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Nazi Tax policy Vs Republican Tax policy

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I just can't help myself:

In Germany the Nazis announced they would end nationalization of private industries when they seized power. In 1932 Hitler returned control of the Gelsenkirhen company to private hands and in 1936 returned the stock of "United Steel" to private hands. Throughout the 1933-1936 period the Nazi returned to private hands the control of several banks: Dresdner, Danat, Commerz and Privatbank, the Deutsche Bank and several others. In 1936 the steamship company Deutcher Schiff and Maschinenbau was returned to the private sector. Likewise in 1934 Dr. Schacht the Nazi Minister of Economy gave instructions to hasten the privatization of municipal enterprises. These enterprises were especially coveted by the rich industrialist as they had been prosperous even during the depression.

Both in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany the tax system was changed to one favoring business and the wealthy. The Nazi allowed industry to deduct from their taxable income all sums used to purchase new equipment, rich families employing a maid were allowed to count the maid as a dependent child and reap the tax benefit. In Italy the Minister of Finance stated: "We have broken with the practice of persecuting capital."73

Such programs catering to big business and the rich elite is more akin to the policies of the Reagan Administration than it is to any liberal administration including FDR?s. Likewise in the following chapters the reader will see that it was the rich industrialist that was behind the fascist movement in the United States during the 1930s. Thus its no surprise why the right wing today attempts to try and label fascism as socialism in trying to distance themselves from their previous support of fascism.

In order to dispel the myth of the Nazis being socialist we need to first define socialism. Socialism is defined rigidly as an economic system in which the workers own the means of production and distribution of goods. A more relaxed definition would be simply that the workers maintain political control over the production and distribution of goods. Even using the more relaxed definition of socialism the Nazis can not be labeled as socialists, as there simply was no worker control over the production or distribution of goods in Nazi Germany. In fact the Nazis outlawed legitimate labor unions and installed in their place quasi-like unions that were controlled by the industrialists. In a déjà vu manner the Republican Party has recently tried to enact a similar measure conferring legal status on worker groups controlled by corporations. In fact some writers have stated that you cannot have fascism without corporatism as the corporate power structure has much in common with fascism. During the period preceding the outbreak of WWII it was common to refer to fascism as corporatism in polite English society.

Perhaps one of the better definitions of fascism comes from Heywood Broun, a noted American columnist in the 1930s:

"Fascism, is a dictatorship from the extreme right or to put it a little more closely into our local idiom, a government which is run by a small group of large industrialists and financial lords... I think it is not unfair to say that any businessman in America, or public leader, who goes out to break unions is laying the foundations for Fascism"


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if you found that interesting, read this article :-)

"When I started putting this essay together, it started out as investigation of Richard Armitage as a typical example of the kind of people employed to run the United States on behalf of their imperialist masters. Then I came across a piece written in 2000 by Michael Ruppert of Beyond the Wilderness, that broadened my inquiries as the article links Kellog Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton to the worldwide distribution of drugs via the global network that Halliburton owns or operates on behalf of the US government and various corporations including major oil companies. A network that evolved over time initially through the CIA's connection to the drug trade in the Golden Triangle but which has its roots in Nazi Germany over thirty years earlier and its connection to US big business. And in the post-war period, Brown Brothers Harriman were also involved in laundering Nazi money through a Dutch-based bank.

"And then synchronicity kicked in, as in the middle of writing this piece, I get emailed an article in the New Hampshire Gazette that expands on the piece I included in the ?Bush Family Saga? on Prescott Bush, Avril Harriman and Brown Brothers Harriman Bank and its connections to the Nazi Party that it now emerges continued until 1951. What the new information reveals is that the financial connections between US and German capitalism extended even further than had been known until the new documents were released.

"A central player in the US/Nazi big business connection was Standard Oil of New Jersey, the Rockefellar-owned corporation that during the 1930s merged with IG. Farben, one of the major backers of Hitler's National Socialist Party and supplier of the infamous gas Cyklon B used in the extermination camps. Standard Oil (now Exxon) also owned the oil concessions in Saudi Arabia (later to be renamed Aramco). Other major players involved in the Nazi business connection include General Motors, Ford and ITT.

"The Bush regime is part of an unbroken link that extends back to the founding of Hitler?s National Socialist Party through the funding it received from Brown Brothers Harriman Banking, Prescott Bush's bank and the subsequent link between this bank and Kellog Brown and Root, now a subsidiary of Halliburton and its connections to Bush through the Rumsfeld/Cheney connection and their connection to Halliburton. Brown Brothers Harriman Bank owned Dresser Industries, one of the world?s largest oil drilling companies that in 1998, under urging from Dick Cheney was purchased by Halliburton in an $8.1 billion dollar deal. The link is complete. And yes, it is the same Brown in Brown and Root as the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank."


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Arhhh "Bush is Hitler"


A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.

Oppressive, dictatorial control

Yeah this is def the US...:rolleyes:

Mark worry about your own country....

