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Bush admits to lying about WMD

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Originally posted by igloo

:laugh: :laugh:

Give it a rest douche bag.....thread after thread, your ass gets kicked, just like this one..

You have made complete fool out of yourself again...as usual...

But keep sticking with your "Bush lied" arguement, and I am sure that will provide you with a ticket to "intelligence"...

Fucking moron.....keep posting, you are doing wonders for yourself...

riiiiiiiiiight. Eat shit, cock smoker. Why don't you quit swinging on dubya nuts for a change, ball licker.

I believe I've proven my point of what an assfuck you are and that you're so petrified to admit that you're wrong. Fucking nazi, boot licker.

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not only does this go for michael moore it goes for the ultra liberals that post here

He's going to wake up every day for the rest of his life, and he's going to tell us how he hates everything about this country except his right to hate it. And then we say that we love it and he's going to tell us what naive sheep we are and that he's the true patriot because he hates it and he sees all the problems in it. Yeah, right, Mike. You know something, if my yawn got any bigger they'd have to assign it a hurricane name, okay?

“Michael Moore simultaneously represents everything I detest in a human being and everything I feel obligated to defend in an American. Quite simply, it is that stupid moron's right to be that utterly, completely wrong.â€

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Originally posted by pattbateman

the only point you prove is that as much as we love bush you love to hate him and this country

Uh-huh... You know what you should learn to love. You should to love the english language then you wouldn't have some many fucking gramatical mistakes, fucking amature.

That's nazi tactics to say i hate this country. I actually love this country and the people that are in it unlike you with your racist bullshit that you pump out. You uneducated troll. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

riiiiiiiiiight. Eat shit, cock smoker. Why don't you quit swinging on dubya nuts for a change, ball licker.

I believe I've proven my point of what an assfuck you are and that you're so petrified to admit that you're wrong. Fucking nazi, boot licker.



"Don't mind my BF's rants, he's a liberal"

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Originally posted by mr mahs



"Don't mind my BF's rants, he's a liberal"

lol...nice. I'm not a pussy whipped little bitch, and I'm also not affraid to engage with someone that might have a difference of opinion.

And by the way... you leave your mother out of this. :laugh:

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Originally posted by pattbateman

as with most liberals they try and invent themselves as elite intelligent people using rants and spreading their rhetoric in uncomprehensive ways to the general public in order to gain power

Yeah.. Lotta power on posting on stupid message board. :rolleyes: Wake up, loser!

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to put the final nail in this jamirolost coffin"

'Bush lied' and the lying liars who perpetuate it

Jonah Goldberg (archive)

January 16, 2004 | Print | Send

Sen. Ted Kennedy gave another one of his angry speeches this week. With all the gravitas he could muster, he recycled his standard complaint: that the Iraq war was never really about WMDs or the war on terror. It was a "political product" from "Day 1" of the president's administration.

This echoes Kennedy's earlier diatribes, like last fall when he said, "Before the war, week after week after week after week, we were told lie after lie after lie after lie."

Personally, I think Kennedy's an embarrassment to his party. But that doesn't change the fact that he's taken seriously or that he speaks for a large constituency. So let's try to deal with the "Kennedy School's" view of the Iraq war.

First let me admit that I think the failure to find significant evidence of weapons of mass destruction easily constitutes one of the greatest intelligence blunders since Pearl Harbor. There's still a chance we'll find something. But if we do, it will probably be too little, too late to change this basic assessment.

Critics of the Bush Administration are probably cheering, "Finally! Goldberg's stopped drinking the White House's Kool-Aid!"

But hold on. To argue that this was a huge intelligence blunder is to largely let George Bush off the hook for the even-more-popular Bush critique: that he lied to the American people about Iraq.

For Bush to have lied, he had to have known that there were no WMDs, right? It's not a lie unless you know the truth. If you say something you think is true that later turns out to be false, we don't call that a "lie," we call that a "mistake."

You could look it up.

This vital distinction seems to be lost on many smart people. For example, the online magazine Slate has been hosting an interesting discussion among the most respected and prominent liberals who supported the Iraq war. The question before them, more or less, is whether they regret it. Some do. Some don't. Most hold positions awash in shades of gray.

