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Israel is resuming killing terrorists


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Originally posted by raver_mania

hahaha...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Such a fuckin moron!

King David Hotel ring any bells? 94 people blown to bits ring any bell? Ben Gurion ring any bells?

the terrorists, who were an extremist group not supported by the Jewish heads at the time (unlike Hamas which IS the Palestinian ruling body) actually called the hotel ahead of time and WARNED the people inside that there was a bomb.

it wasnt meant to kill it was meant to show vulnerability and instill fear

the Brits ignored the threat treating it as a hoax and dint tell the inhabitants of the hotel

THATS WHTA REALLY HAPPENED so dont mix up the facts

and besides that almost all the "terrorism" was targeted at British military officials, NOT CIVILIANS


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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

the terrorists, who were an extremist group not supported by the Jewish heads at the time (unlike Hamas which IS the Palestinian ruling body) actually called the hotel ahead of time and WARNED the people inside that there was a bomb.

it wasnt meant to kill it was meant to show vulnerability and instill fear

the Brits ignored the threat treating it as a hoax and dint tell the inhabitants of the hotel

THATS WHTA REALLY HAPPENED so dont mix up the facts

and besides that almost all the "terrorism" was targeted at British military officials, NOT CIVILIANS


So wait a second..if a bomb is planted on a bus, its OK if Hamas warns the authorities ahead of time? Bullshit dude.

And it wasn't an extremist group. It was spear-headed by Ben Gurion who then went on to become PM of the newly formed Jewish state. To his credit though, after they got their state, he stopped all terrorism (and the fraction groups that wanted to continue it).

There were civilians in the Kind David hotel...I find it deplorable that you're trying to defend that act.

Originally posted by breakbeatz2

it wasnt meant to kill it was meant to show vulnerability and instill fear

that is terrorism. Instill fear to achieve a political end.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

So wait a second..if a bomb is planted on a bus, its OK if Hamas warns the authorities ahead of time? Bullshit dude.

And it wasn't an extremist group. It was spear-headed by Ben Gurion who then went on to become PM of the newly formed Jewish state. To his credit though, after they got their state, he stopped all terrorism (and the fraction groups that wanted to continue it).

There were civilians in the Kind David hotel...I find it deplorable that you're trying to defend that act.

that is terrorism. Instill fear to achieve a political end.

dude, dont talk out of your ass; you look like the schmuck that you are

the attack was by teh group Irgun, led by Menachem Begin

Begin was the leader of Israel opposition party when Isreal was formed dickhead, so he was on the OPPOSITE party of Ben Gurion

now that we see that you randomly spit shit out without actually knowing the history behind it

of course it owuld be different if Hamas targeted military officials and warned of bombings beforehand

that shows that ythey want to disrupt the way of life but not actually KILL people

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

dude, dont talk out of your ass; you look like the schmuck that you are

the attack was by teh group Irgun, led by Menachem Begin

Begin was the leader of Israel opposition party when Isreal was formed dickhead, so he was on the OPPOSITE party of Ben Gurion

now that we see that you randomly spit shit out without actually knowing the history behind it

of course it owuld be different if Hamas targeted military officials and warned of bombings beforehand

that shows that ythey want to disrupt the way of life but not actually KILL people

I stand corrected - it was Begin. He was still Jewish and I stand by my statement that Jews have also committed terrorism.

And dude, the fact is the hotel blew up killing over 90 people...if they wanted to disrupt the way of life, then they could have planted a fake bomb and not a real one? Which they full well knew would kill a lot of people if ignored. That is terrorism. Instilling fear for a political purpose.

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism

Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m

Function: noun

Date: 1795

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

- ter·ror·ist /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun

- ter·ror·is·tic /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

So let me ask you this - all the Hamas attacks against the IDF in the OT is OK?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I stand corrected - it was Begin. He was still Jewish and I stand by my statement that Jews have also committed terrorism.

And dude, the fact is the hotel blew up killing over 90 people...if they wanted to disrupt the way of life, then they could have planted a fake bomb and not a real one? Which they full well knew would kill a lot of people if ignored. That is terrorism. Instilling fear for a political purpose.

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism

Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m

Function: noun

Date: 1795

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

- ter·ror·ist /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun

- ter·ror·is·tic /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective

So let me ask you this - all the Hamas attacks against the IDF in the OT is OK?

they are OK in the sense that WAR is WAR

Israel should and will retaliate for those attacks but once you blatantly include civilians, well then Israel should be 10 times harder on those filthy bastards the movie swordfish sadly had the best solutions for dealing with terrorists

and as for the King David hotel, you cant disrupt a way of life with a fake bomb, listen to yorself

it was an attempt to sacre the Brits, if they wouldve been smart enough to listen, even though that was the MOST extreme part of the indenpendence movement in Israel they STILL didnt want to kill people, it was a sad sad accident, and DONT compare those extremists to Ben Gurion every people have its extremists

but Palestinians? or Al Qaeda, all they want to do is kill people. that is there only goal. if they trtuly wanted just independnce they couldve had it a long time ago (even someone as stupid as you cant dispute that Arafatis a bumbling idiot for what the did at Oslo)

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