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I would argue that the mainstream US media does rely on Censorship and Terror

'Orange Alert' anyone...

Beligerant Racism and Nationalism? check.

centralisation of authority, quite possibly.

Perhaps one of the better definitions of fascism comes from Heywood Broun, a noted American columnist in the 1930s:

"Fascism, is a dictatorship from the extreme right or to put it a little more closely into our local idiom, a government which is run by a small group of large industrialists and financial lords... I think it is not unfair to say that any businessman in America, or public leader, who goes out to break unions is laying the foundations for Fascism"

I do worry about my country, especially as we seem to be America's ally number one.

Italy to your Germany I think.

except we don't have trains that run on time...

britain's democracy is a mess, we don't even have a constitution, and we're faffing about our role in the world, confused by the fact that we are just a tiny little island, an american satellite trying to find out where it stands on things.

american politics is faaaar more interesting to me. always has been. probably always will be.

America is a fascinating place, and I'm fascinated by it, and you know what, I would actually like to live and work there for a while, not right now, but at some point.

Anyway, I'm making progress in the british politics, slowly but surely getting on with worrying about my country, and changing that worry into ideas for practical solutions, just that I'm sure you'd all be bored stupid by it.

Ohhh the role of local government in the uk, devolvement of the regions, assemblies, voting reform, our role in europe...

I can hear you all begging me to tell you more about the single transferable vote and why it would be so much better than the first past the post system...

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Originally posted by marksimons

I would argue that the mainstream US media does rely on Censorship and Terror

'Orange Alert' anyone...

Beligerant Racism and Nationalism? check.

centralisation of authority, quite possibly.

Perhaps one of the better definitions of fascism comes from Heywood Broun, a noted American columnist in the 1930s:

"Fascism, is a dictatorship from the extreme right or to put it a little more closely into our local idiom, a government which is run by a small group of large industrialists and financial lords... I think it is not unfair to say that any businessman in America, or public leader, who goes out to break unions is laying the foundations for Fascism"

You are soo off with this MARK...

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Originally posted by marksimons

are you telling me that at the highest levels america isn't run by " a small group of large industrialists and financial lords" ?

actually....some of the more prominent financial "lords" in this country have been against many of Bush's policies

Warren Buffet, Bill Gross, and George Soros are good examples

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Originally posted by marksimons

I would argue that the mainstream US media does rely on Censorship and Terror



how bout you talk about what you know and not talk shit about stuff that you DONT know about

damn, where the hell do you get off saying something like that?

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Bertrand Russell "It is in the nature of imperialism that citizens of the imperial power are always among the last to know?or care?about circumstances in the colonies."

a few high profile rich folks are against bush's policy's granted, but that doesn't mean there isn't, hasn't, and won't continue to be a core of businesses who do try and manipulate things for their own interest.

I'm trying to find out who these people are, but there does seem to be a constant thread throughout the 20th century companies such as, Haliburton, Kellogg Brown and Root, Brown Brothers Harriman, major wall street investment banks such as JP Morgan, Rockafeller, Chase, also oil companies Exxon, Texaco and the ilk, the Carlyle group.

to look at Exxon, formerly known as Standard Oil:

"A central player in the US/Nazi big business connection was Standard Oil of New Jersey, the Rockefellar-owned corporation that during the 1930s merged with IG. Farben, one of the major backers of Hitler's National Socialist Party and supplier of the infamous gas Cyklon B used in the extermination camps. Standard Oil (now Exxon) also owned the oil concessions in Saudi Arabia (later to be renamed Aramco). Other major players involved in the Nazi business connection include General Motors, Ford and ITT."

these aren't the companies you see every day, these are companies who operate worldwide, who have close links with the CIA, military and the business of oil, which is the blood of the american economy.

now, I'm not fully clued up as to the situation, but I'm trying to find out more all the time.

the skull and bones society at yale might have something to do with it as well.

these companies are massive, they sell weapons, oil and invest in businesses around the world, no matter what the implications.

"Everywhere there is oil there is Brown and Root. But increasingly, everywhere there is war or insurrection there is Brown and Root also. From Bosnia and Kosovo, to Chechnya, to Rwanda, to Burma, to Pakistan, to Laos, to Vietnam, to Indonesia, to Iran to Libya to Mexico to Colombia, Brown and Root's traditional operations have expanded from heavy construction to include the provision of logistical support for the U.S. military. Now, instead of U.S. Army quartermasters, the world is likely to see Brown and Root warehouses storing and managing everything from uniforms to rations to vehicles."

for instance, they arm and supply both sides of a conflict, i.e. just like with saddam in the 80s, but also before:

"The U.S. Ambassador in Germany, William Dodd, wrote FDR from Berlin on October 19, 1936 (three years after Hitler came to power), concerning American industrialists and their aid to the Nazis:

