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Spot Produced By a Leo Burnett Creative Director on His Own Time

January 13, 2004


By Ira Teinowitz

WASHINGTON (AdAge.com) -- Liberal activist group MoveOn.org announced it has chosen an anti-President Bush ad to air ahead of next week's "State of the Union" address and said

The spot features young children working factory jobs to pay off the national debt.


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it is negotiating with CBS to gain airtime on the Super Bowl.

The winning anti-Bush TV commercial was produced by Charlie Fisher, the creative director of the Copenhagen, Denmark, office of Publicis Groupe ad agency Leo Burnett.

On own time

Mr. Fisher was not available for comment at the Copenhagen office. A spokeswoman for MoveOn said Mr. Fisher created the ad "on his own time."

A spokesman at Leo Burnett USA's Chicago headquarters said the ad was shot in Denmark by a freelance director and a two-person crew who were friends of Mr. Fisher.

The Burnett spokesman said that because the work was done by an employee on his own time, the agency had nothing to do with the submission.

A spokesman for CBS said the Viacom-owned network has received the request from MoveOn to run the ad in the Super Bowl, but added that the ad has to go through standards and practices before CBS will say if it can run an advocacy ad during the game. The spokesman said he didn't think it was likely that the spot would pass standards and practices.

Competition for :30 spot

The winning ad was developed after MoveOn created a competition aimed at finding a filmmaker who can articulate everything that's wrong with the Bush administration in a 30-second spot.

Mr. Fisher's spot shows young children working in a variety of manufacturing or service industry jobs -- hauling garbage, repairing tires, clerking a checkout counter -- and ends with the line "Guess who's going to pay off President Bush's $1 trillion deficit?"

A MoveOn spokesman said the ad, which was chosen from a number of entries, will have an initial national run starting with a $300,000 CNN buy that breaks Jan. 17 and runs through Jan. 21; a 60-second ad will incorporate not only the winning spot ad but a description of the contest and mention of some of the other entries. President Bush's State of the Union speech is Jan. 20.

Hitler ad

The contest, was announced in October and received more than 1,500 submissions, some of which were posted on MoveOn's Web site (www.bushin30seconds.org). The contest garnered a certain amount of notoriety after the Republican National Committee expressed outrage that submissions pictured on the group's Web site compared President Bush to Adolph Hitler.

Early this month the group apologized for allowing the Hitler ads to slip through, but accused the RNC of being "deliberately and maliciously misleading" in suggesting that the ads were anything other than contest submissions.

MoveOn, which includes a political action committee and a voter fund (which handled the contest), said a panel of celebrities and political consultants judged the submissions. Panelists included political strategists Donna Brazile and James Carville.

'Fear and loathing'

Reacting to the winning ad, Republican National Committee press secretary Christine Iverson said, "They should have called the contest 'Twenty seconds of fear and loathing of George Bush.' It proves what we have said all along: The Democratic presidential candidates have a message of protest and pessimism but bring no positive ideas to the debate."

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I think Margret Cho said it best at the Moveon.org Awards whe she said...

"Despite all of this stupid bullsh-- that the Republican National Committee, or whatever the f--- they call them, that they were saying that they're all angry about how two of these ads were comparing Bush to Hitler? I mean, out of thousands of submissions, they find two. They're like fu--ing looking for Hitler in a hawstack. You now? I mean, George Bush is not Hitler. He would be if he fu--ing applied himself." big, extended applause) "I mean he just isn't."


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Originally posted by pattbateman

yeah that was not the ad in the article i posted

and one ad refering bush to hitler is one to many

i find it tasteless and quite frankly it disgusts me that you have to refer to that to try and gather attention and win votes.

Who cares.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I think Margret Cho said it best at the Moveon.org Awards whe she said...

"Despite all of this stupid bullsh-- that the Republican National Committee, or whatever the f--- they call them, that they were saying that they're all angry about how two of these ads were comparing Bush to Hitler? I mean, out of thousands of submissions, they find two. They're like fu--ing looking for Hitler in a hawstack. You now? I mean, George Bush is not Hitler. He would be if he fu--ing applied himself." big, extended applause) "I mean he just isn't."


Moveon is an embarassment, and that little "rally" they had with "key" speakers was a disgrace...

