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Dean Goes Apeshit During Speach


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pokemon Posted: Jan 20 2004, 12:41 AM

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He made no sense whatsoever.

He displayed quite a detailed knowledge of the names of most of the states, but he wasted an opportunity on national TV to convey any sort of coherent message.

chacharas Posted: Jan 20 2004, 01:03 AM

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I agree that Dean missed an opportunity to make a memorable speech....he came across as a fighter...but not much else.

I think that Dr. Dean ( whom I totally support)needs a speechwriter to help with crafting eloquent, memorable moments....

Also..it is time to ccome forward with positive plans for the country....

And....perhaps we all agree that negative campaigning is not ( at least against other Democrats) what people want to hear...

But one learns more from one's mistakes than from sucesses ( so they say.), so..


SadRepublican Posted: Jan 20 2004, 01:17 AM

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Come ON Dean!! Third place???! And after I've made my decision to shift to Independant just so I can have the privilege to vote for you in NH--and you come in behind EDWARDS?!!!

Looks like me fantasy match-up between you and Bush is in jeopardy. But Iowa is no true predictor of ultimate success, so I still have both my "Flat Dean" and my hopes up.

Don't fail me now, you Prozac Powerkeg!!

steven Posted: Jan 20 2004, 02:53 AM

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dean certainly came across as a rabid lunatic to any outsider watching.

i changed party affiliation from R to D just so i could vote in the primary.

i'm still backing him at the moment but his speech was pathetic.

seriously... who the hell is coaching him?

wrong approach altogether!

at one point i was actually UNCOMFORTABLE and EMBARRASED.

this really may have done his campaign in.

all eyes were watching and he proved the talking heads right with his angry ranting. what a waste of THE MOMENT!

true, his message has a right at times to carry an angry tone...

but at the appropriate moment.

this wasn't it.

we knew a month ago or longer that he would be painted as "angry".

why haven't his handlers killed this adjective by now??????????????

he needs to "grow up"... begin acting a bit more presidential.

undecideds that i know keep saying that there is something weird or wrong with him but are unable to pinpoint just what it is.

i am beginning to possibly agree.

Denny In GA Posted: Jan 20 2004, 03:03 AM


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I think Dean's concession speech was GREAT! I think it is one of the best things to happen so far. Look at what it accomplishes:

- Fires up Dean supporters (as if they needed any firing up!)

- GUARANTEES news coverage. I bet dollars to donuts that DEAN will get more MEDIA TIME tomorrow than the WINNER.

- GUARANTEES coverage on LATINO stations.

For those unhappy with Dean's speech: Would you rather have had him come out and wipe away a tear or two, or clasp his hands and apologize to everyone in a meek little voice? Would you rather have him recite the same boring, polite little speech that would have been forgotten by noon the next day?


I'm SICK and TIRED of putting my vote for a guy who's not as bad as the other guy. Dean is a LEADER with COURAGE, and we are in times where we desperately need leadership in our country! I want him to SPEAK OUT and GIVE THEM HELL because the current administration in Washington is actively playing upon the fears of good people to make us all slaves to the bottom line of multinational corporations!

Right now, we are still in the process of getting noticed around the country, and if there was any way to turn a distant third place showing into a refiring of what is already a damn big engine, and to take the media glare off of the winner of the Iowa caucus, DEAN DID IT.

I'm sure Joe Lieberman could have made a very gracious and polite concession speech. But I support Gov. Howard Dean because I believe that he has INTEGRITY and PASSION.

And if we lose, we lose! I'd rather lose with Dean than lose with a compromise. But... we would lose standing behind a candidate who is HONEST, who is a LEADER, and who has GUTS! Win or lose, in fifty years we can tell our grandchildren that we supported someone who inspired REAL patriotism.

We have a quality candidate in Dean. In the long run, this caucus and this speech will be one of the best things to ever happen to our campaign.

Dean is not another McGovern. Dean is another RFK, another Truman, another FDR. Dean supporters are Patriots who believe in hope and change and all of the best things that America has ever stood for.

Brikindawall Posted: Jan 20 2004, 03:55 AM

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I agree whole handedly with Denny in GA. Great post

moxsum Posted: Jan 20 2004, 06:14 AM

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No Denny. Dean supporters wouldnt have wanted dean to make a sorrowful speach. But it would have been much better then his crazed speed like screaming nonsense. Edwards and Kerry both talked about Dick Gephardt and MLK. Dean could have still given a rousing speach, but withought screaming like a nut. He also didnt talk about any important issues Edwards, Kerry, and even Gephardt who bowed out. This was it for dean, he doesnt have a chance now. How pathetic is it that Dean who has been number 1 for about a year, and has more money then the other candidates, and a strong base of supporters finished a VERY distant third.

Dean-Uber-Alles Posted: Jan 20 2004, 07:24 AM

Gnu World Ordo

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The speech was horrid.

The headline on drudgereport is DEAN GOES NUTS....

Rove need not spin this... it's that bad.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

OH MY...

Who are you voting for?

Honestly. I don't know. They are all lame.

I've always liked Dick Gephardt but corporate america would rather dig up Jimmy Hoffa and make him president then old Dick. But of course he's dropped out. He would have been the best president for our economy...but woulda, coulda, shoulda don't amount to shit.

Dean inspires me on some issues, but he's not very presidential.

Kucinich wants to totally move away from Nafta, so that's a deal breaker for me. Besides, I can't vote for a man with a comb over. He just comes off as a pussy too.

Kerry. I haven't made up my mind what I think about him just yet. He's been slightly...well not slightly...hypocrytical on his views. I don't think Bush could hold a candle to Kerry in a debate.

Edwards. I like John Edwards, but he doesn't inspire me.

Clark. Just another war general or Clinton 2.0 I think if you agree with the war on terror then you should vote for this guy. He's comes out against the war but on the other hand praises dubya and Rummy for the way they are conducting the "war on terror". I'm against the whole concept of the "war on terror" and would have to do some serious soul searching before I voted for this guy. Although, he would be the better president for our troops. Yep, if you want another clinton era you should probably vote for clark. I'm undecided.

So juggling all these things, I have no fucking clue who I'm going to vote for. Maybe Dean, if he can stop acting like a fucking screaming maniac and get back to the issues.

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ya know....first i supported Braun....then she dropped out. Then i supported Gephardt, then he dropped out.

i think i'm going to keep my mouth shut about this topic for a while :laugh:

btw: here is a thread featuring a few photoshops of Dr. Dean. I tried posting them here, but CP doesnt seem to be handling attachments well today.


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