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Iran clarifies the Middle East: Hatred of Jews


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Iran clarifies the Middle East

Dennis Prager (archive)

December 30, 2003 | Print | Send

If you want to understand the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need to know.

A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000 Iranians, and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from every country in the world . . . except Israel.

This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs commentary.

Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability to save Iranian lives quickly.

But none of this means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government of Iran has announced to the world that it is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims -- men, women and children -- to die buried under rubble than to be saved by a Jew from Israel.

That is how deep the hatred of Israel and Jews is in much of the Muslim world.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims -- Arab and non-Arab, Sunni and Shi'a -- hate Israel more than they love life. Leaders of the Palestinian terror organization Hamas repeatedly state, "We love death more than the Jews love life." And now, Iran announces that it is better for a Muslim to asphyxiate under the earth than be rescued by a Jew from Israel.

Naive Westerners -- which includes most academics, intellectuals, members of the international news media, and nearly all others on the Left -- refuse to acknowledge the uniqueness of the Arab/Muslim hatred of Israel and Jews. Yet, there is no hatred in the world analogous to it. Not since the Nazi hatred of Jews has humanity witnessed such hate.

That is why finding survivors from earthquakes, creating a Palestinian state and life itself are all far less important in much of the Islamic and Arab worlds than killing Jews and destroying the little Jewish state.

That is why Arab newspapers run articles by Arab professors describing how Jews butcher non-Jewish children to use their blood for holiday meals.

That is why Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad could get a standing ovation from the heads of every Muslim country when he told them "the Jews rule the world by proxy."

That is why Palestinian parents celebrate the suicide terror of their sons -- the joy of killing Israeli families far outweighs the pain of the death of their child.

Western naifs like to believe platitudes such as "Deep down, all people are really the same," "All people want peace," and the great untruth of multiculturalism that no culture is morally superior to another. That is why they choose not to face the truth about the Nazi-like hatred that permeates the Arab/Muslim world and the consequent moral gulf that exists between it and Israel. It shatters too many of their illusions.

Surely the Iranian refusal of rescuers from the Jewish state ought to help all these people acknowledge the unique hatred that is at the root of the Arab-Israeli dispute and recognize that it is therefore a conflict unlike any other on earth.

So, too, the immediate and sincere Israeli offer of rescuers to Iran should make the moral gulf between Israel and its enemies as clear as day. Despite the fact that Iran is the greatest backer of anti-Israel (and anti-American) terror and despite the fact that Iran repeatedly declares that Israel must be annihilated (in other words, seeks a second Jewish Holocaust), Israel offered to send its people to save Iranian lives.

The two reactions -- Iran's preference for Iranian deaths to Israeli help and the Jewish state's instinctive offer to help save Iranian lives -- ought to be enough anyone needs to understand the source of the Middle East conflict. But they won't. Because those who are anti-Israel or "evenhanded" are not so because of the facts, but despite them.

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Originally posted by igloo

Iran clarifies the Middle East

Dennis Prager (archive)

December 30, 2003 | Print | Send

If you want to understand the Middle East conflict, Iran has just provided all you need to know.

A massive earthquake kills between 20,000 and 40,000 Iranians, and the government of Iran announces that help is welcome from every country in the world . . . except Israel.

This little-reported news item is of great significance. It begs commentary.

Israel not only has the world's most experienced crews in quickly finding survivors in bombed out buildings, it is also a mere two-hour flight from Iran. In other words, no country in the world would come close to Israel in its ability to save Iranian lives quickly.

But none of this means anything to the rulers of Iran. The Islamic government of Iran has announced to the world that it is better for fellow countrymen and fellow Muslims -- men, women and children -- to die buried under rubble than to be saved by a Jew from Israel.

That is how deep the hatred of Israel and Jews is in much of the Muslim world.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims -- Arab and non-Arab, Sunni and Shi'a -- hate Israel more than they love life. Leaders of the Palestinian terror organization Hamas repeatedly state, "We love death more than the Jews love life." And now, Iran announces that it is better for a Muslim to asphyxiate under the earth than be rescued by a Jew from Israel.

Naive Westerners -- which includes most academics, intellectuals, members of the international news media, and nearly all others on the Left -- refuse to acknowledge the uniqueness of the Arab/Muslim hatred of Israel and Jews. Yet, there is no hatred in the world analogous to it. Not since the Nazi hatred of Jews has humanity witnessed such hate.

That is why finding survivors from earthquakes, creating a Palestinian state and life itself are all far less important in much of the Islamic and Arab worlds than killing Jews and destroying the little Jewish state.

That is why Arab newspapers run articles by Arab professors describing how Jews butcher non-Jewish children to use their blood for holiday meals.

