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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Sad state of this board


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This board and it's repetitive posters give me a clear idea of whats wrong in New York nightlife.

What a bunch of pathertic haters you lot are.

Constantly attacking anything and everything from clubs to promoters to people's sexual orientation.:(

It's no wonder people from this board have such a pathetic reputation. Probably a good reason why fools like you lot dont get into clubs and the clubs you do get into, soon get either busted or shut down.

The internet has sporned a new breed of idiots that have NOTHING positive to contribute except for insults.

I'm also amazed as why on earth promoters, or clubs even bother posting on here. Who in the hell would want a crowd like you to come to their parties.

So now we will see all the reply's and attacks back to me, but let me tell you that they dont faze me one bit. I wont even be checking the replies so save your energies for more attaacks on the latest clubs or parties going on.

Big ups to Avalon, Crobar and Spirit and all other NYC clubs for not relying on this pathetic bunch to fill your clubs.

You are all (with a small few exceptions) a sad pathetic bunch of losers.

I for one won't miss this place one little bit.

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this is my first time posting i always view this board but never registered casue its such a bullshit process asking u 10000 questions to register but i felt i hhad to reply to wat this guy said.

I agree with u 100%. its websites like this and the people thAT BASH everything that is positive in the nyc nightlife. Whenever there is a new party people do nothing but bash it. They even bash it before the party even starts. What the fuck is wrong with u people. The reason why the nyc scene is dying is because of u bashers. You do nothing but put down people, djs, and clubs. Who the fuck are u people to judge people by their race and sexual preference. You dont realize how good u have it in NYC. Everyone around the world emulates us. They think New York City is the best city in the world. But too bad they dont realize wat kind of people we are and how we destroy anything good in nyc.

The best clubs to ever be open in ny were closed down because of immature idoits. We go bashing places because we get herbed at the door cause we roll 80 guys deep and expect to get in.Word of advice guys, girls make the party and any door guy is gunna let girls in over u and any guy rolling with girls. so when you go on a website and bash a party causae you didnt get in its becasue your a herb and rolled with all sausage and expected to get in. You want to get in with your 80 friends go to sf on sat with junior they'll welcome you with open arms.

What you people need to do on this board is stop bitching and bashing and give things a chance for once. Cause NYc is in a transiton phase out witht the old and in with the new. So give places a shot and make the best of it and you will enjoy yourself more and make the nyc scene a better place. That should be the objective of a message board because a messageboard is a voice so make it a positive voice.

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im glad to see that someone else realizes the problem here. We just need to be postive and when a new party starts up support it cause its us the people that are gunna make the party. This is a new beginning in nyc with new clubs opening up. Its time to start other legendary weekly parties. Theres no more sf, exit, tunnel, twilo, give it up people.ITS OVER.Stop dwelling on the past and look at the future. theres new clubs opened up. Avalon, Crobar, The new centro-fly. Stop complaining and nitpicking on places. Go out and make the best of it. The reason why in the past tunnel, limelight, sf, exit lasted so long is because the people that went there religiously didnt give a fuck about all the nitpicking thats all they cared about was going out and dancing all fucking nite. that is what is important. Young bucs today need to understand that. And all u old school people need to start thinking like they used to and stop all this dweeling on the past on how it was. We create our own paths in this city now we have to walk in it. Lets create a better path and walk Thru that.

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there are alot of haters...

BUT there is a difference btw hating and expressing opinions.

some people honestly believe and will argue that all they are doing is expressing opinions. they have to stop bashing though...its not positive at all.

constructive critism is one thing.....hating is another....

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Originally posted by john62

This board and it's repetitive posters give me a clear idea of whats wrong in New York nightlife.

What a bunch of pathertic haters you lot are.

Constantly attacking anything and everything from clubs to promoters to people's sexual orientation.:(

It's no wonder people from this board have such a pathetic reputation. Probably a good reason why fools like you lot dont get into clubs and the clubs you do get into, soon get either busted or shut down.

The internet has sporned a new breed of idiots that have NOTHING positive to contribute except for insults.

I'm also amazed as why on earth promoters, or clubs even bother posting on here. Who in the hell would want a crowd like you to come to their parties.

So now we will see all the reply's and attacks back to me, but let me tell you that they dont faze me one bit. I wont even be checking the replies so save your energies for more attaacks on the latest clubs or parties going on.

