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grow up


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i know all about freedom of this and that but please grow up a little bit

tell me on one occasion when republicans joined in any kind of irresponsible activities like this

and this kind of activity is happening all over

i dont give a fuck what they do behind closed doors i just think its alittle childish

they should consentrate on getting bush out of office not spredding their propaganda on news im sure they know nothing about

i mean please these are hollywood people you really think the majority watch the news and read books other then theor next scripts????honestly

or do you think they have the "everyone" in hollywood is liberal "i"have to be attitude????

like minorities in our country ???????????



The stars were out in Gotham on Monday night for the latest Bush Bashing Ball.

Followers of MOVEON.ORG gathered to unveil the winner of the website's Bush in 30 Seconds Contest.

But it was the action off the computer screen and on the stage at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom that's caused excitement.

Celebrity activists unleashed a torrent of obscenity-laced insults and allegations against Republicans and the Bush Administration -- just a week after the site's founders apologized for posting two political messages on the Internet comparing President Bush to Hitler.

The DRUDGE REPORT can now present a partial transcript of the event, as provided by various DRUDGE sources:

MARGARET CHO (Comedian) --

* "Despite all of this stupid bullsh-- that the Republican National Committee, or whatever the f--- they call them, that they were saying that they're all angry about how two of these ads were comparing Bush to Hitler? I mean, out of thousands of submissions, they find two. They're like fu--ing looking for Hitler in a hawstack. You now? I mean, George Bush is not Hitler. He would be if he fu--ing applied himself." big, extended applause) "I mean he just isn't."

* "I think this last year has just proven how stupid Republicans are." (big applause)

* "For example, Judge Roy Moore, or Jay Moore or whatever, in Alabama. [inaudible] ... Ten Commandments statue stay in the lobby of a courthouse. 'You can't move the Word of God! You cannot remove the Franklin Mint edition of the Word of God!' [said in Southern accent] People are protesting there and like, I think it could have been solved so much easier if they had just placed a golden calf next to the statue and then people would have started worshipping that. And then they could have moved the Ten Commandments to Bush's office -- which he needs them, desperately. Or maybe he needs a new version of the Ten Commandments -- George W. Bush's Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not steal...votes. (big applause) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's...country. (big applause) Thou shalt not kill...for oil. (big applause) Thou shalt not take grammar...in vain. (big applause) I mean, whatever fu--ing happened to separation of church and state? I mean, you can't like, impose your god on my god. God has many names. God is God, God is Jehovah, God is Allah, God is Buddah, God is Beyonce. (laughter) You know, you cannot impose your God on other people. And ah, George W. Bush is coming out with the weirdest stance on same-sex marriage as well. What he says about it is, well, 'well, we're all sinners.' No we're not! Just because somebody ate an apple one time does not make us all sinners. And if it was from the tree of knowledge, I think she should have eaten more than one. (laughter) Possibly even baked a pie." (applause) "I don't understand the whole same-sex marriage thing. He was quoted by saying, 'well, you you uh, just gotta take the speck out of your own eye before you take the co-- out of your neighbor's.'" [in Southern accent] (laughter)

* "I mean, I'm afraid of terrorists, but I'm more afraid of the Patriot Act." (big applause)

CHUCK D (Rapper -- Public Enemy)

* Cut off, but he appears to refer to American government under Bush Administration as "cancer of civilization."

* "But truly, seriously, quite frankly, the people are smart enough to realize that the world is important and we only have one life [or right, unclear], that's tired of this bullsh--, or better than that, tired of this Bushsh--" (big applause)

* "Americanization is like McDonaldization"

* "Son of a Bush and his crew is at it again, because, we do not want 8 years run by a Colon, a Bush and a Dick." (big applause)


* "I was worried that some soldiers over in Iraq who are actually younger than I am would see some salacious report on MSNBC and think that I was attacking them and not the government that put them there. And I was afraid that Bill O'Reilly would come and, with a shotgun at my front door and shoot me for being unpatriotic. But I decided that that's actually, that fear that was silencing me is actually why it's so important that MoveOn exist and do this ad contest..."


*"I'm Al Franken. I'm here to present the funniest ad award. I'm a last-minute substitution, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was supposed to be the presenter, but unfortunately he was murdered."


*Said he had "contempt" for Bush, called him a "big fat f---ing liar."


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i wanna be honest, I read Micheal Moore's books and i was liberal minded for a while

but then I thought about the positive aspects of this country and how most of them would be preserved by Republican methods.

and democrats are less pro-israel than republicans so i guess i have to be a republican. although i read somewhere that democrats have more jewish support. i am a little bewildered about that.

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i wanna be honest, I read MAD Magizine and i was liberal minded for a while.........

but then I thought about prostitutes in this country and how most of them would be preserved by Republican methods.

and democrats are less prostitue than republicans so i guess i have to be a republican. although i read somewhere that democrats have more jewish prostitute support. i am a little bewildered about that.:D

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Originally posted by daprofessional

i wanna be honest, I read Micheal Moore's books and i was liberal minded for a while

but then I thought about the positive aspects of this country and how most of them would be preserved by Republican methods.

and democrats are less pro-israel than republicans so i guess i have to be a republican. although i read somewhere that democrats have more jewish support. i am a little bewildered about that.

awwwwwwwwwww POOR POOR israel again

you fuckin piece of shit i should have know u would post garbage like this asswipe

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

the Democratic party is a freakin farse

its support comes from actors, musicians, all people who have no education and become Democrats because its "fashionable" to be for world peace and equal rights and all that bullshit

its ridiculous

I think it's more en vouge to be republican. It's harder to stand up against the republican party because everyone is so divided on the left.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Reagan was an actor and I don't hear any of you kkkonservanazis bitching about him so your point is.....

The point is


I believe he said comedians and musicans, not actors you brainwashed bastard.

look at Arnold. He's fiscally conservative but is closer to the left on social programs and that's how you have to be nowadays.

So go ahead, drink your fucking red kool-aid and die already.

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