One of those is Kenneth Pollack, the former Clinton NSC staffer and author of the hugely influential book, "The Threatening Storm." Pollack's book was the most coherent and sustained case for the war from any quarter. Slate's round-robin is timed to coincide with a must-read cover story in the current issue of The Atlantic in which Pollack tries to figure out where he - and we - went wrong on WMDs.

Anyway, Pollack tells Slate, "If I had to write 'The Threatening Storm' over again I certainly would not have been so unequivocal that war was going to be a necessity."

In response, George Packer, a prominent liberal hawk, says, "Ken Pollack should be congratulated: How many leading voices on this issue have subjected themselves to such honest criticism? What he got wrong he got wrong because the intelligence was mistaken. What the administration got wrong it got wrong because it didn't care about the intelligence."

This encapsulates pretty much everything that's wrong with even the White House's most respected critics: a nearly total inability to consider the possibility that this administration operated in good faith.

Packer says Pollack's mistake was based on the best intelligence available; however, Bush & Co are a bunch of bloodthirsty ideologues or greedy liars or both.

Unfortunately, there are too many anti-Bush slanders out there to count, let alone debunk, but they are all premised on the "fact" that Bush lied.

But nobody has made a remotely persuasive case that Bush lied. The German, Russian, French, Israeli, British, Chinese and U.S. governments all agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. The German assessment was even more dire than our own. They were convinced Saddam would have a nuclear weapon by 2005.

Bill Clinton and his entire administration believed Saddam had WMDs. In 2002 Robert Einhorn, Clinton's point man on WMDs, testified to Congress, "Today, or at most within a few months, Iraq could launch missile attacks with chemical or biological weapons against its neighbors" including our 100,000 troops in Saudi Arabia.

The threat - chemical, biological and nuclear - against U.S. territory proper was only a few years away, according to Einhorn. Dick Gephardt, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Wesley Clark, Joe Lieberman, Tony Blair, Hillary Clinton, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder: all of these people believed Iraq had major stockpiles of WMDs.

Were they all "liars" like President Bush? No? Why not?

You can't have it both ways. You can't say Bush lied while others who said the same thing were being honest. The White House was operating with fundamentally identical information to that of Clinton, Pollack and Einhorn. What was different was that this White House needed to deal with the post-9/11 world.

Maybe that clouded Bush's judgment - or opened his eyes. Let's have that argument. I certainly believe mistakes were made (though I still believe the war was right and just). But if you start from Kennedy's premise that the WMD thing was made up, I can't take you seriously.

Jonah Goldberg is editor of National Review Online, a Townhall.com member group.

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The president can't keep playing dumb every time this happens like he doesn't know that the bullshit that comes out his mouth is not true. That's a huge cop out by the Bush camp to keep blaming the intelligence community...I'm mean, have some fucking balls. Stand up and say we were wrong.

Clinton was a lying sack of shit too. No one is claiming that he didn't say almost the same thing as Bush and his bushies.

I think Iggy still thinks that I actually fall in line with the dems. I don't. So the "clinton said iraq was a threat too" arguement holds no water.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The president can't keep playing dumb every time this happens like he doesn't know that the bullshit that comes out his mouth is not true. That's a huge cop out by the Bush camp to keep blaming the intelligence community...I'm mean, have some fucking balls. Stand up and say we were wrong.

Clinton was a lying sack of shit too. No one is claiming that he didn't say almost the same thing as Bush and his bushies.

I think Iggy still thinks that I actually fall in line with the dems. I don't. So the "clinton said iraq was a threat too" arguement holds no water.

What about the French, and the Germans, and former weapons inspectors, and the Israeli's, and Arab intelligence services, and Iraqi defectors, etc, ect...

Were they all in on the conspiracy to lie to you?

BTW simpleton, I am not saying you "fall in line with the Dems".....statements by the Dems (and others) are used simply to dispel the lame 'Bush lied" cry that you pathetically hang on too......

Really is a simple concept to understand, even for a retard like you

Just end it.....I am actually starting to feel bad for you

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Originally posted by igloo

What about the French, and the Germans, and former weapons inspectors, and the Israeli's, and Arab intelligence services, and Iraqi defectors, etc, ect...

Were they all in on the conspiracy to lie to you?

BTW simpleton, I am not saying you "fall in line with the Dems".....statements by the Dems (and others) are used simply to dispel the lame 'Bush lied" cry that you pathetically hang on too......

