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"No president has ever done more human rights than me"-

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Originally posted by normalnoises

The sad thing is that this clown actually believes this.



I guess he's right... he's taken away more human rights than any other President I know of.

haha Mr Mah called you a pichnick or something like that, I'm pretty sure that's an insult:confused:


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After Well-Publicized Broadcast of First Female Afghan Singer in 20 Years, 'Liberated' Kabul Reinstitutes Ban of Women Singing on TV


By Hamida Ghafour

(Filed: 16/01/2004)

Afghanistan's religious authorities have reimposed a ban on television broadcasts of artistic performances by women after a 20-year-old clip of a woman singing without a headscarf ignited a battle between moderates and traditionalists.

Parasato, a star in the 1970s, was shown on Kabul Television earlier this week performing a ballad. The Supreme Court, dominated by the religious Right, protested formally to the ministry of information and culture, which was forced to reinstate the ban yesterday.

The move underlines the confusion surrounding the interpretation of the constitution ratified earlier this month. The minister of information and culture, Sayed Makhdoom Raheem, justified lifting the ban by saying that men and women were guaranteed equal rights under the document.

But the Supreme Court said the footage was against the constitution, which also stipulated that no law was above the beliefs of Islam.

Fazl Ahmad Manawi, the deputy chief justice, said the Supreme Court was "opposed to women singing and dancing as a whole".

Women had been forbidden from appearing on television since the mujahideen came to power 12 years ago. The Taliban banned television entirely in 1996.

Under the government of President Hamid Karzai, women are allowed to present news.


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

After Well-Publicized Broadcast of First Female Afghan Singer in 20 Years, 'Liberated' Kabul Reinstitutes Ban of Women Singing on TV


By Hamida Ghafour

(Filed: 16/01/2004)

Afghanistan's religious authorities have reimposed a ban on television broadcasts of artistic performances by women after a 20-year-old clip of a woman singing without a headscarf ignited a battle between moderates and traditionalists.

Parasato, a star in the 1970s, was shown on Kabul Television earlier this week performing a ballad. The Supreme Court, dominated by the religious Right, protested formally to the ministry of information and culture, which was forced to reinstate the ban yesterday.

The move underlines the confusion surrounding the interpretation of the constitution ratified earlier this month. The minister of information and culture, Sayed Makhdoom Raheem, justified lifting the ban by saying that men and women were guaranteed equal rights under the document.

But the Supreme Court said the footage was against the constitution, which also stipulated that no law was above the beliefs of Islam.

Fazl Ahmad Manawi, the deputy chief justice, said the Supreme Court was "opposed to women singing and dancing as a whole".

Women had been forbidden from appearing on television since the mujahideen came to power 12 years ago. The Taliban banned television entirely in 1996.

Under the government of President Hamid Karzai, women are allowed to present news.


:laugh: she was that bad??

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

After Well-Publicized Broadcast of First Female Afghan Singer in 20 Years, 'Liberated' Kabul Reinstitutes Ban of Women Singing on TV


By Hamida Ghafour

(Filed: 16/01/2004)

Afghanistan's religious authorities have reimposed a ban on television broadcasts of artistic performances by women after a 20-year-old clip of a woman singing without a headscarf ignited a battle between moderates and traditionalists.

Parasato, a star in the 1970s, was shown on Kabul Television earlier this week performing a ballad. The Supreme Court, dominated by the religious Right, protested formally to the ministry of information and culture, which was forced to reinstate the ban yesterday.

The move underlines the confusion surrounding the interpretation of the constitution ratified earlier this month. The minister of information and culture, Sayed Makhdoom Raheem, justified lifting the ban by saying that men and women were guaranteed equal rights under the document.

But the Supreme Court said the footage was against the constitution, which also stipulated that no law was above the beliefs of Islam.

Fazl Ahmad Manawi, the deputy chief justice, said the Supreme Court was "opposed to women singing and dancing as a whole".

Women had been forbidden from appearing on television since the mujahideen came to power 12 years ago. The Taliban banned television entirely in 1996.

Under the government of President Hamid Karzai, women are allowed to present news.


It's nt going to be perfect overnight...

Jesus you always lokk at things half empty huh?

So the raping and torture stop , a constitution was drawn,the democracy is in it's infant stage and you want to highlight that as grounds for calling the liberation a failure? Nothing is perfect out of the gate in time they will adjust but your pessimism is laughable....

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Mondo Washington

by James Ridgeway

Tortured Explanations

Any Instruments We Sell May Be Used Against You

December 10 - 16, 2003

Mondo Washington this week:

At this point just about everyone knows that while the U.S. itself doesn't officially sanction torture, it is more than ready to ship suspects out to other countries whose governments do engage in the practice. Amnesty International now presents a report on how U.S. companies are cashing in on the torture business. Since 9-11, the U.S. is alleged to have sent prisoners to Yemen, Jordan, Morocco, and Thailand, while at the same time our companies have been selling torture equipment to them. "The total value of U.S. exports of electroshock weapons was $14.7 million in 2002, and exports of restraints totaled $4.4 million in the same period," Amnesty's report says. "The Commerce and State departments approved these sales, permitting 45 countries to purchase electroshock technology, including 19 that had been cited for the use of such weapons to inflict torture since 1990." Around the world, there are some 856 companies in 47 countries engaged in the manufacture and marketing of electroshock technology, restraints, and chemical irritants that are used in torture, the report adds.

Just in 2002, U.S. companies sold nine tons of Smith & Wesson leg irons to Saudi Arabia, according to Amnesty International. Former prisoners in Saudi Arabia have said their restraints were stamped with the Smith & Wesson brand. Phil Lomax, a U.K. national who was held for 17 days in 1999 in Riyadh—not at the Baker Botts offices there but at Malaz prison—recounted in a 2000 report by the rights group, "When[ever] we were taken out of the cell, we were shackled and handcuffed. The shackles were very painful. They were made of steel . . . like a handcuff ring. The handcuffs were made in the U.S.A."

In 2001, the U.S. OK'd three sales of electroshock weapons to Turkey; Amnesty's report noted that this was the same country where, around that time, a 17-year-old schoolgirl, detained for distributing leaflets calling for Kurdish education, had been seized, stripped, threatened with rape, and then tortured with shocks to her feet, legs, and stomach.


Additional reporting: Ashley Glacel


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