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Edgar V @ Voodoo Lounge Review Thread


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Ok first of all I must say i feel way too lucky to be seeing edgar v two weeks straight........ OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

ok on to the review.

First off, this place is far as fuck from kendall.!!!!!!!!!! UGH so i leave work at 5 and go to my dad's house to crash. He lives in Plantation. He proceeds to tell me, that i never go to his house but when i have to club in his area i do........ Hes right .:( Im a bad son LMAO :(

ok so i get to voodoo around 10 pm . walk in for free cuz i guess they feel bad im there so early. LOL. The dj there sucked........ if he remixed anymore hip hop songs i was fuckin gonan stand on the train tracks and kill myself.....

First person to show up was Carrisa and Diego Ddg i think on CJ.

Carrisa lookin omfg FINEEEEEEE as always, but damn i love them boots..... :eek:

ok here is the rundown

1)Koky and Leo

2)Madmon (those fuckers took ur mojo away by sayin no whistle..... that shitttttttttt suckkkkkkkkkeddddddddddd)



5)flip and tonie



ok fuck im lazy u all know who was there LOL

so anyways, edgar goes on around 11:50 and evertying is great he drops the matrix tune (i was like OMFG i die.... shades of his best set eva at crobar )

Then about half an hour in they took damons whistle........ wtf .... poor damon first the shit at crobar now this..... UGH it just wasnt the same withouth the whistle........ (oh and the ft. lauderdale crowd is kinda funny....... they dance weird LOL )

ok so around 130-2 edgar starts throwin down some OMFG i die tracks back to back to back OMFG I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katana-tribal shock, PUlstar- My religion, among others. OMFG I love those tracks..... :)

my overall review of voodoo is eh ok.. i havent been there since a Y100 valentines event the singles mingle 2 years ago. it was cool seeing faye again, havent seen her since her days with kenny and footy on Y100. in fact she hosted the singles mingle. heh

the placement of the booth SUCCCCCCCCCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i walked around the club like 10 min before i realized it was over the door........... QUE MIERDA!!!!!!!!!!!

anyways, when edgar came in with everyone, i tell him oh god dont play wundervoll. and what does he doe he plays it LOL

and he didnt bring GAmemaster ugh :(

anyways, it was great to see markus drop by with heather..... its so great to see the dj's come out to support one another....

arturo cracks me up when faye said markus was in the house he was like OMFG and ran upstairs :) i would have followed u save for the fact that i was lazy and didnt want to climb stairs LOL.

of course i got a few pics id say around 3 not many.... but good enuff.

i left around 3:30 and he was dropping disgustingly sick tracks

the ones that go "listen to techno" and that woman orgasming track (i someone d them please so i can use them in my set LOL )

so on the trip home, there is this fuckin nasty accident on I-95 S. im like omfg. i was stuck there 30 min. then i was fallin asleep at the wheel. scary shit...... voodoo is a long ass trip. but ill go there for edgar anytime

great times as always


PS (sorry i didnt wear the shirt LOL, i have to make new ones. maybe ill make it for tonite at space not sure yet LOL )

PPS (OMFG faye mentioned trance addicts :) )

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That accident on 95 was bad, Markus and I saw it happen and had to stay to give the report to the police. The guy that caused the accident ran and Markus saw him, so when they finally caught the guy Markus had to ID him as the driver. CRAZY and scary!!!!

The guy in the smashed up car was alive so that was a relief, but it was pretty bad.

oh and Voodoo was fun. Always nice to see everyone even if it is only for a short time. See everyone tonight!:)

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Originally posted by globalgirl

That accident on 95 was bad, Markus and I saw it happen and had to stay to give the report to the police. The guy that caused the accident ran and Markus saw him, so when they finally caught the guy Markus had to ID him as the driver. CRAZY and scary!!!!

The guy in the smashed up car was alive so that was a relief, but it was pretty bad.

oh and Voodoo was fun. Always nice to see everyone even if it is only for a short time. See everyone tonight!:)

damn !!! sorry i missed you and markus :( didnt even know u guys were there :confused:
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Originally posted by globalgirl

That accident on 95 was bad, Markus and I saw it happen and had to stay to give the report to the police. The guy that caused the accident ran and Markus saw him, so when they finally caught the guy Markus had to ID him as the driver. CRAZY and scary!!!!