Really is a simple concept to understand, even for a retard like you

Just end it.....I am actually starting to feel bad for you

Well here's a report that shows that the german intelligence thought otherwise. This was September 2002. The report goes on to say, ''no definitive, reliable information'' that Iraq was producing or stockpiling chemical or biological weapons.


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

The president can't keep playing dumb every time this happens like he doesn't know that the bullshit that comes out his mouth is not true. That's a huge cop out by the Bush camp to keep blaming the intelligence community...I'm mean, have some fucking balls. Stand up and say we were wrong.

look in the end of the day...Bush looks bad...but u have to place blame where its necessary...the sole purpose of the CIA is for intelligence, counter-intelligence, espionage, etc...if the CIA gives false intelligence, then what are u suppose to do? it happens all the time...u rely on the CIA for intelligence, so most of the blame has to be put on the CIA...like i said, if i was Bush i would fire Tenet...heads in the CIA have to roll...start with the top...:idea:

i am all for funding a very superior Army...but in this day and age..i think we should start pumping more funds into the CIA..we are obviously way behind in the "intelligence" community...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

look in the end of the day...Bush looks bad...but u have to place blame where its necessary...the sole purpose of the CIA is for intelligence, counter-intelligence, espionage, etc...if the CIA gives false intelligence, then what are u suppose to do? it happens all the time...u rely on the CIA for intelligence, so most of the blame has to be put on the CIA...like i said, if i was Bush i would fire Tenet...heads in the CIA have to roll...start with the top...:idea:

i am all for funding a very superior Army...but in this day and age..i think we should start pumping more funds into the CIA..we are obviously way behind in the "intelligence" community...:rolleyes:

Ok. I'll agree that Bush is using the bad intelligence that was given him and acting on it but let's not pretend that a peaceful solution wasn't on the table and all other options had been exhausted before going to war. They're was huge oposition to a plan to go to war, internationally and domestically that was ignored. I'm one of many that believed that continued intrusive inspections along with international diplomatic pressure was working and would've have worked. It's been proven this is actually what disarmed Saddam not an invasion.

The CIA has given bad intelligence. Fine. Maybe we need a president and a new administration that has a little more prudence where he or she wouldn't invade a country, kill 10,000+ civilians and just say "woops! We had bad intelligence"

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Maybe we need a president and a new administration that has a little more prudence where he or she wouldn't invade a country, kill 10,000+ civilians and just say "woops! We had bad intelligence"

or maybe keep the current one...and shake up the CIA...again (IMO) the CIA need a "shake up"...remember when people were blaming Clinton for not "doing enough" against Bin Laden...aka the cruise missiles into the training camps...well i am starting to believe that the CIA is very behind the times...i think we should def. start thinking in pumping more funds into the CIA...b/c when u put the CIA and "intelligence" together in the same sentence, it just makes me laugh...

CIA = Central Intelligence Agency <---- Oxymoron;)

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Ok. I'll agree that Bush is using the bad intelligence that was given him and acting on it but let's not pretend that a peaceful solution wasn't on the table and all other options had been exhausted before going to war. They're was huge oposition to a plan to go to war, internationally and domestically that was ignored. I'm one of many that believed that continued intrusive inspections along with international diplomatic pressure was working and would've have worked. It's been proven this is actually what disarmed Saddam not an invasion.

The CIA has given bad intelligence. Fine. Maybe we need a president and a new administration that has a little more prudence where he or she wouldn't invade a country, kill 10,000+ civilians and just say "woops! We had bad intelligence"

I am gald that you finally admit your "Bush Lied" cry was flawed and absurd.....

But if you think that diplomatic pressure was the only thing that disarmed Saddam, you are on Mars.......let's not forget the little fact of a 1991 war and a 1998 bombing campaign and continued U.S. military presence had something to do with it retard....

"Intrusive inspections".....are you fucking kidding me......He played a game for over a decade, and would not let inspectors back in from 1998 to the present....then the token 100 he did allow in right before the war were going to accomplish nothing.....absolutely nothing....it was a a farce and part of the game......

We have 1400 in there now in a county we occupy, and that is the ONLY resaon why we now are uncovering facts that WOULD HAVE NEVER had been known....

