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Bush admits to lying about WMD

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Bush Admits Misleading on WMD

Less than a year after declaring there was "no doubt the Iraqi regime continues to possess the most lethal weapons ever devised,"1 President Bush and the White House began to openly "back away from its WMD assertions today."2 The New York Times reported, "White House officials are no longer asserting that stockpiles of banned weapons would eventually be found" after their weapons inspector, David Kay said he "doesn't think [WMD] existed" after the 1991 Gulf War.3

The backtracking is reverberating throughout the Bush administration. While Secretary of State Colin Powell told the United Nations last year that "our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical weapons agent,"4 he said this weekend that it could actually be "zero tons."5 Powell told the United Nations in 2003 that Iraq "can produce anthrax," that it might "have produced 25,000 liters" and showed a video of an Iraqi plane that dumping "2,000 liters of simulated anthrax" as proof, but he now says they might have produced no anthrax at all.6

Similarly, Vice President Dick Cheney, said before the war, "there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction...to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us," but now says the war was about Iraq's "efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction."7 The vice president also cited a classified report8 his own Administration has labeled "inaccurate" as the "best source" of proof that Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda were linked.9

In response, the Administration is beginning to blame the intelligence community for the WMD fiasco, and planning an internal "review of prewar intelligence."10 Administration ally Kay concurred, arguing "I think the intelligence community owes the president [an apology] rather than the president owing the American people."11 Despite Mr. Kay's assertions, experts who knew the record of U.N. inspections knew that finding no WMD "was always a strong possibility . . .but Bush administration officials never acknowledged it."12

Earlier reporting found that senior Administration officials deliberately "bypassed the government's customary procedures for vetting intelligence,"13 and the White House set up a separate intelligence apparatus, the "Office of Special Plans," to "cherry-pick intelligence that supported its pre-existing position and ignoring all the rest."14 For example, the president's well-known declaration in last year's State of the Union, asserting that Iraq "sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,"15 remained despite CIA demands to remove such allegations from his speech16.


Presidential Remarks, 03/17/2003.

"White House Shows Less Certainty Now on Iraq's Arms", New York Times, 01/27/2004.

"Kay: No evidence Iraq stockpiled WMDs", CNN, 01/26/2004.

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Addresses the U.N. Security Council, 02/05/2003.

"5 GIs Die In Iraq Attacks", CBS News, 01/24/2004.


Remarks by the Vice President to Italian Leaders, 01/26/2004.

"Critics blast Cheney for linking al Qaeda to Iraq", Scripps Howard News Service, 01/23/2004.

DOD Statement, 11/15/2003.

"White House to Review Prewar Intelligence on Iraqi Arms, New York Times, 01/26/2004.

"Kay wants inquiry on weapons estimates", Charlotte Observer, 01/26/2004.

"`They don't exist': Kay's words may boost global teamwork on arms control", Boston Globe, 01/25/2004.

"The Stovepipe" The New Yorker, 10/27/2003.

"Spies, Lies, and Weapons: What Went Wrong", The Atlantic Monthly, January 2004.

State of the Union, 01/28/2003.

"White House: CIA questioned State of the Union address", Miami Herald, 07/23/2003.


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Originally posted by pattbateman

many times me and igloo both posted all the comments made by member of both parties and the UN and countries all over the world that they did

so if they dont everyone was fooled


Not everyone was fooled as you have pointed out. It became apparent very early that the wmd claim was bullshit as opposed to you and the other fools.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Not everyone was fooled as you have pointed out. It became apparent very early that the wmd claim was bullshit as opposed to you and the other fools.

Dude you are clueless..


How did Bush lie to us?

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Yeah, but the whole world did not enter the war. The whole world wanted to make ABSOLUTELY sure before doing anything.

This could not be further from the truth......

The world (France and Germany) had there own reasons, and NONE of those reasons, ABSOLUTELY NONE of those reasons, had to do with WMD's or to be "absolutely sure"....

Those who still cling to the "Bush Lied" bullshit are schmucks (jamirolost) and can easily be dismissed as blowhards.....

Interesting too that blind retards like jamirolost want to use Kay's selectively........they like to use only the portion og his statements that say "NO WMD" but refuse to use all his other statements: EVERYONE thought Iraq had WMD, including the UN, the world (France and Germany), and the Clinton Administration, and there was no political pressure to hype the intelligence.

His statements also say a lot more to discredit the baseless statements made by antiBush retards like jamirolost, but like others of his kind, he refuses to recognize them.

This whole debate is tired, because too many refuse to look at all the fcats, or at least consider the WHOLE of Kay's testimony and the FACTS that are known today.

