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G is cool, but please be very careful and DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL and mix with G. It's a no joke situation and you will definately find yourself puking and passed out, no lie.

G is like being drunk but really up and happy, your eyes will get dialated like you are all banged up, but you will have fun if you do it in moderation.

I wouldn't recommend mixing it with something liek K cause youll get really dizy and probably puke as well, G & ecstacy will get you feeling like a mathematician and youll think your on the of the world, but be careful with ODing and dehydration lol :)

It also depends if your getting real GHB or GBL. I still remember being able to purchase Envigorate or Verve at the local health store to sleep better lol

be careful :hat:

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Originally posted by notallthere444

So I work with some guy that says its the best fucked up on earth... Said he got a gallon..

Can anyone describe why its so great and whatr drug it is similar to?

wazzup Ant...Well it is pretty great feeling....If you have never tried it I wouldnt start! But if you are Be careful do very ...very...small anmount first time ....2 to 4 ml ..if that...! And whatever Justin said ....its true...and as well DO NOT MIX IT WITH ANYTHING...don isten to any of the so called masters on this board just dont!:D:tongue:

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Originally posted by njstacked2

Ummm....yeah sex is off the hook on it!


Justin gave a good description....

Verve was the bomb......I lived on that during college football

pre-season camp...also known as 1,4 Butendial

G = great sex but if you drink too many scoops, same effect as alcohol, you better have some viagra with you! :)

Envigorate is the shit, that green/lime colored shit...

I think the worst thing about G though is GHB and the taste, GBL doesnt taste nearly as bad as the real clear ghb. ughghgh that will make u cringe more than anythign

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Originally posted by djustinh

G = great sex but if you drink too many scoops, same effect as alcohol, you better have some viagra with you! :)

Envigorate is the shit, that green/lime colored shit...

I think the worst thing about G though is GHB and the taste, GBL doesnt taste nearly as bad as the real clear ghb. ughghgh that will make u cringe more than anythign

I used to get horrible headaches...from GBL....

I remember (someone i know) buying it off the internet 2 years ago...it was marketed as Plant Food....

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Originally posted by njstacked2

I used to get horrible headaches...from GBL....

I remember (someone i know) buying it off the internet 2 years ago...it was marketed as Plant Food....

Heres a funny story.... I would buy it from some site and it was sold as "Ink Jet Fluid" and dude it was DIRT cheap, i mean like DIRT cheap. i think i bot a 32oz bottle for like 75$ and had it shipped right to my house. Poor mother really thought i was cleaning my printer :):tongue::hat::confused::eek::D:tongue:

That was about 4 years ago.... ahh the days of INK Jet Fluid ;)

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Originally posted by djustinh

Heres a funny story.... I would buy it from some site and it was sold as "Ink Jet Fluid" and dude it was DIRT cheap, i mean like DIRT cheap. i think i bot a 32oz bottle for like 75$ and had it shipped right to my house. Poor mother really thought i was cleaning my printer :):tongue::hat::confused::eek::D:tongue:

That was about 4 years ago.... ahh the days of INK Jet Fluid ;)

I had my girl sign for it...just in case it was a setup......hahahaha

It was dirt cheap....they even packed it with Cold Compresses....shady...but it did the trick!

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Originally posted by njstacked2

I had my girl sign for it...just in case it was a setup......hahahaha

It was dirt cheap....they even packed it with Cold Compresses....shady...but it did the trick!

fuck that i put it on my credit card, came right to my house, UPS left it w/ no signatures like a homeless chick leaving her new born kid for someone to pick up!:laugh::tongue::hat:

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shit really sounds awesome


Other Names : GBH, Liquid E, Liquid X.

Origins :

Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) was originally developed as an anaesthetic, but withdrawn due to unwanted side effects. Other uses have been for the treatment of narcolepsy, for the relief of symptoms when withdrawing from dependant alcohol use and more recently as a growth hormone stimulant used by body builders. The substance is currently circulating within the dance music scene (at raves and night-clubs) as an alternative to Ecstasy or Amphetamine Sulphate (speed).

How it is Taken :

GHB is usually available as an odourless, colourless liquid which you drink (it tastes slightly salty). Sometimes the substance is available as a powder, or in a capsule. In its liquid form, GHB is sold in small (30ml) bottles; this would normally be enough for three doses. It is difficult to give a clear 'safe' dose, as the concentration of the liquid will vary.

What Happens :

You can usually feel the effects of the drug ten or fifteen minutes after you have taken it, although it may take up to an hour. At small doses, GHB encourages a reduction of social inhibitions, similar to alcohol, and an increased libido. At higher doses, this euphoria gives way to feelings of sedation. Some users have likened the experience to taking mandrax (or 'mandies'), a sedative (methaqualone) that was popular on the illegal market in the seventies.

Physical Changes :

As an anaesthetic (thus mixed effect drug), GHB works as a sedative rather than a painkiller. Most reported physical side effects are actually connected with taking more GHB than a normal recreational dose, when the drug starts to work as an anaesthetic. Common unpleasant reactions are nausea, drowsiness, amnesia, vomiting, loss of muscle control, respiratory problems and occasionally loss of consciousness. After excessive use, some users have experienced seizures and coma.

Keeping Safe :

The amount of GHB you need to take to feel the effects is very close to the amount needed for anaesthesia, and this is very close to the amount that can cause seizures or coma. If you decide to use GHB, start by using a couple of capfuls and see how you go. Many of the people who have collapsed whilst using this drug don't remember being ill, but actually think they have been dancing around and having a great time - you will be safer if you are with friends who can help if you get into difficulties. If you are with someone who is using GHB and they become ill (they collapse, or start vomiting) call an ambulance and take them to hospital. Let the paramedics or doctor know what they have taken so that help can be given quickly. The people who have been hospitalised after this sort of reaction have made a full recovery - in this country there have been no confirmed deaths from taking GHB. As a sedative drug, there is far more likelihood of serious illness or overdose if other sedative or depressant drugs are used - if you do use GHB, do not drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol on top is far more likely to lead to a distressing reaction such as respiratory collapse or coma. GHB is easily made from chemicals that you do not need a licence to obtain. Because of this, it is often made in 'underground laboratories' (usually someone's kitchen) and the concentration is consequently variable. 'Safe' doses vary, depending on the source, and the physiology of the user - their weight, sex and general state of health.

Legal Status :

GHB is not listed as a controlled drug in this country, so possession or use of the substance is not currently illegal. It is classed as a medicine, and manufacture is regulated by the Medicines Act. A conviction under this Act carries a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment and a fine of two thousand pounds. This law does allow the drug to be imported for personal use only. If you are searched, questioned or arrested by the police and are not sure of your rights, the charity RELEASE are available 24 hours a day to advise you. Their helpline number is (0171) 603 8654, and you can ask the Desk Sergeant to contact them for you if you are taken to a Police Station. It is wise to exercise your right to silence until you have spoken to them or a solicitor.

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Anthony...It is illegal.....it is NOT easy to make...Dosing is difficult....sure....the old verve was easy to use...dose and party on.....but.....it is a sketchy substance...and illegal...as much as i joke about it....It is responsible for lots of deaths....especially when combined with other substances......So my advice...stay away from it....

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