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Putting my roommates shit in garbage bags!!!!

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so if you remeber my thread about changing the locks.. the situation has escalated.

she was supposed to be out the 31st... she hasn't been home in 3 days to get her shit, ie. move. nor has she returned any text messges or phone calls.

so now, tonite, we are putting all of her shit in garbage bags and moving it to the living room.

if she doesn't get it by Sunday..it's out to the curb.

I am soo aggravated that I have to do this..but this chick is just plain stupid, lazy, and irresponsible.. and now, she is gonna be really unhappy.

stupid ass people piss me off!!!!

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Originally posted by joevibe

so if you remeber my thread about changing the locks.. the situation has escalated.

she was supposed to be out the 31st... she hasn't been home in 3 days to get her shit, ie. move. nor has she returned any text messges or phone calls.

so now, tonite, we are putting all of her shit in garbage bags and moving it to the living room.

if she doesn't get it by Sunday..it's out to the curb.

I am soo aggravated that I have to do this..but this chick is just plain stupid, lazy, and irresponsible.. and now, she is gonna be really unhappy.

stupid ass people piss me off!!!!

two words : yard sale !

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Dam that sucks, I hate people like this. You better watch she might come back and say you didnt give her enough time to get her stuff. Take you to court.

Do me a favor take a picture of her face when you tell her her shit is gone. I would love to see that expression. :eek:

Originally posted by joevibe

so if you remeber my thread about changing the locks.. the situation has escalated.

she was supposed to be out the 31st... she hasn't been home in 3 days to get her shit, ie. move. nor has she returned any text messges or phone calls.

so now, tonite, we are putting all of her shit in garbage bags and moving it to the living room.

if she doesn't get it by Sunday..it's out to the curb.

I am soo aggravated that I have to do this..but this chick is just plain stupid, lazy, and irresponsible.. and now, she is gonna be really unhappy.

stupid ass people piss me off!!!!

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Before you do anything, you better check the lease. My parents own some apartment buildings here in NJ and by law, regardless of the date the tenants must be out, they are granted a certain grace period extending beyond that date. In order to protect yourself and any assets which you may have, play the safe ticket and check the lease for any legal rights which she and her property may have. Otherwise, it may be your surprised face in the picture post-court date.

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Originally posted by misskittie

Before you do anything, you better check the lease. My parents own some apartment buildings here in NJ and by law, regardless of the date the tenants must be out, they are granted a certain grace period extending beyond that date. In order to protect yourself and any assets which you may have, play the safe ticket and check the lease for any legal rights which she and her property may have. Otherwise, it may be your surprised face in the picture post-court date.

yeah, there's definately a grace period in NY......I think its 11 days but it might be 2 weeks

you throw her shit out before that time period, she can sue

just giving you a heads up

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

yeah, there's definately a grace period in NY......I think its 11 days but it might be 2 weeks

you throw her shit out before that time period, she can sue

just giving you a heads up

56 days past due on her rent.

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the cops came, so now we have legitiamte proof that there is an issue..

all of a sudden this chick says she wants to stay another month and has the rent money cause she has no place to go..

boo hoo.

meanwhile she hasn't been home in 3 days.. where was she staying??? hmmmm.

so I told her to pay for a week.. and move out by next weekend.. she says she needs 2 weeks. then I said" if we have an agreement that your out in 2 weeks.. and then you are not, we are putting in writing that we can throw your shit to the curb, regardless of legalities".....she said.. no you can't do that.

me: so anything you put in writing, you are basically not going to go by?

this is such a friggin nightmare....


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Originally posted by brandie

before you toss her shit, can stef and i have a free-for-all . . . lollll

wow.. you just gave me a picture. DAMN !

brandie, steph, free for all.... sounds like a party to me. can I get in on that...

even just watch. :D

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Originally posted by sobecrobar

Whoever Believes this, is Plain stupid.

Next stop, post this thread on:

NYtimes, National Enquired, Daily Post, night_clubcity & Njguido.com

Good luck & Thanks for Entertaining US.

Next topic Please.

what's bullshit.. and what did your parents do to you?

try prozac. I have heard very good things about it.

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Originally posted by linabina

jpe... that sucks ;) what were u thinkin movin in with a chick anyway :laugh2:


I have lived with many girls... never had anything like this before.

how ya been baby??? dean masi was posting on here the other day.

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Originally posted by sobecrobar

again, this is pure bull shit.


I'm gonna set you up with my roommate....

ignorant bliss.

and if you are SOBEcrobar.. go hang out in the miami section and leave us all the fuck alone.

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