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Bush Booed at Martin Luther King Gravesite

mr mahs

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DISGRACE! What more do people want?



By Randall Mikkelsen

ATLANTA (Reuters) - In a sign of the difficulty President Bush faces as he tries to win black support for his reelection, several hundred protesters loudly booed him on Thursday as he laid a wreath at the grave of civil rights leader Martin Luther King.

"Bush go home" and "peace not war" the predominantly black crowd of protesters shouted from behind a barrier of buses, as Bush paid tribute to King on the 75th anniversary of his birth.

Bush wants to improve his standing among black voters this reelection year, after winning less than 10 percent of the African-American vote in 2000.

The president was accompanied by King's widow Coretta Scott King, and sister, Christine King Farris. He placed the wreath, bowed his head for a few moments, and departed without speaking or facing the protesters as the boos from the crowd increased.

The protesters carried signs with slogans like "Money for jobs and housing, not war" and "It's not a photo-op George."

A White House spokesman defended Bush's visit to the grave of the assassinated civil rights icon.

"This is about paying tribute to someone who had a tremendously positive influence in shaping the world that we live in today ... it's a solemn moment, a nice way to honor Dr. King," spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.

Bush was in Atlanta as part of a two-state swing during which he also raised $2.3 million in campaign funds, trumpeted a reelection endorsement from Georgia Democratic Sen. Zell Miller, and promoted government aid for religious charities.

King's birthday is commemorated by a national holiday on Monday, recognizing his non-violent leadership of the black civil rights struggle in the 1950s and 1960s.

"Today, all Americans benefit from Dr. King's work and his legacy of courage, dignity, and moral clarity," Bush said in a written statement proclaiming the annual holiday.

Bush faces a stiff challenge in wooing black voters.

"Bush's policies contradict everything Dr. King stood for," said Ann Mauney, a member of the Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition.

U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a Maryland Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, criticized the grave visit as "yet another symbolic gesture that lacks any real substance."

"Every policy decision of the Bush Administration including the war in Iraq, healthcare, jobs, the economy, judicial nominations, housing, the environment, as well as secondary and higher education, has done nothing to strengthen Dr. King's dream," Cummings said.

Earlier on Thursday, Bush hailed King's legacy during a visit to the predominantly black Union Bethel African Methodist Episcopal church in New Orleans. "I'm really not worthy to stand here, when I think about the fact that ... this is the very place where Martin Luther King stood, as well, some 42 years ago."

He also promoted his program of government aid for religious charities, which is popular among some black clergy. He announced new rules that help "faith-based" charities compete for $3.7 billion in Justice Department funding.

Bush raised $1 million at a New Orleans campaign fundraiser, and $1.3 million in Atlanta.

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Bush is the first president since Warren G. Harding that hasn't met with the NAACP not to mention being in favor of dismantling affirmative action. Signed the patriot act (and patriot act II) which all but wiped away the bill of rights. In fact, King would probably be considered a terrorist under this administration.

Yep, this president is the most anti-civil rights president we've had in years and you wonder why people are so indignant about him laying a wreath on King's grave during an election year? It's the epitome of hypocracy.

Also, it's important to mention that local leaders of the The MLK March Committee were initially told to conclude their scheduled events for "security reasons". Of course their pissed off, because of Bush's photo op. Disgraceful? Yes, Bush is disgraceful.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Bush is the first president since Warren G. Harding that hasn't met with the NAACP not to mention being in favor of dismantling affirmative action. Signed the patriot act (and patriot act II) which all but wiped away the bill of rights. In fact, King would probably be considered a terrorist under this administration.

Yep, this president is the most anti-civil rights president we've had in years and you wonder why people are so indignant about him laying a wreath on King's grave during an election year? It's the epitome of hypocracy.

Also, it's important to mention that local leaders of the The MLK March Committee were initially told to conclude their scheduled events for "security reasons". Of course their pissed off, because of Bush's photo op. Disgraceful? Yes, Bush is disgraceful.

Let me ask you something...

Without the patriot act how would U combat terrorism on our soil?

Do you even have a clue or are you just protesting to protest? Honestly no insults, all I want is an answer on how to fight terrorism on our soil,forget about over seas??

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That is disgusting! How dare they do that. President Bush is OUR leader! He is not perfect, he is only human, but he is OUR President of this Great Country we call the United States of America!!!!!! Let's start backing him a little more and maybe, just maybe we can see some god damm martians already!!!!!


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Originally posted by mr mahs

Let me ask you something...

Without the patriot act how would U combat terrorism on our soil?

Do you even have a clue or are you just protesting to protest? Honestly no insults, all I want is an answer on how to fight terrorism on our soil,forget about over seas??

Although, we're getting off the subject a little but I'll play along...

