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Dinner Diva and WWE

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Originally posted by nootsy

CECE I dont mind that stuff _ I would have thought it was funny. I charged Kostas phone for him. I hate when my shit comes back dead - its like borrowing a car and not putting gas in it. unfortunatly today I turned it off - Kosta call my cell maybe I will 2 way cece with some obscenities

you got your cell backk assface....Ididnt even lose mine and I havent had it for 2 days.....how does that work??

I cant imagine how many messages are there,

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i been reading this site for about a year now.

funniest shit around.

but, for the first time, i got to speak out

i was at diva this past tuesday, and the entertainment value couldn't be beat.

got there around 11, and found my normal spot over by the railing (this is the best spot in the house to see all the freaks)

in comes this group, loud, proud and damn near shitfaced. i seen them before, had a feeling that something might jump off, and sure enough it did

these dudes grab the corner across from the bar and start off with some fine wine, giving the poor server a real hard time (the best was when the bald dude almost fell over the velvet rope at the service bar), poor girl, i watch her all the time putting up with the usual pigs that harass her fine j-lo ass

night gets going, the bottles are flying and then the bald dude nods out and his buddy dumps a full bucket of ice and water on him, then the J-O takes the flowers and dumps that water

it looks like a fucking lake on the floor, security comes over to him and tries to have them get it together and the bald dude starts yelling 'what do i look like, your nigger, you clean it", then he tells him to 'go get your boys if you want me out'

the security aint gonna take no shit at this point, ups the bald dude in a full nelson and drags him out

the best part is his friends don't do a damn thing as the bald fat dude is whining like a bitch that he's gonna sue

at this point i almost pissed myself laughing, me and my boys were crying it was so funny/ here's this fat dude, arms up screaming like a bitch 'the owners my friend, the owners my friend'

yo, that fat bastard needed to get thrown out/you might be able to act like an ass in most jersey clubs, but not at diva and that's why we always go back

now, here comes the best part:

the owner, and she is one tough bitch, has this serious surveillance system all over the place, i mean she can see EVERYTHING from her SCARFACE big screen in that kick-ass suite she calls her office/no joke, i was in there once and i never seen anything like it

i heard she got the whole thing on dvd and there is this sick shot of the bald dude when the water is dumped on him/and when his arms are swinging above his head in the nelson/and when he's whining to the cops out front

yo!! i bet if she sold it on the internet it would make more $$$$

then the tommy lee/pam anderson tape

hell, i would pay $30 easy just to see it over and over/without a doubt the funniest shit i seen in a long time

DIVA you keep on doin what you're doin / most of us out there love you and send much respect / tough bitches are the hottest of all!!!

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Originally posted by guya7


i been reading this site for about a year now.

funniest shit around.

but, for the first time, i got to speak out

i was at diva this past tuesday, and the entertainment value couldn't be beat.

got there around 11, and found my normal spot over by the railing (this is the best spot in the house to see all the freaks)

in comes this group, loud, proud and damn near shitfaced. i seen them before, had a feeling that something might jump off, and sure enough it did

these dudes grab the corner across from the bar and start off with some fine wine, giving the poor server a real hard time (the best was when the bald dude almost fell over the velvet rope at the service bar), poor girl, i watch her all the time putting up with the usual pigs that harass her fine j-lo ass

night gets going, the bottles are flying and then the bald dude nods out and his buddy dumps a full bucket of ice and water on him, then the J-O takes the flowers and dumps that water

it looks like a fucking lake on the floor, security comes over to him and tries to have them get it together and the bald dude starts yelling 'what do i look like, your nigger, you clean it", then he tells him to 'go get your boys if you want me out'

the security aint gonna take no shit at this point, ups the bald dude in a full nelson and drags him out

the best part is his friends don't do a damn thing as the bald fat dude is whining like a bitch that he's gonna sue

at this point i almost pissed myself laughing, me and my boys were crying it was so funny/ here's this fat dude, arms up screaming like a bitch 'the owners my friend, the owners my friend'

