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Real World Last Night...


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This is definitely one of the funniest episodes I've ever seen.

I don't know why either of them got arrested. The kid that got robin locked up was def a pussy. And what did Brad do wrong? He was just talking back to those idiots that were screaming shit at him.

Yes Frankie is a whore, but I didn't like her from the first episode when she threw up on herself,:puke: Eww. Randy had me dying. He reminds me of myself after a saturday night, lol.

About the inferno......I hope Katie kicks veronica's skanky ass!!!! :mad3:

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From the beginning of yesterday's episode, I didn't get why they just didn't go to a place where all of em could go if that's what they wanted to do. Like when brad, randy, and jacquese went, brad and randy really didn't care that jacquese didn't get in. And then the same thing with cameran, robin and frankie.

But the guy that got robin arrested was a punk, wtf, 1 hit...

brad getting arrested was funny, just b/c of randy and how he acted afterwards!

jacquese was cool for being the sober one helping the situation out, cause I can only imagine if randy handled the phone calls. :tongue:

frankie doesn't need to drink anymore, cause she tries to hook up with everyone when drunk.

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