That is why Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad could get a standing ovation from the heads of every Muslim country when he told them "the Jews rule the world by proxy."

That is why Palestinian parents celebrate the suicide terror of their sons -- the joy of killing Israeli families far outweighs the pain of the death of their child.

Western naifs like to believe platitudes such as "Deep down, all people are really the same," "All people want peace," and the great untruth of multiculturalism that no culture is morally superior to another. That is why they choose not to face the truth about the Nazi-like hatred that permeates the Arab/Muslim world and the consequent moral gulf that exists between it and Israel. It shatters too many of their illusions.

Surely the Iranian refusal of rescuers from the Jewish state ought to help all these people acknowledge the unique hatred that is at the root of the Arab-Israeli dispute and recognize that it is therefore a conflict unlike any other on earth.

So, too, the immediate and sincere Israeli offer of rescuers to Iran should make the moral gulf between Israel and its enemies as clear as day. Despite the fact that Iran is the greatest backer of anti-Israel (and anti-American) terror and despite the fact that Iran repeatedly declares that Israel must be annihilated (in other words, seeks a second Jewish Holocaust), Israel offered to send its people to save Iranian lives.

The two reactions -- Iran's preference for Iranian deaths to Israeli help and the Jewish state's instinctive offer to help save Iranian lives -- ought to be enough anyone needs to understand the source of the Middle East conflict. But they won't. Because those who are anti-Israel or "evenhanded" are not so because of the facts, but despite them.

this may be so, but the hatred is two ways, jews also hate muslims.

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say what u want..but sometimes govts need to shutup and bite the bullet.

refusing help from Israel at a time like this in Iran is just about the dumbest thing ive ever heard. yeh its fine and dandy to stick to your guns...but there comes a time when u gotta swallow ur pride.

for christs sake 20,000+ ppl dead and ur refusing aid?? idiots

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Then why would Isreal offer to send aid if their hatred is equivalent to Iran's?

iran's government is really fucked up, i will give you that.

they prob hate jews more than the jews hate them, this is only iran though.

overall tho, the hatred is equal.

they should however recieve aid from Israel, if in fact that is what Israel is offering.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

say what u want..but sometimes govts need to shutup and bite the bullet.

refusing help from Israel at a time like this in Iran is just about the dumbest thing ive ever heard. yeh its fine and dandy to stick to your guns...but there comes a time when u gotta swallow ur pride.

for christs sake 20,000+ ppl dead and ur refusing aid?? idiots


You always say I am on your shit, so it is only fair that I point out when I agree with you...

It is more fun getting on your shit though :D

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Originally posted by djxeno

iran's government is really fucked up, i will give you that.

they prob hate jews more than the jews hate them, this is only iran though.

overall tho, the hatred is equal.

Really? Then how do you explain the peace with Egypt? Or Turkey? Or Jordan? Or the fact that Morocco and several of the Gulf states are interested in having stronger ties with Israel?

How do you explain the fact that Deep Dish, who were born in Iran, have a large following with Israelis and have spun in Israel before getting a chance to do so in most other Middle Eastern countries?

I think Iran's current leader would actually like to receive aid from Israel, and to have stronger ties with the US, but the f*ckin religious clergy is so extreme and filled with brainwashed hatred towards non Shiites that they'd rather kill their own people rather than admit they were wrong. Talk about being too stubborn. They were probably the ones who forced Khatami into doing the following:


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Originally posted by CHRles

Really? Then how do you explain the peace with Egypt? Or Turkey? Or Jordan? Or the fact that Morocco and several of the Gulf states are interested in having stronger ties with Israel?

How do you explain the fact that Deep Dish, who were born in Iran, have a large following with Israelis and have spun in Israel before getting a chance to do so in most other Middle Eastern countries?

I think Iran's current leader would actually like to receive aid from Israel, and to have stronger ties with the US, but the f*ckin religious clergy is so extreme and filled with brainwashed hatred towards non Shiites that they'd rather kill their own people rather than admit they were wrong. Talk about being too stubborn. They were probably the ones who forced Khatami into doing the following:


because not everyone has the hatred. not all muslims hate jews. In fact it is haraam (forbidden) to hate any one type of race or relgion. not all jews hate muslims. but to say that the hatred is only one way is rediculous.

yes there is peace with jordan and and egypt now, but remember it was israel who first attacked them. israel has attacked every country it shares a border with. this is a fact.

as far as deep dish, they are not racist, and really what do israeli kids have to do with the hatred? they are there for the music....i would do the same....as far as them not being able to go to other middle eastern countries.....theres only like 2 middle eastern countries that have clubs and allow clubs so that point doesnt carry that much wieght.

and i agree with you, the religious clergy is fucked up, they do many un-islamic things in the name of islam.

maybe, they should have recieved aid, but in there eyes they do not want any help from Israel, a country that brutalizes their palestinian brothers and commits acts of terrorism and defies international law.

as far as the article is concerned that you posted, how would u feel if you were labled an "axis of evil" without any fuckn evidence.

