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Sex and the City last night........

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I can't believe only 6 episodes left.

What a great episode! I <3 how Miranda proposed to Steve, they are too cute together now!

And the more I watch, the more I think Carrie is going to wind up with Alexander :( even though I still want her to be end up with Big :(

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I dont think this season is gonna go out with a Bang at all.

They proposed and got married in one episode? I thought that was kind of gay.

Then I felt bad about Samantha....I hope it doesnt go out like that.

And if Carrie ends up with that Cheeseball Im gonna be soooo pissed. I think he is corny and too old for her.

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I read in TV Guide all about Samantha and the cancer thing, don't worry........she's a tough cookie.

Also, I think the way in which Miranda got engaged/married was just so fitting to her........she's not about big deals and dragging things out.

As for Carrie, it's a hard thing........I was reading that the writers are still not sure..............do they end the show with her as a perpetually single woman or do they show her character has grown and evolved and have her end up w/someone and be happily in <3......I'm not sure which would be better :confused:

:laugh: The food poisening w/Charlotte was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I read in TV Guide all about Samantha and the cancer thing, don't worry........she's a tough cookie.

Also, I think the way in which Miranda got engaged/married was just so fitting to her........she's not about big deals and dragging things out.

As for Carrie, it's a hard thing........I was reading that the writers are still not sure..............do they end the show with her as a perpetually single woman or do they show her character has grown and evolved and have her end up w/someone and be happily in <3......I'm not sure which would be better :confused:

:laugh: The food poisening w/Charlotte was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, I forgot about the food poisening! That was funny.

Im sure they are probably done shooting by now, so the conclusion with Carrie should already have been decided. If I had to pick I wouldnt want to see her change all that much to end up with that Russian guy (i forget his name). I think if she ends up with anyone it should be Big- there was more of a spark with those 2. This guy now is snoozeville. It would be too much of a change for her....my .02!

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Originally posted by xrapturex

If I had to pick I wouldnt want to see her change all that much to end up with that Russian guy (i forget his name). I think if she ends up with anyone it should be Big- there was more of a spark with those 2. This guy now is snoozeville. It would be too much of a change for her....my .02

I agree, it's been all about Big since the 2nd episode of the 1st season...........those two have so much chemistry and I think they are just made for eachother.....it would be so nice to see them wind up together after all this crap/drama/other people they've gone through.........

I have the older seasons on DVD.........!!!!! I can watch them over and over.........

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I agree, it's been all about Big since the 2nd episode of the 1st season...........those two have so much chemistry and I think they are just made for eachother.....it would be so nice to see them wind up together after all this crap/drama/other people they've gone through.........

I have the older seasons on DVD.........!!!!! I can watch them over and over.........

She is more herself when she is with Big...she still goes out and has a good time. With this new guy, all she does is sit in front of a fire listening to poetry. Its just not her....

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Originally posted by xrapturex

She is more herself when she is with Big...she still goes out and has a good time. With this new guy, all she does is sit in front of a fire listening to poetry. Its just not her....

Yeah and he's not even attractive in the slightest bit :puke: He's too old for her......

Carrie + Big = <3 :aright:

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I've gotta say.. I have watche SITC since it started and I have to admit, that even though Carrie and Big had tremendous chemistry, it played itself out. Last night was fitting for Miranda and I don't think that it should have been done any other way. I hear that they have filmed several endings to the show and none of the characters know which one the writters are going with until it played on HBO... 6 More episodes left can't wait for sunday!

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Originally posted by njdivacb

I hear that they have filmed several endings to the show and none of the characters know which one the writters are going with until it played on HBO...

Oohhh I like that!

Re: Big & Carrie, yeah I guess you can say it played itself out, but that last time they were together and he actually let his guard down, they seemed so good together -- they are so alike........just so hard bc it would make perfect sense for either scenario.......the show has been all about him since day 1, why woudln't they end it w/them finally and once and for all making it work? or 2, why wouldn't they keep them apart since that's what it's been about since day 1????

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Oohhh I like that!

Re: Big & Carrie, yeah I guess you can say it played itself out, but that last time they were together and he actually let his guard down, they seemed so good together -- they are so alike........just so hard bc it would make perfect sense for either scenario.......the show has been all about him since day 1, why woudln't they end it w/them finally and once and for all making it work? or 2, why wouldn't they keep them apart since that's what it's been about since day 1????

I guess any way that they end it is going to be great, but we are all going to be sitting on the couch at 9:31 saying that they should have done this or they should have done that... but the reality is this... after 6 more episodes, we are going to lose 4 of our sunday friends :(

HOWEVER come March, the original guidos will be back!!!! (I am a sucker for a guido from essex county!!!!) Hopefully that show will be good ( I still get to see re runs on IO)

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Originally posted by njdivacb

I guess any way that they end it is going to be great, but we are all going to be sitting on the couch at 9:31 saying that they should have done this or they should have done that... but the reality is this... after 6 more episodes, we are going to lose 4 of our sunday friends :(

So true. :cry:

I'm just thankful for the DVD's

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I liked Oz alot... I watched it faithfully!!!!! I tried to watch six feet under, but totally couldn't get into it... Carnival, on the other hand, was un-freaking-believable!!!! If you never watched it, you have to try to... it was truly thought provoking! You couldn't even blink you eyes! There were moments when you thought it was dragging, then BAM!!! Awesome show!!!

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Originally posted by njdivacb

I liked Oz alot... I watched it faithfully!!!!! I tried to watch six feet under, but totally couldn't get into it... Carnival, on the other hand, was un-freaking-believable!!!! If you never watched it, you have to try to... it was truly thought provoking! You couldn't even blink you eyes! There were moments when you thought it was dragging, then BAM!!! Awesome show!!!

What was Carnival about? I never really got into anthing else on HBO besides Oz, Spranos, and America Undercover.

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Originally posted by sex0nthebeach

What was Carnival about? I never really got into anthing else on HBO besides Oz, Spranos, and America Undercover.

I truly can't even explain it... It is really different and like I said, you really have to pay attention. I revolves around a traveling circus and death and reincarnation, scam artist and a whole lot of freakiness!

I think the re runs are on IO ( if you have it) but if not, I think it is on DVD somewhere. Honestly, when I first started watching it, the first 10 minutes, I was like... what the..? but then I got hooked!

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Originally posted by njdivacb

I truly can't even explain it... It is really different and like I said, you really have to pay attention. I revolves around a traveling circus and death and reincarnation, scam artist and a whole lot of freakiness!

I think the re runs are on IO ( if you have it) but if not, I think it is on DVD somewhere. Honestly, when I first started watching it, the first 10 minutes, I was like... what the..? but then I got hooked!

Yeah, I have IO, I'll probably check it out.

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