yo, that fat bastard needed to get thrown out/you might be able to act like an ass in most jersey clubs, but not at diva and that's why we always go back

now, here comes the best part:

the owner, and she is one tough bitch, has this serious surveillance system all over the place, i mean she can see EVERYTHING from her SCARFACE big screen in that kick-ass suite she calls her office/no joke, i was in there once and i never seen anything like it

i heard she got the whole thing on dvd and there is this sick shot of the bald dude when the water is dumped on him/and when his arms are swinging above his head in the nelson/and when he's whining to the cops out front

yo!! i bet if she sold it on the internet it would make more $$$$

then the tommy lee/pam anderson tape

hell, i would pay $30 easy just to see it over and over/without a doubt the funniest shit i seen in a long time

DIVA you keep on doin what you're doin / most of us out there love you and send much respect / tough bitches are the hottest of all!!!

Lemme guess this wouldnt happen to be the owner of diva would it???

Nice try. Play whatever video bullshit you want....

Bottom Line Diva is gonna have problems soon. Wait and see.

And as far as me telling that to the Bouncer..You got the story all wrong honey.

and it was a choke hold not a full nelson.....

You know what..Im gonna have my lawyer subpoena a copy of the tape that shows the choke hold.....Thank YOU....

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Originally posted by guya7


i been reading this site for about a year now.

funniest shit around.

but, for the first time, i got to speak out

i was at diva this past tuesday, and the entertainment value couldn't be beat.

got there around 11, and found my normal spot over by the railing (this is the best spot in the house to see all the freaks)

in comes this group, loud, proud and damn near shitfaced. i seen them before, had a feeling that something might jump off, and sure enough it did

these dudes grab the corner across from the bar and start off with some fine wine, giving the poor server a real hard time (the best was when the bald dude almost fell over the velvet rope at the service bar), poor girl, i watch her all the time putting up with the usual pigs that harass her fine j-lo ass

night gets going, the bottles are flying and then the bald dude nods out and his buddy dumps a full bucket of ice and water on him, then the J-O takes the flowers and dumps that water

it looks like a fucking lake on the floor, security comes over to him and tries to have them get it together and the bald dude starts yelling 'what do i look like, your nigger, you clean it", then he tells him to 'go get your boys if you want me out'

the security aint gonna take no shit at this point, ups the bald dude in a full nelson and drags him out

the best part is his friends don't do a damn thing as the bald fat dude is whining like a bitch that he's gonna sue

at this point i almost pissed myself laughing, me and my boys were crying it was so funny/ here's this fat dude, arms up screaming like a bitch 'the owners my friend, the owners my friend'

yo, that fat bastard needed to get thrown out/you might be able to act like an ass in most jersey clubs, but not at diva and that's why we always go back

now, here comes the best part:

the owner, and she is one tough bitch, has this serious surveillance system all over the place, i mean she can see EVERYTHING from her SCARFACE big screen in that kick-ass suite she calls her office/no joke, i was in there once and i never seen anything like it

i heard she got the whole thing on dvd and there is this sick shot of the bald dude when the water is dumped on him/and when his arms are swinging above his head in the nelson/and when he's whining to the cops out front

yo!! i bet if she sold it on the internet it would make more $$$$

then the tommy lee/pam anderson tape

hell, i would pay $30 easy just to see it over and over/without a doubt the funniest shit i seen in a long time

DIVA you keep on doin what you're doin / most of us out there love you and send much respect / tough bitches are the hottest of all!!!