Policy change is how you fight terrorism. We give the terrorist ammunition but bombing the shit out of countries. Innocent people are the ones paying the price both here and abroad. We need to stop playing god with countries and support peace not war. Sounds crazy to fight terrorism with love but hate only breeds more hate. That's what Dr. King and Ghandi preached. Non-violence and tolerance...and it worked.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Although, we're getting off the subject a little but I'll play along...

Policy change is how you fight terrorism. We give the terrorist ammunition but bombing the shit out of countries. Innocent people are the ones paying the price both here and abroad. We need to stop playing god with countries and support peace not war. Sounds crazy to fight terrorism with love but hate only breeds more hate. That's what Dr. King and Ghandi preached. Non-violence and tolerance...and it worked.

LOL Yeah bush should send Bin Laden a bouqet of flowers

you didn't answer my question.. How do we deal with terrorsim in OUR country?

If you are against the Patriot act, the tightening of our borders as well as other actions that don't affect the average american, how else would you combat terrorism?

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Who said racism? Bush is anti-civil rights hence his stance on affirmative action. King's gave his life for civil rights. Do you see why everyone is upset?

You said Bush is pissing on affirmative action... I agree with BUSH's stance, that affirmative action is no longer needed and a form of racism to non minorities...

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Originally posted by mr mahs

LOL Yeah bush should send Bin Laden a bouqet of flowers

you didn't answer my question.. How do we deal with terrorsim in OUR country?

If you are against the Patriot act and the tightening of our borders as well as other actions that don't affect the average american, how else would you combat terrorism?

Sorry, you're right, I only spoke of our foreign policy but that's the root of international terrorism. We can't stop terrorist on our soil from attacking us by eroding our rights as US citizens. That's exactly, what they want us to do... the terrorist that is.

More and more security really doesn't end the problem of terrorism. It only amplifies it. So there needs to be a reversal in foreign policy and more freedoms together.

Obviously, if we continue to invade and bomb "axis of evil countries" and then open our borders to everyone we'll only be welcoming terrorist to attack us so that's why it's necessary to reverse our stance in the world. Two pronged approach.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

You said Bush is pissing on affirmative action... I agree with BUSH's stance, that affirmative action is no longer needed and a form of racism to non minorities...

Well, your stance would probably piss most black people off. Especially if you laid a wreath on MLK's grave. Try and understand their mentality of why they disagree with what Bush did.

Also, just because you agree with Bush on affirmative action doesn't make it right and neither does it make it right for the lefties.

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NAACP is a joke & Affirmative Action is not only a form of racism towards non-minorities, it is a form of racism towards minorities too it lowers people's self-esteem & motivations && has negatively impacted the "minority" community. Studies has shown that since AA has been removed from certain educational institutions, minority enrollment has in fact increased.

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Originally posted by g420

NAACP is a joke & Affirmative Action is not only a form of racism towards non-minorities, it is a form of racism towards minorities too it lowers people's self-esteem & motivations && has negatively impacted the "minority" community. Studies has shown that since AA has been removed from certain educational institutions, minority enrollment has in fact increased.

YEAH! and what about BET? What if there was a WET? what then? I bet a RIOT would break out:laugh:

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Originally posted by g420

NAACP is a joke & Affirmative Action is not only a form of racism towards non-minorities, it is a form of racism towards minorities too it lowers people's self-esteem & motivations && has negatively impacted the "minority" community. Studies has shown that since AA has been removed from certain educational institutions, minority enrollment has in fact increased.

NAACP & Affirmative is a joke? That is your opinion. If it's the president's opinion too, then he has no reason to be honoring MLK with a wreath on his grave.

Affirmative action is a token of reparations. If the gov't doesn't want to give reparations to african americans then they'll probably want to keep affirmative action in place.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

NAACP & Affirmative is a joke? That is your opinion. If it's the president's opinion too, then he has no reason to be honoring MLK with a wreath on his grave.

Affirmative action is a token of reparations. If the gov't doesn't want to give reparations to african americans then they'll probably want to keep affirmative action in place.

HELLO! slavery happened over 400 years ago:laugh: close anyway;)

They really have to get over it already :aright:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

You said Bush is pissing on affirmative action... I agree with BUSH's stance, that affirmative action is no longer needed and a form of racism to non minorities...

And what facts do you have to back that up? Most of the slums are still inhabited by black people. Most of the poor in this country are still black. Once those stats change, and everyone is equally represented across the board, then you can say affirmative action is no longer needed.

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Originally posted by g420

NAACP is a joke & Affirmative Action is not only a form of racism towards non-minorities, it is a form of racism towards minorities too it lowers people's self-esteem & motivations && has negatively impacted the "minority" community. Studies has shown that since AA has been removed from certain educational institutions, minority enrollment has in fact increased.

Studies? what studies...link and cite them.

Guess you guys haven't studied much on this subject.

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