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US plan to invade for oil: secret memo

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US plan to invade for oil: secret memo


Henry Kissinger and Edward Heath in London on December 12, 1973

America was prepared to use force to secure Arab oil supplies in 1973, reports Glenn Frankel in London.

January 2, 2004

The United States seriously considered sending airborne troops to seize oilfields in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi during the 1973 Arab oil embargo, according to a top-secret British intelligence memorandum released yesterday.

The document, titled Middle East - Possible Use of Force by the United States, said that, if faced with deteriorating conditions such as a breakdown of the ceasefire between Arab and Israeli forces following the October 1973 Yom Kippur War or an intensification of the embargo, "we believe the American preference would be for a rapid operation conducted by themselves" to seize the oilfields.

It cited a warning from then defence secretary James Schlesinger to the British ambassador in the US, Lord Cromer, that Washington would not tolerate threats from "under-developed, under-populated" countries and that "it was no longer obvious to him that the United States could not use force".

Seizure of the oilfields, the memo said, was "the possibility uppermost in American thinking . . . reflected, we believe, in their contingency planning".

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america consumes oil at a much higher percentage proportionally than any other country I believe.

see, bateman, you admit it.

the way america is structured right now, oil is key, it has been vital to american interests for many years.

oil will run out probably by the end of the next century, quite possibly earlier.

it is a finite fossil fuel, there are not unlimited amounts of it.

this is an unavoidable fact of life.

do a bit of research into where america gets its oil from.

then look at the political situations in these countries, then do some research into american covert or overt involvemnt.

I've read a few things over the last few years stating that the next load of wars in the world will be directly over resources, and it looks like it.

the thing is, with other technologies, solar power, wind power, hydro electricity, we could have far better power supplies than oil or coal fired power stations, hell even nuclear energy avoids the fossil fuel problems, but then we have to get rid of the shit.

hydrogen based fuel cell cars that only give off H20 as their exhaust are the way forward, most car companies are investing millions.

there were also rumours that those energy papers dick cheney won't release mention taking oil fields in iraq by force.

the problem is that the Bush administration is basically representative energy industries that utilise the traditional environmentally damaging sources of energy, with scant regard for the long term envrionmental, or long term supplies of these resources.

they are willing to start wars to secure america's black gold.

I hope this is rather clear.

this war is about oil, like it or lump it, as was the afghan one in part - do some research into a pipe-line they wanted constructing there, and were willing to work with the taliban to achieve.

there is a solution.

vote kucinich :-)

"Mr. Kucinich ? the boy mayor who was so bombastic he fired his police chief live on the 6 o'clock news ? is seeking the White House, on a platform of "nonviolence as an organizing principle of society." He wants to pull out of Iraq, sharply reduce the Pentagon budget and establish a cabinet-level Department of Peace."

a department of peace. oooh yeah baby...

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unfortunately non-violence get your no where but screwed since the rest of the world is violent you have no choice you cannot pussy foot around

and if kucinich were to get into office he would change a lot of his view i bet when he found some shit out that only the president and advisors know

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