That tape wont get out and you know why? cause it will show you dumb ass loser of a bouncer choking Kosta - as for us doing nothing to the bouncers - we said we didnt do anything I am glad you agree- sorry that Diva gets so much trash that it has to have armed bounty hunters at the door - should make everyone feel safe that there are bounty hunters with guns at the door. wheres the metal detector - is that next. Security Cameras Bounty hunters Bouncers with attitude problems. Oh that security Camera must be straight out of the FBI if it can hear us talking over the music - what did that cost you ? maybe you should have made the club bigger with the money instead - or can you read lips??? so obvious you either work there or own the club. go ahead show the tape - you wont cause it is straight up assault. we all know that was an unprovoked attack.
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Originally posted by nootsy

That tape wont get out and you know why? cause it will show you dumb ass loser of a bouncer choking Kosta - as for us doing nothing to the bouncers - we said we didnt do anything I am glad you agree- sorry that Diva gets so much trash that it has to have armed bounty hunters at the door - should make everyone feel safe that there are bounty hunters with guns at the door. wheres the metal detector - is that next. Security Cameras Bounty hunters Bouncers with attitude problems. Oh that security Camera must be straight out of the FBI if it can hear us talking over the music - what did that cost you ? maybe you should have made the club bigger with the money instead - or can you read lips??? so obvious you either work there or own the club. go ahead show the tape - you wont cause it is straight up assault. we all know that was an unprovoked attack.

Nootsy...guya7...that is the owner of the dump....When I was on the phone with her yesterday that is the story the bouncer told her...and she verbatimly typed it up.....well Im glad they have their defense ready....I just hope this tape doesnt dissapear before I can get it subpoenaed...I'm just wondering do I call it Kosta Lounge??:laugh: :laugh:

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you know what really bothers me!!!

Kosta why is Diva a sinking ship...

Last I remember you were telling me how we had a great party,

Yeah the boucers should nt have done that I agree with you, you guys come in I comped all of you guys and now your ripping on the place...

What happened to the old days hey Billy thanks for the comps and you know we ran into a jerk off bouncer.....

Now because of one incident the place is a sinking ship...

Brian is probably making out like a bandit bartending.. I am sure he will get reimbursed the $120...

Kosta and the guys happened to get kicked out... I am sure they will take care of it ;)

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Originally posted by nootsy

1 more thing - I am sure Kosta called 3 bouncers niggers - I hate when people try to play a race card - Kosta isnt that stupid. Get over it - you story is so rediculous - oh and that waitress is not hot

The waitress had an attitude problem....and she is decent at best...with a big ole booty.

Yeah that race card thing is rediculous.....I have never called a person of color a nigger...and I never would. Where there 3 bouncers around me?? I didnt realize cause the tough guy put me in a choke hold.

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

you know what really bothers me!!!

Kosta why is Diva a sinking ship...

Last I remember you were telling me how we had a great party,

Yeah the boucers should nt have done that I agree with you, you guys come in I comped all of you guys and now your ripping on the place...

What happened to the old days hey Billy thanks for the comps and you know we ran into a jerk off bouncer.....

Now because of one incident the place is a sinking ship...

Brian is probably making out like a bandit bartending.. I am sure he will get reimbursed the $120...

Kosta and the guys happened to get kicked out... I am sure they will take care of it ;)

For the record - we tried to pay that tab they wouldnt let us - and I have no prob with the party I was having a good time - the problem was with the insecurity of the security
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Originally posted by badassmafuka

you know what really bothers me!!!

Kosta why is Diva a sinking ship...

Last I remember you were telling me how we had a great party,

Yeah the boucers should nt have done that I agree with you, you guys come in I comped all of you guys and now your ripping on the place...

What happened to the old days hey Billy thanks for the comps and you know we ran into a jerk off bouncer.....

Now because of one incident the place is a sinking ship...

Brian is probably making out like a bandit bartending.. I am sure he will get reimbursed the $120...

Kosta and the guys happened to get kicked out... I am sure they will take care of it ;)

Billy you guys are great and always take care of me...

And Tuesday is a good party there.

But after being treated like this...then I call vicky and she tells me off....Im gonna sit back and take it.

I have to do what I have to do now.

Tuesday is a good night there...the only night the place is packed Im sure.

But then guya7 happens to post the same exact thing Vickysaid yesterday..c'mon Im no idiot.