"Much as I believe in peace as our best policy, I cannot avoid the fears which Wilson emphasized more than once in conversations with me, August 15, 1915 and later: the breakdown of democracy in all Europe will be a disaster to the people. But what can you do? At the present moment more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings. The DuPonts have three allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I. G. Farben Company, a part of the Government which gives 200,000 marks a year to one propaganda organization operating on American opinion. Standard Oil Company (New York sub-company) sent $2,000,000 here in December 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans make Ersatz gas for war purposes; but Standard Oil cannot take any of its earnings out of the country except in goods. They do little of this, report their earnings at home, but do not explain the facts. The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% a year (arms manufacture, I believe), but they could take nothing out. Even our airplanes people have secret arrangement with Krupps. General Motor Company and Ford do enormous businesses/sic] here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out. I mention these facts because they complicate things and add to war dangers."

for instance.

there are numerous instances of CIA coups in countries, look at south america, the histories of Brazil, Guatamala, Colombia just to start with.

There are numerous industries in these regions, logging, oil, drugs, and there have long been unstable governments, now, this isn't just down to an inability to rule themselves, it is more often than not down to outside meddling.

i.e. in Brazil in 1964 the elected president was overthrown in a military coup which put in place (another) one of the most brutal dictatorships we've seen. The American embassy had been 'intimately involved' in this process.

president Goulart limited the amount of profits a multi-national could take out of the country, and also nationalised part of International Telephone and Telegraph. This was considered a drift to the left, first step on the road to communism etc etc, as repeated in a great many countries throughout the post WWII world. He was overthrown and a brutal dictatorship ensued.

American business interests protected again.

now this shit happens outside of your eyesight - and mine, and indeed most of ours - and for very good reason.

I could give so many more examples as well.

Companies such as Kellog Root and Brown find themselves in the thick of things the world over, look at where America gets it's oil from, then look at the political situations, business, foreign policy, drugs wars, free trade, they all get merged and confused.

Remember, we have had, bar the clinton years, and they weren't exactly a huge period of reform and looking at the state of coporate america, 20 years of pretty right wing republican rule in America, Reagan, Bush I and Bush II should be seen as near enough the same regime, for they are.

It's a monarchy, an oligarchy, call it what you will, but you would be hard pushed to say it is a representative democracy by we the people.

it's hard for me to explain coherently now, I'm still finding new information near enough every day, but there are dots all over the place which need to be joined.

and the mainstream media does not do this.

"The Bush cabinet is a virtual who's who of oil, defense and pharmaceutical bigwigs.1 The Bush family is itself closely tied financially to the bin Ladens.2 , 3 Both families are involved in the Carlyle Group.4 Bush Sr. sits on the board of Carlyle, a 12 billion Equity company with oil holdings and defense contracts.5 Dick Cheney was the former CEO of Halliburton Oil. Colin Powell is a major stockholder in several defense contractors. National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice sat on the board of Chevron. Andrew Card, the Chief of Staff is from General Motors. Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, was CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals. Dick Armitage, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, has ties to the Russian mafia and is a board member of Carlyle. Robert Jordan, the Saudi ambassador, was a member of Baker Botts, a legal firm specializing in oil and defense (the Baker in Baker Botts is James Baker). Tony Principi, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, comes from Lockheed Martin. Gordan England, Secretary of the Navy, is tied to General Dynamics. James Roche, Secretary of the Air Force, is from Northrop Grumman. Gen. Thomas White, retired, Secretary of the Army, is from Enron Energy. Donald Evans, the Commerce Secretary, owns Colorado Oil Company. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice sat on the board of Exxon. And Mr. Carlucci, the Chief of Carlyle, sits on the Middle East Policy Council."

the minsmanagement of enron, the massive increase in CEO profits, the millions they secure for themselves whilst they lay off workers, the war on drugs, the war on communism, the war on terror, all part of the same thing...

I'm trying really hard to get my head around things, and it's easy to write off as conspiracy theory, but it's not a conspiracy.

it's events, individuals and businesses, in the right place at the right time, continuing the great game from the Ivy Leagues that Oxbridge once dominated.

the lobbying system in American politics, the pandering to big businesses over consumer rights, this is in your face evidence of money ruling America.


as for terror in America, there was 50 years roughly of very scary, intense, anti-communist propoganda.

the war on terror is a means of scaring people.

plain and simple.

perhaps I should have used the word 'fear' rather than 'terror'...

'orange alerts' warnings about imminent attacks etc etc...

scared people are more pliable, this is the first, the FIRST rule of an authoritarian government.

a hate figure, a bogeyman, terroists, commies, they are a great way of channeling the anger of the population to your ends. you wrap yourself up in a blood stained oil drenched flag, and like the emporers new clothes, the public tells you how patriotic you are and how they'd die to protect our way of life...

check the news, watch it, see how many stories are unsettling, or imply that America is in danger, or whatever...

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with enough effort, you can make a connection between anything and anybody

its called the degrees of separation dumbass, and i could friggin connect ghandi to hitler if i used the methods in your random ramblings

go publish a tabloid or something, cause thats all your conspiracy bullshit is good for

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