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what does he want?


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I really dont wanna see her, if I wanted to see some bitches id check all the other posts in this forum or just look at some internet porn, I was actually tryin to tell her some truth, maybe she doesnt look good and that dude doesnt even wanna fuck with her.... :idea:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

this is bothering me a little bit 'cause i just can't figure this guy out. i can't help but overanalyze everything so i need some advice...

i've been talking to this guy for like a month and surprisingly we haven't had sex, he doesn't want sex and i don't want to have sex with him either..i would assume that means he wants to get serious...

but he SWEARS he doesnt want a girlfriend either. i kinda think he's in denial..i mean, what else could he possibly be looking for? i find it hard to believe that he just "wants to get to know me" and is avoiding the sex thing because he doesn't want me to get "attached".

any thoughts?

don't get attached. just date. no sex. just get to know him and if he turns out to not be what you want, let him go. no strings.

good luck.

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

don't get attached. just date. no sex. just get to know him and if he turns out to not be what you want, let him go. no strings.

good luck.

worst advice ever! tranzwhore, why you gonna cock block for?

don't listen to her...definitely hook up with him and give him some ass than if it don't work out move on to someone else.

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If you are still struggeling with this then U obviously ahve stronger feeling than U are willing to admit....

SO if you like him that much.... then do it :hump:

I see not point in frustrating yourself and him because... Youare not feeling comfortable with the relationships pace...

"Sexual Relations are like riding a 2-person bike, either pedal in unison or don't ride"


DOC~B Serving ALL your psychosexual needs since 1971.

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Originally posted by b-side

If you are still struggeling with this then U obviously ahve stronger feeling than U are willing to admit....

SO if you like him that much.... then do it :hump:

I see not point in frustrating yourself and him because... Youare not feeling comfortable with the relationships pace...

"Sexual Relations are like riding a 2-person bike, either pedal in unison or don't ride"


DOC~B Serving ALL your psychosexual needs since 1971.

bro, this whole thing is like, sickening to me.. he won't fuck me, i hint, i bring it up, i even outright say let's fucken do it and he won't take mt to his apartment.

today he practically yelled at me, he said, "why do we have to be anything..??"

but it's not even completely about the sex, i'm just not used to any guy not telling me what's going on.. isn't that terrible that i only know what a guy wants when it comes to sex...but not when he wants to take things slow? ugh, this is annoying me.

supposedly, for the past two nights he stayed home and "slept".. while i'm at pangaea and vinyl...he's full of fucking shit.. there must be someone else...

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

bro, this whole thing is like, sickening to me.. he won't fuck me, i hint, i bring it up, i even outright say let's fucken do it and he won't take mt to his apartment.

today he practically yelled at me, he said, "why do we have to be anything..??"

maybe its just you ?? hmmmmmmmm , i have an idea ... lets have dinner & tell MEEE that :cool: if i dont .. then its definately you ... if i DO ? then ... well , then its a good time :D :D

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Originally posted by koky

maybe its just you ?? hmmmmmmmm , i have an idea ... lets have dinner & tell MEEE that :cool: if i dont .. then its definately you ... if i DO ? then ... well , then its a good time :D :D

hey i had to give it a shot right ?:D :D

good luck on whatever happens :aright: :aright: :aright:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

today he practically yelled at me, he said, "why do we have to be anything..??"

Maybe he really does just want to be your friend. I know most guys would probably be all over you by now, if you were that forward. Big deal, this one isn't. Sure, he may have a girlfriend, or someone he's sleeping with. Maybe he doesn't want more drama in his life. It looks like you guys have shitloads of drama and you haven't even slept together yet. At this point he's probably imagining what would happen if you guys ever did.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

bro, this whole thing is like, sickening to me.. he won't fuck me, i hint, i bring it up, i even outright say let's fucken do it and he won't take mt to his apartment.

today he practically yelled at me, he said, "why do we have to be anything..??"

but it's not even completely about the sex, i'm just not used to any guy not telling me what's going on.. isn't that terrible that i only know what a guy wants when it comes to sex...but not when he wants to take things slow? ugh, this is annoying me.

supposedly, for the past two nights he stayed home and "slept".. while i'm at pangaea and vinyl...he's full of fucking shit.. there must be someone else...

I bet you're not used to not getting what you want out of men. This guy isn't giving you what you want, so instead of doing as a logical person would (get up and leave), you continue to push and prod and force the issue until you get what you want.

With all that you've said, I really don't know why you don't just leave this situation for what it is and look for someone else who is interested in you in that way.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

bro, this whole thing is like, sickening to me.. he won't fuck me, i hint, i bring it up, i even outright say let's fucken do it and he won't take mt to his apartment.

today he practically yelled at me, he said, "why do we have to be anything..??"

but it's not even completely about the sex, i'm just not used to any guy not telling me what's going on.. isn't that terrible that i only know what a guy wants when it comes to sex...but not when he wants to take things slow? ugh, this is annoying me.

supposedly, for the past two nights he stayed home and "slept".. while i'm at pangaea and vinyl...he's full of fucking shit.. there must be someone else...


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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

his excuse is that "hes sooo busy he has no time for a girl" how busy could you POSSIBLY be? if he really wanted to see me he would make time.

i honeslty think he may just have someone else, that's why he hasnt taken me to his apartment.

I agree, I think that if he was really interested or wanted more he would definitely make time for you. He also would've made a move or responded by now.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

bro, this whole thing is like, sickening to me.. he won't fuck me,

That is really weird and I feel for you... I really do. There is definitely a problem there somewhere and I think that it's him.

Hey, maybe he's just scared of the hibee-jeebieez and doesn't want to come down with Jungle Feever or he is addicted to the sweet, juicy taste of the cocktails that he likes so much.

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Come on now lets get serious if you were really interested in each other in that way something would have happened or you would know by now.

I think you two meet got along but as it progressed you both realized in the back of your minds your not really interested in each other in a sexual way and nobody wants to hurt the other persons feelings.

Move on

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