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and another thing, i remember someone saying on this board that if deep dish left the country and he had control he wouldnt let them back in cuz he hates all arabs........even tho being as ignorant as he is persians aren't considered arabs but his hatred was there nontheless.

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Originally posted by djxeno

because not everyone has the hatred. not all muslims hate jews. In fact it is haraam (forbidden) to hate any one type of race or relgion. not all jews hate muslims. but to say that the hatred is only one way is rediculous.

yes there is peace with jordan and and egypt now, but remember it was israel who first attacked them. israel has attacked every country it shares a border with. this is a fact.

as far as deep dish, they are not racist, and really what do israeli kids have to do with the hatred? they are there for the music....i would do the same....as far as them not being able to go to other middle eastern countries.....theres only like 2 middle eastern countries that have clubs and allow clubs so that point doesnt carry that much wieght.

and i agree with you, the religious clergy is fucked up, they do many un-islamic things in the name of islam.

maybe, they should have recieved aid, but in there eyes they do not want any help from Israel, a country that brutalizes their palestinian brothers and commits acts of terrorism and defies international law.

as far as the article is concerned that you posted, how would u feel if you were labled an "axis of evil" without any fuckn evidence.

israel was attacked the first moments it became a nation in the 1940's what histroy do you read -crosseyed???

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Originally posted by babbo

try it the other way say an earthquake hits israel- what arab/moslem nations would offer israel support???? answer that pls

im sure jordan and egypt would. the eyptian minister even visited israel last week for peace talks.

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Originally posted by djxeno

yes there is peace with jordan and and egypt now, but remember it was israel who first attacked them. israel has attacked every country it shares a border with. this is a fact.

maybe, they should have recieved aid, but in there eyes they do not want any help from Israel, a country that brutalizes their palestinian brothers and commits acts of terrorism and defies international law.

as far as the article is concerned that you posted, how would u feel if you were labled an "axis of evil" without any fuckn evidence.



-The war of 67 was started by Isreal?

-Who is stepping on civilian buses with bomb belts?

-You're kidding right? evidence? the nuclear reactor is for personal energy use right? Who believed the Ayatollah when stated he would annihalate Isreal the moment they have a bomb?


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Originally posted by djxeno

so what? doesnt mean anything.

they were occuppiers they deserved to be attacked.

they wanted to co exists- arabs cant handle it- they self destructed stupid fucks the arabs never miss an opportunity- to miss an opportunity they will in the end destroy themselves

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Give it up fella's ...djxeno is sacry lost....downright scary....

What is really sad is his continual display of ignorance...I thought after the wicked ass kicking he received last time , he would at least temper his ignorant posting....

Confident ignoramus he is.....

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Originally posted by babbo

and what % is that of the moslem world??????

speaking hypothetically will get us nowhere.

we really don't know what would happen if theres a quake in israel.

if israel indeed did offer aid, it was a good gesture which i have stated before.

but in your view you are painting all muslims as jew hating animals, wich is perplexing to me since israel is a zionist nation.

if you know anything about zionism i am sure you know how they feel toward non-jews.

they are even encouraged to spit on the graves of non-jews when they walk by them.

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Originally posted by babbo

they wanted to co exists- arabs cant handle it- they self destructed stupid fucks the arabs never miss an opportunity- to miss an opportunity they will in the end destroy themselves

you can't co-exist with ppl who treat you like animals.

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Originally posted by mr mahs



-The war of 67 was started by Isreal?

-Who is stepping on civilian buses with bomb belts?

-You're kidding right? evidence? the nuclear reactor is for personal energy use right? Who believed the Ayatollah when stated he would annihalate Isreal the moment they have a bomb?


israel deserves to be annihilated so i dont know where you are going with this point.

as far as civilain deaths lol please dont make me laugh again i've just had lunch. :laugh:

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Originally posted by djxeno

israel deserves to be annihilated so i dont know where you are going with this point.

as far as civilain deaths lol please dont make me laugh again i've just had lunch. :laugh:

While I believe that Israel has done many manny things that crosses the line of human rights abuse (and still does), I DO NOT believe that Israel should be annhilated. Possibly the British fucked things up (as usual) by plopping a Jewish nation right in the middle of Muslims, but Israel is there now, and there must be co-existence.

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