I was gonna let this end but now I think Im gonna tell everyone my experience at Diva lounge on other message boards because she felt the need to stir this up again.

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Originally posted by kostaP

so George tells her..Ill tip you anyway..then she says to me..I dont understand why youre such an asshole..GOOD CUSTOMER REALTIONS....THATS THE KIND OF EMPLOYEE I WANT WORKING FOR ME.

the bouncer runs over and is like WTF..and started flippin out...George goes no no its ok were friends I dont mind..he starts tellin me off to high hell and back...then after about 5 minutes he goes to me....who's gonna mop the floor...I said dude its a club..the floor get dirty...normally therre's alcohol on the floor this is just water and not a lot of it...he goes what do you think IM GONNA MOP IT CAUSE IM A NIGGER...IM LIKE WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT..HE GOES IM NOT YOUR NIGGER ...

This is where a number of clubs fail miserably, thats customer relations 101, i hope diva gets what they deserve. As for the bouncer, you should have said, now go get your fucking shinebox, I cant stand bouncers on the power trip. Same goes to the bouncer in the corner at Tempts who was screaming at a guy in a wheelchair this past summer, I wanted to bust a bottle over his head.

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Originally posted by kostaP

The waitress had an attitude problem....and she is decent at best...with a big ole booty.

Yeah that race card thing is rediculous.....I have never called a person of color a nigger...and I never would. Where there 3 bouncers around me?? I didnt realize cause the tough guy put me in a choke hold.


As your counsel, just keep in mind you have a two-year statute of limitations to file your suit for personal injuries and the EMOTIONAL DISTRESS that this incident has caused you. I suggest that you start seeing a chiropracter and therapist to rectify the problems and issues caused by this extremely traumatic event...

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Originally posted by whataboutme


As your counsel, just keep in mind you have a two-year statute of limitations to file your suit for personal injuries and the EMOTIONAL DISTRESS that this incident has caused you. I suggest that you start seeing a chiropracter and therapist to rectify the problems and issues caused by this extremely traumatic event...

Thank You Mr. Rubas....So this means you are taking my case??

Dinner Tomorrow..Ill bring the $$ for the retainer.:D

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Originally posted by ceeotter

SEEE this is why you are council for the NNTA...thanks whataboutme!!

BTW thanks for saturday..you guys were too generous..hope you had fun!!!

Ceeotter Im calling Marcal telling them Diva is on the DND list.

You know I was asked last week if I work for marcal...it wqas funny..Ill reply to your pm later. Have to crack away at work

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LOL...classic Kosta..lol.....imagine if you did..what a scam..getting people to throw mad napkins to increase sales...brilliant...lol....yea shoot me a response when you have time...no biggie...we just need to schedule the grand toss..i am thinking we may need council present...I clear our date w/ rubas when we decide..diva dnd...no problem...bastrds,,when are peopel going to learn there are skills and rules to napkin tossing...guess they will have to learn the hard way...look at abyss...i heard binoys was using a leaf as a napkin b/c we banned them from deliveries!!!

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Originally posted by ceeotter

LOL...classic Kosta..lol.....imagine if you did..what a scam..getting people to throw mad napkins to increase sales...brilliant...lol....yea shoot me a response when you have time...no biggie...we just need to schedule the grand toss..i am thinking we may need council present...I clear our date w/ rubas when we decide..diva dnd...no problem...bastrds,,when are peopel going to learn there are skills and rules to napkin tossing...guess they will have to learn the hard way...look at abyss...i heard binoys was using a leaf as a napkin b/c we banned them from deliveries!!!

hahaha i can picture binoy...hey guys this leaf isnt poison ivy is it....bwahahahaa

ask mr rubas for the Grand toss....Uhh Friday whataboutme is coming to circa for dinner with the bus and steffer I believe would you join us?? also..saturdayIm in the city late....then Monday I leav for florida at 8:30 am....I can spend the day hung over though because Im going a day early than I need to be there. coming back friday

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