Your little "international pressure" was falling apart, as Russia and France were pushing for lifting of sanctions (for their own $$ reasons that you seem to have no problem with).....and those little 100 inneffective inspectors, who would have been able to confirm NOTHING would have indirectly aided Saddam and his allies (France and Russia) little games......

The minute those sanctions were lifted, based on your "international" pressure, WMD programs would have been kickstarted again...THIS IS FACT retard.......

Not to mention that sanctions were being undermined by these countries, and Saddam was funneling money that was to be used for food, education, and medicine to his palaces and military.....yeah, that "diplomatic" stroke was really working well retard.....especially for the Iraqi people you care so much about

Perhaps the U.S. should have enforced the no=fly zone indefinitely, having our pilots shot at every day...I guess you also did not mind the cost of this over a decade......

And spare with me your bullshit care for civilians, because you could care less for these Iraqi civilians....the ones in mass graves, the ones in torture chambers and rape rooms, and the ones living under a brutral dictator and brutal regime.....please, SHUT THE FUCK UP you hypocritical jerkoff.....

"Peaceful solution" on the table.....if you want to go down this path, we shall......

1441---"One final, last chance after a decade of resolutions to COMPLY or face serious consequences"....

Saddam Hussein chose to not comply. Bad call for him (and people like you who wish to still see him in power). Good call for the U.S., the WOrld and the IRAQI people. Strong message to rogue regimes who laugh at the U.N. and their toothless enforcement that has emboldened the enemies of the world. I also suggest you refer to the posting of President Bush's outstanding speech to the U.N.

If you want to blame war on someone, blame it on Saddam Hussein and his regime jerkoff. Get your facts and perspective straight you clueless retard. Since you love pointing the finger of blame, point in the correct spot.

And if you think WMD was the only reason for this invasion, as usual, your head is up your ass. Oh yeah, my mistake, I forgot, you chose to ignore the other real reasons in favor of the "war for oil or war for Daddys' revenge or other bullshit leftist make-believe scenarios".....

At the end of the day, jerkoffs like you are wrong, simply wrong. Saddam Hussein was a menace and a threat, in the past, in the present, and certainly would have been in the future. Luckily for the world, we have a leader who actually did something about it. Sucks for lefties when people actually act to address problems, instead of standing around and talking about it for decades.

Too bad for you, because if it was up to clueless imbeciles like you, Saddam Hussein would still be there.

You are a tired, blowhard with your head up your ass. End of story.

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Originally posted by igloo

I am gald that you finally admit your "Bush Lied" cry was flawed and absurd.....

But if you think that diplomatic pressure was the only thing that disarmed Saddam, you are on Mars.......let's not forget the little fact of a 1991 war and a 1998 bombing campaign and continued U.S. military presence had something to do with it retard....

"Intrusive inspections".....are you fucking kidding me......He played a game for over a decade, and would not let inspectors back in from 1998 to the present....then the token 100 he did allow in right before the war were going to accomplish nothing.....absolutely nothing....it was a a farce and part of the game......

We have 1400 in there now in a county we occupy, and that is the ONLY resaon why we now are uncovering facts that WOULD HAVE NEVER had been known....

Your little "international pressure" was falling apart, as Russia and France were pushing for lifting of sanctions (for their own $$ reasons that you seem to have no problem with).....and those little 100 inneffective inspectors, who would have been able to confirm NOTHING would have indirectly aided Saddam and his allies (France and Russia) little games......

The minute those sanctions were lifted, based on your "international" pressure, WMD programs would have been kickstarted again...THIS IS FACT retard.......

Not to mention that sanctions were being undermined by these countries, and Saddam was funneling money that was to be used for food, education, and medicine to his palaces and military.....yeah, that "diplomatic" stroke was really working well retard.....especially for the Iraqi people you care so much about

Perhaps the U.S. should have enforced the no=fly zone indefinitely, having our pilots shot at every day...I guess you also did not mind the cost of this over a decade......

And spare with me your bullshit care for civilians, because you could care less for these Iraqi civilians....the ones in mass graves, the ones in torture chambers and rape rooms, and the ones living under a brutral dictator and brutal regime.....please, SHUT THE FUCK UP you hypocritical jerkoff.....

"Peaceful solution" on the table.....if you want to go down this path, we shall......

1441---"One final, last chance after a decade of resolutions to COMPLY or face serious consequences"....