Big ups to Avalon, Crobar and Spirit and all other NYC clubs for not relying on this pathetic bunch to fill your clubs.

You are all (with a small few exceptions) a sad pathetic bunch of losers.

I for one won't miss this place one little bit.

again, if you don't like something about this board then don't come here, nobody is forcing you to post here.

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i've been a lurker on this board for many years. so i decided to post because i agree with what you are sayin. it seems many on this board are haters. pesonally i think its because they are mostly newbies to clubland. they have no idea what clubbing was like in the mid 90s. all they do is bitch and moan, oh the door policy is too strict, drinks are too expesinve the music sucks. you people need to shut the hell up and stay home. door policies aren't very strict. if you don't get in its because they don't want you in. and for those who say things are too expensive obviously you people aren't shit in clubland and haven't figured out how to get things for free or cheaper than others. clubbing in ny has turned to shit over the years thanks to you people who turned it into who is wearing the newest diesel sneakers and von dutch hats. be your own person. you people knock on the gays and manhattanies who actually start these trends you try to follow. clubbing is supposed to be about goin out, havin some drinks, meeting new people, dancing and just having fun. but you newbies wouldn't know about that cause all you wanna do is hate. just my 2 cents.

and to all you haters

:blown: :blown:

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Originally posted by john62

This board and it's repetitive posters give me a clear idea of whats wrong in New York nightlife.

What a bunch of pathertic haters you lot are.

Constantly attacking anything and everything from clubs to promoters to people's sexual orientation.:(

It's no wonder people from this board have such a pathetic reputation. Probably a good reason why fools like you lot dont get into clubs and the clubs you do get into, soon get either busted or shut down.

The internet has sporned a new breed of idiots that have NOTHING positive to contribute except for insults.

I'm also amazed as why on earth promoters, or clubs even bother posting on here. Who in the hell would want a crowd like you to come to their parties.

So now we will see all the reply's and attacks back to me, but let me tell you that they dont faze me one bit. I wont even be checking the replies so save your energies for more attaacks on the latest clubs or parties going on.

Big ups to Avalon, Crobar and Spirit and all other NYC clubs for not relying on this pathetic bunch to fill your clubs.

You are all (with a small few exceptions) a sad pathetic bunch of losers.

I for one won't miss this place one little bit.


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Originally posted by modouglas

this is my first time posting i always view this board but never registered casue its such a bullshit process asking u 10000 questions to register but i felt i hhad to reply to wat this guy said.

I agree with u 100%. its websites like this and the people thAT BASH everything that is positive in the nyc nightlife. Whenever there is a new party people do nothing but bash it. They even bash it before the party even starts. What the fuck is wrong with u people. The reason why the nyc scene is dying is because of u bashers. You do nothing but put down people, djs, and clubs. Who the fuck are u people to judge people by their race and sexual preference. You dont realize how good u have it in NYC. Everyone around the world emulates us. They think New York City is the best city in the world. But too bad they dont realize wat kind of people we are and how we destroy anything good in nyc.

The best clubs to ever be open in ny were closed down because of immature idoits. We go bashing places because we get herbed at the door cause we roll 80 guys deep and expect to get in.Word of advice guys, girls make the party and any door guy is gunna let girls in over u and any guy rolling with girls. so when you go on a website and bash a party causae you didnt get in its becasue your a herb and rolled with all sausage and expected to get in. You want to get in with your 80 friends go to sf on sat with junior they'll welcome you with open arms.

What you people need to do on this board is stop bitching and bashing and give things a chance for once. Cause NYc is in a transiton phase out witht the old and in with the new. So give places a shot and make the best of it and you will enjoy yourself more and make the nyc scene a better place. That should be the objective of a message board because a messageboard is a voice so make it a positive voice.


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i swear exit24e you must be so immature dude. Im always braggin about rick, danny t, francios k, tony humphries, timmy regisford, louie vega,disciple,merritt and all the other great parties goin around in NYC. So whats your point. I go out 4 to 5 times a week dude and if you would wake up and see how many great parties nyc has to offer maybe you would understand music a lil more. HOUSE isnt about HARDER ,FASTER its a SOUL THING. And this board is full of people with i dont even no how to describe whats missing.

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