And there is one fact that is rock -solid--those who think Bush lied on WMD are useless.

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Originally posted by marksimons


all the rest of the world wanted was more time to let the UN finish their inspections.

and they would have found what david kay found.

fuck. all.


Nice job retard...

As David Kay stated, his team of 1400 people were only able to find what they did, and uncover the extent of Iraq's concealment and deception because the U.S. is in there now.

No way the pre-war team of 100 people would have been able to uncover anything to the extent they know today. Instead, they would have been met with continual Iraqi lies, cheating, and deception--and continued to be led to believe by the IRAQI REGIME that they were hiding things--because they were as part of their little game.

In addition, Kay believed that the Iraqi regime was a threat based on numerous reasons...especially considering that the minute sanctions were lofted (which France and Russia were pushing for), Iraq had the material, know-how, and intent to restart all their WMD programs.

Seriously, shut the fuck up because you have no idea what you are talking about.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

France, Germany, and Russia all were planning to veto a resolution to go to war with Iraq. They believed more time was needed and that Iraq did not pose a direct and immediate threat.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thank for saying this simpleton......once again you proved you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about....endless, uneducated drivel form you ass....

you are a proven retard!

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

France, Germany, and Russia all were planning to veto a resolution to go to war with Iraq. They believed more time was needed and that Iraq did not pose a direct and immediate threat.

Wrong! They stood to lose BILLIONS in oil contracts..

See how hypocritical you are? you say we are in Iraq for oil when common sense shows the 200 billion in costs vs the 22 billion in anual revenue that Iraq would produce proofs your common anti-war accusation wrong. You sit there and deny that the blocking of the resolutions by France and co was a moral stand not for monetary benefit... It mazes me you would discredit your own govt, you're a disgrace!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Wrong! They stood to lose BILLIONS in oil contracts..

See how hypocritical you are? you say we are in Iraq for oil when common sense shows the 200 billion in costs vs the 22 billion in anual revenue that Iraq would produce proofs your common anti-war accusation wrong. You sit there and deny that the blocking of the resolutions by France and co was a moral stand not for monetary benefit... It mazes me you would discredit your own govt, you're a disgrace!

Waste of time....jamirolost has proven on his own that he is a baseless clown incapable of putting things in perspective....

I posted some good articles about Kay's testimony, what he has found, facts that have been proven, etc...

Those who wish to ignore all the relevant data like jamirolost and marksimons prove on their own they are just blowhards, and can not be seen as anything but clowns

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Wrong! They stood to lose BILLIONS in oil contracts..

See how hypocritical you are? you say we are in Iraq for oil when common sense shows the 200 billion in costs vs the 22 billion in anual revenue that Iraq would produce proofs your common anti-war accusation wrong. You sit there and deny that the blocking of the resolutions by France and co was a moral stand not for monetary benefit... It mazes me you would discredit your own govt, you're a disgrace!

The fact still remains that France, Germany, and Russia's threatening a veto for the invasion for whatever reason you believe that their motivation was, was the right thing to do. That's been proven and Bush's rationale for going in was false. You cannot deny that.

You act like our government was taking the moral high ground, by invading a country under false pretenses. Over 10,000 innocent people were killed, and counting!!! What are we supposed say now, "oops! Our bad!!" Our government was the one that invaded for monetary reasons.

I love it how conservative assholes like yourself like to accuse people of being un-american to criticize horrible decisions that resulted in the deaths of thousands. You're really sad dude.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The fact still remains that France, Germany, and Russia's threatening a veto for the invasion for whatever reason you believe that their motivation was, was the right thing to do. That's been proven and Bush's rationale for going in was false. You cannot deny that.

You act like our government was taking the moral high ground, by invading a country under false pretenses. Over 10,000 innocent people were killed, and counting!!! What are we supposed say now, "oops! Our bad!!" Our government was the one that invaded for monetary reasons.

I love it how conservative assholes like yourself like to accuse people of being un-american to criticize horrible decisions that resulted in the deaths of thousands. You're really sad dude.

Where were you when he was killing innocent Iraqi's??

And before you spill your bile read the speech in Sept 12th 2002 which highlights the humanitarian reason as well as the WMD for pulling the U.N's card to act...


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The fact still remains that France, Germany, and Russia's threatening a veto for the invasion for whatever reason you believe that their motivation was, was the right thing to do. That's been proven and Bush's rationale for going in was false. You cannot deny that.

You act like our government was taking the moral high ground, by invading a country under false pretenses. Over 10,000 innocent people were killed, and counting!!! What are we supposed say now, "oops! Our bad!!" Our government was the one that invaded for monetary reasons.