Saddam Hussein chose to not comply. Bad call for him (and people like you who wish to still see him in power). Good call for the U.S., the WOrld and the IRAQI people. Strong message to rogue regimes who laugh at the U.N. and their toothless enforcement that has emboldened the enemies of the world. I also suggest you refer to the posting of President Bush's outstanding speech to the U.N.

If you want to blame war on someone, blame it on Saddam Hussein and his regime jerkoff. Get your facts and perspective straight you clueless retard. Since you love pointing the finger of blame, point in the correct spot.

And if you think WMD was the only reason for this invasion, as usual, your head is up your ass. Oh yeah, my mistake, I forgot, you chose to ignore the other real reasons in favor of the "war for oil or war for Daddys' revenge or other bullshit leftist make-believe scenarios".....

At the end of the day, jerkoffs like you are wrong, simply wrong. Saddam Hussein was a menace and a threat, in the past, in the present, and certainly would have been in the future. Luckily for the world, we have a leader who actually did something about it. Sucks for lefties when people actually act to address problems, instead of standing around and talking about it for decades.

Too bad for you, because if it was up to clueless imbeciles like you, Saddam Hussein would still be there.

You are a tired, blowhard with your head up your ass. End of story.

You really are a ranting maniac. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by igloo

I am gald that you finally admit your "Bush Lied" cry was flawed and absurd.....

But if you think that diplomatic pressure was the only thing that disarmed Saddam, you are on Mars.......let's not forget the little fact of a 1991 war and a 1998 bombing campaign and continued U.S. military presence had something to do with it retard....

"Intrusive inspections".....are you fucking kidding me......He played a game for over a decade, and would not let inspectors back in from 1998 to the present....then the token 100 he did allow in right before the war were going to accomplish nothing.....absolutely nothing....it was a a farce and part of the game......

We have 1400 in there now in a county we occupy, and that is the ONLY resaon why we now are uncovering facts that WOULD HAVE NEVER had been known....

Your little "international pressure" was falling apart, as Russia and France were pushing for lifting of sanctions (for their own $$ reasons that you seem to have no problem with).....and those little 100 inneffective inspectors, who would have been able to confirm NOTHING would have indirectly aided Saddam and his allies (France and Russia) little games......

The minute those sanctions were lifted, based on your "international" pressure, WMD programs would have been kickstarted again...THIS IS FACT retard.......

Not to mention that sanctions were being undermined by these countries, and Saddam was funneling money that was to be used for food, education, and medicine to his palaces and military.....yeah, that "diplomatic" stroke was really working well retard.....especially for the Iraqi people you care so much about

Perhaps the U.S. should have enforced the no=fly zone indefinitely, having our pilots shot at every day...I guess you also did not mind the cost of this over a decade......

And spare with me your bullshit care for civilians, because you could care less for these Iraqi civilians....the ones in mass graves, the ones in torture chambers and rape rooms, and the ones living under a brutral dictator and brutal regime.....please, SHUT THE FUCK UP you hypocritical jerkoff.....

"Peaceful solution" on the table.....if you want to go down this path, we shall......

1441---"One final, last chance after a decade of resolutions to COMPLY or face serious consequences"....

Saddam Hussein chose to not comply. Bad call for him (and people like you who wish to still see him in power). Good call for the U.S., the WOrld and the IRAQI people. Strong message to rogue regimes who laugh at the U.N. and their toothless enforcement that has emboldened the enemies of the world. I also suggest you refer to the posting of President Bush's outstanding speech to the U.N.

If you want to blame war on someone, blame it on Saddam Hussein and his regime jerkoff. Get your facts and perspective straight you clueless retard. Since you love pointing the finger of blame, point in the correct spot.

And if you think WMD was the only reason for this invasion, as usual, your head is up your ass. Oh yeah, my mistake, I forgot, you chose to ignore the other real reasons in favor of the "war for oil or war for Daddys' revenge or other bullshit leftist make-believe scenarios".....

At the end of the day, jerkoffs like you are wrong, simply wrong. Saddam Hussein was a menace and a threat, in the past, in the present, and certainly would have been in the future. Luckily for the world, we have a leader who actually did something about it. Sucks for lefties when people actually act to address problems, instead of standing around and talking about it for decades.

Too bad for you, because if it was up to clueless imbeciles like you, Saddam Hussein would still be there.

You are a tired, blowhard with your head up your ass. End of story.


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