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now the church has gone to far


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the make a statement about this but not a statement about the priests raping and ruining young boys lives. what the fuck???

Cardinal Says U.S. Treated Saddam 'Like a Cow'

Tue Dec 16, 7:59 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A top Vatican (news - web sites) official said Tuesday he felt pity and compassion for Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) and criticized the U.S. military for showing video footage of him being treated "like a cow."

Reuters Photo

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Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Vatican's Justice and Peace department and a former papal envoy to the United Nations (news - web sites), told a news conference it would be "illusory" to think the arrest of the former Iraqi president would heal all the damage caused by a war which the Holy See opposed.

"I felt pity to see this man destroyed, (the military) looking at his teeth as if he were a cow. They could have spared us these pictures," he said.

"Seeing him like this, a man in his tragedy, despite all the heavy blame he bears, I had a sense of compassion for him," he said in answer to questions about Saddam's arrest.

Martino was referring to the videotape released by the U.S. military which showed a grubby, bearded and disheveled Saddam receiving a medical examination by a military doctor after his capture in an underground hole Saturday.

Martino was one of the Vatican officials most strongly opposed to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq (news - web sites).

"It's true that we should be happy that this (arrest) has come about because it is the watershed that was necessary... we hope that this will not have worse and other serious consequences," Martino said.

"But it is not the total solution to the problems of the Middle East," he said.

Martino said the Vatican hoped the arrest of Saddam "can contribute to promoting peace and the democratization of Iraq."

He added: "But is seems to me to be illusory to hope that this will repair the dramas and the damage of the defeat for humanity that a war always brings about."

The Vatican did not consider the war in Iraq "a just war" because it was not backed by the United Nations and because the Vatican believed more negotiations were necessary to avoid it.

Martino said the Vatican wanted an "appropriate institution" to put Saddam on trial but he did not elaborate.

U.S. forces were keeping the ousted 66-year-old dictator at a secret location for interrogation before he is put on trial in the months ahead. He could face the death penalty.

The news conference was called for Martino to present the World Day of Peace message, in which Pope John Paul (news - web sites) took a swipe at the United States for invading Iraq without the backing of the United Nations.

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I was at an executive meeting of the International Federation of Liberal Youth, in Belgrade around easter, and someone had submitted a motion about the vatical and the catholic church's homophobia.

I think we got it changed to something along the lines of 'Is the pope catholic?' - they wouldn't let him shit in the woods.

well, he was humiliated, but then that's standard interrogation procedure...

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you could come if you want, the young democrats are members, but they never send anyone.

we want americans.

if you want to come you can, I believe you'll be able to get up to 80% travel refund, and you could get lucky, it might be somewhere interesting!

their website is fucking appaling though...

quite interesting, seems in the future might be able to get involved in stuff to do with the WTO. fascinating.

IFLRY - International Federation of Liberal Youth is the international umbrella organisation of liberal and radical youth organisations. It is the platform for co-operation among liberal and radical youth and student organisations in the world.

IFLRY's policies are based on the belief in the universality and indivisibility of human rights. As liberals and radicals we strive for a free and tolerant society without any form of discrimination, with equal opportunities, respect for the individual and the minorities. These goals can only be reached through a democratic system of governance.

As liberals and radicals we are in favour of a market economy operating within the limits of a fair distribution of wealth and ecological sustainability. To reach the goal of equal opportunities distribution of wealth has to take place within the states as well as between them.


IFLRY was constituted in 1979 in Silkeborg, Denmark. It grew out of two other organisations: the World Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (WFLRY) and the European Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth (EFLRY).

This means that IFLRY's history goes back to the year 1947, when on August 26th WFLRY was founded in Cambridge, England, as the first international liberal youth platform. But in 1978 WFLRY was closed down, after it's role was taken over by EFLRY from 1969 on. It was then in 1979 in Sikeborg when EFLRY changed its name and was constituted as the International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth. This name prevailed until 2001 when it was changed into IFLRY - International Fedeartion of Liberal Youth. In the 80's the Federation first expanded to North America, then to Latin America and after 1989 to Central and Eastern Europe. Nowadays the federation has members in all continents.


IFLRY's highest body is the General Assembly, which meets at least every second year. It adopts IFLRY's political platform, the Manifesto, and decides about IFLRY's activities. These are stated in a two-year Programme of Action. The General Assembly also decides on the federation's policies by adopting resolutions. Furthermore the General Assembly elects the Bureau and decides upon the budget.

The Executive Committee is composed of one representative from each member organisation and the Bureau. It meets twice a year and takes all policy decisions within the framework of the General Assembly's resolutions.

The IFLRY Bureau consists of a President, a Secretary General and three to five Vice-Presidents. The Bureau has the responsibility for IFLRY's day to day management and is elected every two years. The IFLRY Bureau appoints an Executive Director who runs the IFLRY secretariat in Brussels, Belgium.


At present IFLRY has around 74 member organisations from all continents. IFLRY member organisations subscribe to the principles stated in the IFLRY Manifesto. In order to become a full member of IFLRY an organisation must first apply for candidate membership. After having hold this status for at least one year, the General Assembly may accept the organisation as full member.

IFLRY may also grant an organisation observer status, which is a status for organisations IFLRY wants to be in regular contact with, but which for political or for other reasons cannot or want not become full members. From time to time IFLRY also invites guests to some of its activities, for example to the General Assemblies.


IFLRY's main goal is to promote and represent the interests of young liberals and radicals as well as the interests of youth on international level.

Therefore IFLRY encourages and facilitates contacts and exchange of ideas between its member organisations. The Federation is a means to increase the interest in and knowledge of international politics within the member organisations through running and offering seminars, delegations, study visits, training courses, summer camps, a youth network and thematically networks. IFLRY also publishes a quarterly magazine called ?Libel?, a monthly internal newsletter and runs home pages on the world wide web.

The IFLRY magazine LIBEL is meant to give information on activities and a wide range of themes, to stimulate debates as well as it serves as an exchange of information and ideas between the different member organisations. Contributions to this magazine are very welcome. You can write articles about political topics or activities of your organisation in English, Spanish or French.

Other publications of IFLRY include seminar and delegation reports, a Handbook on IFLRY, an Info File on the federation's member organisations, readers on specific topics or regions and a policy book, which includes all adopted resolutions since 1985.

IFLRY is full member of Liberal International and co-operates with the Liberal group in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

IFLRY is also an active member of the European Youth Forum, holds a consultative status with the NGO sections of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and ECOSOC and is active in the Youth Forum of the United Nations. The federation also regularly participates in the activities of the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe.

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I'm Roman Catholic, but you can bet that if i ever heard a priest or any church member tell me what that guy blurted out, I"d tell THEM to go to confession.

Turn the other cheek and love your enemy, perhaps... but dont allow him to ever obtain a position of power ever again.

hell, I think we deserve a pat on the back for simply not shooting him on sight like we did with Uday and Qusay

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Originally posted by siceone

damn they are just making it hard to be catholic these days... what happened to live by the sword die by the sword

Well, we'd like to think we're past the age of inquisitions, public beheadings & hangings, intolerance, witch burning, and essentially barbarism. But hey, if thats your choice, please get some of your fellows and settle on some remote island.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Well, we'd like to think we're past the age of inquisitions, public beheadings & hangings, intolerance, witch burning, and essentially barbarism. But hey, if thats your choice, please get some of your fellows and settle on some remote island.

I guess right and wrong went out the window too huh? you completely missed the point of my statement

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