I love it how conservative assholes like yourself like to accuse people of being un-american to criticize horrible decisions that resulted in the deaths of thousands. You're really sad dude.

Yet again you prove to be absolutely clueless ...and baseless...

you really need to pull your head out of your ass douche bag

Another thread stamped with the stupidity of jamirodick, and another thread where your ass is getting kicked

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its funny that we are talking about this...b/c Bill Mahr was on the Larry King show last night...and he agreed that Bush acted correctly with the "information given to him" to invade Iraq..he said: Clinton thought they had WMDs, UN thought he had WMDs and alot of people in Congress, CIA and other Congressional Commission thought he had WMDs...on a side note, i would FIRE Tenet...i would just change the passcodes to get into the Hover Building and not even let him clean out his desk...totally unacceptable from the head of CIA...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

its funny that we are talking about this...b/c Bill Mahr was on the Larry King show last night...and he agreed that Bush acted correctly with the "information given to him" to invade Iraq..he said: Clinton thought they had WMDs, UN thought he had WMDs and alot of people in Congress, CIA and other Congressional Commission thought he had WMDs...on a side note, i would FIRE Tenet...i would just change the passcodes to get into the Hover Building and not even let him clean out his desk...totally unacceptable from the head of CIA...

100% agreed!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Where were you when he was killing innocent Iraqi's??

And before you spill your bile read the speech in Sept 12th 2002 which highlights the humanitarian reason as well as the WMD for pulling the U.N's card to act...


Funny how Bush never mentions the role we played in killing innocent Iraqi's.

But the better question is "where were the so called 'liberators of iraq' when Saddam was using chemical weapons on his own people and Iran, almost the same group of neocons were helping him do this. We quietly continued to assist him and his country. Face it, this administration is losing it's footing fast as they're arguement are falling apart in front of the world.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

its funny that we are talking about this...b/c Bill Mahr was on the Larry King show last night...and he agreed that Bush acted correctly with the "information given to him" to invade Iraq..he said: Clinton thought they had WMDs, UN thought he had WMDs and alot of people in Congress, CIA and other Congressional Commission thought he had WMDs...on a side note, i would FIRE Tenet...i would just change the passcodes to get into the Hover Building and not even let him clean out his desk...totally unacceptable from the head of CIA...

I agree.....Tenet has now presided over two massive intelligence failures (9/11 and WMD), as well as others, which include Libya, Iran, and North Korea, which was UNDERestimating their capabilities and weapins production......not to mention proliferation out of Pakistan...

In a post 9/11 world, the U.S. and the World need better effeciency out of U.S. and other intelligence services

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The fact still remains that France, Germany, and Russia's threatening a veto for the invasion for whatever reason you believe that their motivation was, was the right thing to do. That's been proven and Bush's rationale for going in was false. You cannot deny that.

You act like our government was taking the moral high ground, by invading a country under false pretenses. Over 10,000 innocent people were killed, and counting!!! What are we supposed say now, "oops! Our bad!!" Our government was the one that invaded for monetary reasons.

I love it how conservative assholes like yourself like to accuse people of being un-american to criticize horrible decisions that resulted in the deaths of thousands. You're really sad dude.

should have let the israelis do it-- THR RIGHT WAY- fast- neat and clean- without civilian casualties, and americans there at all

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Originally posted by igloo

Yet again you prove to be absolutely clueless ...and baseless...

you really need to pull your head out of your ass douche bag

Another thread stamped with the stupidity of jamirodick, and another thread where your ass is getting kicked

Next time, instead hurling insults, try coming back with an intelligent arguement. You only prove your ignorance when you do that.

Also, try not shit your pants every time someone shoots down your shitty lies and propaganda. It only proves the other person right.

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Originally posted by igloo

I agree.....Tenet has now presided over two massive intelligence failures (9/11 and WMD), as well as others, which include Libya, Iran, and North Korea, which was UNDERestimating their capabilities and weapins production......not to mention proliferation out of Pakistan...

In a post 9/11 world, the U.S. and the World need better effeciency out of U.S. and other intelligence services


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Next time, instead hurling insults, try coming back with an intelligent arguement. You only prove your ignorance when you do that.

Also, try not shit your pants every time someone shoots down your shitty lies and propaganda. It only proves the other person right.

:laugh: :laugh:

Give it a rest douche bag.....thread after thread, your ass gets kicked, just like this one..

You have made complete fool out of yourself again...as usual...

But keep sticking with your "Bush lied" arguement, and I am sure that will provide you with a ticket to "intelligence"...

Fucking moron.....keep posting, you are doing wonders for yourself...

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