any accidents yet either :knocks on wood, too:, unless you count backing into a pile of frozen snow and cracking the taillight of my roommate's car in RI last year.

I'm from western WA, I'm not used to snow. I didn't occur to me that when a couple of feet of snow sticks around for a few weeks in below 0 temps, it freezes solid and won't MOVE when you attempt to align yourself with the curb but miss and go up onto it a little.

:doh: Oops, heh heh.

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