The guy in the smashed up car was alive so that was a relief, but it was pretty bad.

oh and Voodoo was fun. Always nice to see everyone even if it is only for a short time. See everyone tonight!:)

wow .. glad you guys had a hand in getting that guy..... wow that car looked bad. the roof was all gone pretty much..... :( glad u guys made it home safe

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Originally posted by globalgirl

That accident on 95 was bad, Markus and I saw it happen and had to stay to give the report to the police. The guy that caused the accident ran and Markus saw him, so when they finally caught the guy Markus had to ID him as the driver. CRAZY and scary!!!!

The guy in the smashed up car was alive so that was a relief, but it was pretty bad.

oh and Voodoo was fun. Always nice to see everyone even if it is only for a short time. See everyone tonight!:)

Big props to you and Markus for sticking around to help the police out. :)
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I have to say this about the Ft. Lauderdale crowd:


The guys are fucking drunk groping pigs. I had to push one guy 3 times before he got the picture. And Koky got a push in too. :D

The girls in Laudy must all be serious whores for the guys to behave that way. Must be why Saleen likes Ft. Lauderdale so much. So there you go guys, if you wanna be sure to score, get up to Ft. Lauderdale.

I'll pass.

I think I'd rather be around people in Miami that mind their own business and aren't so fucking pushy. Yeah, so some of them are on drugs.... who cares. At least they don't bother like those that can't hold their liquor.

Have a great day! :)

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Originally posted by themrs

I have to say this about the Ft. Lauderdale crowd:


The guys are fucking drunk groping pigs. I had to push one guy 3 times before he got the picture. And Koky got a push in too. :D

The girls in Laudy must all be serious whores for the guys to behave that way. Must be why Saleen likes Ft. Lauderdale so much. So there you go guys, if you wanna be sure to score, get up to Ft. Lauderdale.

I'll pass.

I think I'd rather be around people in Miami that mind their own business and aren't so fucking pushy. Yeah, so some of them are on drugs.... who cares. At least they don't bother like those that can't hold their liquor.

Have a great day! :)

Is that your review?

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Well lets see........

It was a nice night out, for the reason that I was chiling with friend and listenning to Edgar spin @ a different venue.BUT as for the club i thought it sucked. Whats up with that mini-Berlin Wall they had there in front of the DJ booth? :confused:The lighting in there....well just get rid of the christmas blue lights that were up and it'll be much better.Not to mention they had a hip-hop room in da back and here and there you can hear some of those beats interfere with the mainroom, freaking sucked ass but it wasnt for long.As for the crowd im just not used to having drunk ass crackers bumping into me that had me already on a bad trip towards the end of the night, talk about being rude @ the clubs in Miami most peeps tap you on the sholder or even say'"excuse me." LOL too funny though :laugh:I dont what Saleen is always braging about? I will say the ladies are very nice looking.But I think the folks up there arent ready for partying like the way we do it DOWN SOUTH. But I wont say they have to,its fun going to different parties with different crowds. Been to Deluxe and thought it was a great vibe. Ohwell.

As for the music,it was good , didnt thinkEdgar wasnt going to bang that place up the way he did ,I mean it wasnt a hardcore set but very much energetic and had them white folks moving most of the night.Herd some familiar tracks aswell as some new ones but the best one was calledI believe,"Terbulence", :eek:played toward the end and that shyt had me jumping around like a lil kid,bad ass track loved it.

It was an aight night, I always like to be with friends so I had a good time. Till neXt time. PEACE. :cool:

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Another great performance by Mr V!!!! Good to see all the usuals in attendance plus a few newbies I brought along.

I second that opinion on the Laudy guys. Although I got to run into a lot of people that I havent seen in years...the rest of them are drunk assholes...well for the most part. Do guys really think that if they put their hand up my skirt and feel my ass as they walk by that I will want them!?!?! PLEASE!!! (this actually happened!!!)