They made complete assholes out of themselves, and regardless what side of the political debate you fall on, you need to seriously think about associating or endorsing most of their views and absurd behavior.....

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Originally posted by igloo

Moveon is an embarassment, and that little "rally" they had with "key" speakers was a disgrace...

They made complete assholes out of themselves, and regardless what side of the political debate you fall on, you need to seriously think about associating or endorsing most of their views and absurd behavior.....

People will endorse or associate themselves with whatever mantra or ideology that they believe in. I hope the american people would serioulsly consider what ideology they believe in.

I think they were brave and patriotic in expressing their views publically. That's democracy.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

people now have nothing else to do

they want to be cool and start a revolution

fuck you are all to pussy to start a revolution

it takes money to start a revolution and all us war mongrels have all the money remember!!!!

It takes no money to start a revolution only balls.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

People will endorse or associate themselves with whatever mantra or ideology that they believe in. I hope the american people would serioulsly consider what ideology they believe in.

I think they were brave and patriotic in expressing their views publically. That's democracy.

Relax retard...no one is questioning their right to speak publicly or express their views.....that has nothing to do with it.....

NAMBLA is protected, but does that mean they are still not disgraceful?

ANd quite frankly, you are a jerkoff by saying they are "patriotic" or "brave".........what an idiotic and inapplicable use of those terms to define them....

Really defines what a jerkoff you are by saying Julia Stiles is "patriotic and brave" because "O'Reilly could show with a shotgun.....blah, blah, blah.......

Or Cho, who made a complete schmuck out of herself, especially considering her charges that the RNC went "looking" for Hitler ads that moveon themselves put on their website....how brave and patriotic of her.....

Jamirolost---you really are a dickhead

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Originally posted by igloo

Relax retard...no one is questioning their right to speak publicly or express their views.....that has nothing to do with it.....

NAMBLA is protected, but does that mean they are still not disgraceful?

ANd quite frankly, you are a jerkoff by saying they are "patriotic" or "brave".........what an idiotic and inapplicable use of those terms to define them....

Really defines what a jerkoff you are by saying Julia Stiles is "patriotic and brave" because "O'Reilly could show with a shotgun.....blah, blah, blah.......

Or Cho, who made a complete schmuck out of herself, especially considering her charges that the RNC went "looking" for Hitler ads that moveon themselves put on their website....how brave and patriotic of her.....

Jamirolost---you really are a dickhead


- Noone is going to listen to these freaks when all they do is preach destruction.. The average american enjoys living in america. It's these wanna be hippies who's parents smoked angel dust when they were pregnant with them that complain and claim that the Bush administration is comparable to Hitler?

Are these people on Crack? Do they know how dumb they sound when they compare the goverment to Hitler and the third reich that killed MILLIONS???

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Originally posted by igloo

Relax retard...no one is questioning their right to speak publicly or express their views.....that has nothing to do with it.....

NAMBLA is protected, but does that mean they are still not disgraceful?

ANd quite frankly, you are a jerkoff by saying they are "patriotic" or "brave".........what an idiotic and inapplicable use of those terms to define them....

Really defines what a jerkoff you are by saying Julia Stiles is "patriotic and brave" because "O'Reilly could show with a shotgun.....blah, blah, blah.......

Or Cho, who made a complete schmuck out of herself, especially considering her charges that the RNC went "looking" for Hitler ads that moveon themselves put on their website....how brave and patriotic of her.....

Jamirolost---you really are a dickhead

Brave n the sense that they could be ostricised in their career for speaking their views.

Patriotic in that they are speaking for reform of their government that doesn't represent us.

And fuck you, you piece of shit. Your the dickhead, cockboy.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Brave n the sense that they could be ostricised in their career for speaking their views.

Patriotic in that they are speaking for reform of their government that doesn't represent us.

And fuck you, you piece of shit. Your the dickhead, cockboy.

Retard...don't defend your idiotic, moronic shitbag statements....you are just making it worse.

Once again, you displayed you are a jerkoff. There is no getting away from that.

"Brave" because it may harm their careers?...are you fucking kidding me?

Just another thread that shows how lost you are

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Well, shit bag... putting ones' livelyhood on the line for speaking out for they believe in is very brave. Something you'd never do, fucking coward! :rolleyes:

Shitbag...end it....Unless you enjoy making a dick out of yourself..

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