I was surprised that Edgar played such a hard set for that crowd but the place was jumpin till about 330am. Edgar got me with a few tracks that just hit me hard and I was blown away.

I had been wanting to go out in Ft Laud for a while now but last night I learned something...I prefer a night out in Miami any day!!! I just cant seem to "let go" and feel as much as I do when I am in Miami...maybe thats cause I basically LIVED in Voodoo when I first moved here.

Mursa and I hit up Afterhours at NV for a dose of DJBRUNO and NELSON DIAZ. Always a fun time. Saleen...Bruno dropped a great Classics track...a Michael Jackson mix of Billie Jean (I think)...he said it was Stephan Lukes. The whole concept of this track was great...started off with a "hint" of the track and then went into MLK "I had a dream" speech then the music just blew up!!!! (Hard to describe the irony here but I hope you understand what I am getting at).

Thanks again to Edgar, Bruno and Nelson for a great Friday night!!!

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Guest saleen351

if you can't handle the crowds in lauderdale, then you should never ever venture into nyc or nj... you won't last 5 minutes.. toni you are a sweetie, but i know chicks your size, just as cute and can walk into any club any time and have zero issues.. People in miami have no world culture, they rarely venture out of dade thus they are really out of of their element where ever they travel... Whereas tri state people, can go anywhere and not have issues.. I was at voodo last week with a few chicks, and none of them had any problems nor ever any problems in lauderdale...

only the time i had to save guyman from a beating at sidebar..

I need to put you threw my school of guidette monster training..

the people who have clubbed in nyc, know about the guidette monsters...

The chicks i club with, are a riot to watch work the dance floor, one by one guys come up to them, and i laugh they just don't know what a guidette monster will do to them....

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Originally posted by saleen351

if you can't handle the crowds in lauderdale, then you should never ever venture into nyc or nj... you won't last 5 minutes.. toni you are a sweetie, but i know chicks your size, just as cute and can walk into any club any time and have zero issues.. People in miami have no world culture, they rarely venture out of dade thus they are really out of of their element where ever they travel... Whereas tri state people, can go anywhere and not have issues.. I was at voodo last week with a few chicks, and none of them had any problems nor ever any problems in lauderdale...

only the time i had to save guyman from a beating at sidebar..

I need to put you threw my school of guidette monster training..

the people who have clubbed in nyc, know about the guidette monsters...

The chicks i club with, are a riot to watch work the dance floor, one by one guys come up to them, and i laugh they just don't know what a guidette monster will do to them....

why would we go to the frozen tundra when we can club in paradise?

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

why would we go to the frozen tundra when we can club in paradise?

:laugh: :laugh:

and nick seriously ... if the crowds in ny are like that ... then yeah ill stay here in miami ... there were atleast 6 instances where if i really wanted to coulda had a reason to mangle a few of these broward gropers ... if thats their style then fuck that bullshit .. im just happy i contained myself those few times cause it coulda got really nasty ( & i wasnt in the best of moods) ... i just didnt like the idea of spending the night in broward jail for beating the life out of these dumb low lifes that hit on chicks even with their BF present ... if thats the ny crowd as well , then thats just really pathetic imo .. the fag that grabbed themrs & tried to kiss her came really close to the beating of his life last night.. as themrs pushed him away he came towards her talkin shit with an attitude.. thats when i stepped in and pushed him away and he backed off ... wtf is that shit ... keep your drinking , groping no pussy gettin broward crowd ... ill stick with my friendly , pill popping , trance listening , nothin but a good time , dade crowd over here :D :D

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,,, Even though i was still recovering from a cold i still "spontaniously" ventured out to Voodoo . The club in itself isn't all that great in terms of the crowd it attracts, sound is kinda lame, but EV definetly forced it to the max . Really nice set , but the second half of his set definetly had some "FILTHY GANGSTA" tech-trance ..good lord , talk about Energy . :cool:

Great seeing and hanging with the "USUAL SUSPECTS" , and also a thumbs up to my afterparty companion CRAZYMUTHERFUCKINCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ;):tongue: .

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