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This is why there will never be PEACE...

mr mahs

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Fresh off the heels of an agreemnet mediated by the Germans to exchange 400 prisoners with Isreal, the Satanic leadership of the Palestinians send another one of their own off to die in a horrific act that will onlt delay peace.. People wonder why there will never be peace in the West bank and this is why!!!


At Least 10 Killed in Jerusalem Bus Bombing

Thursday, January 29, 2004

JERUSALEM, Israel — A homicide bomber blew up a bus in Jerusalem Thursday morning, killing 10 people and wounding at least 50 about a block away from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's (search) official residence. Aides said Sharon was at his farm in southern Israel at the time.

The militant Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (search), a group linked to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement (search), claimed responsibility for the attack.

The homicide bomber was Aali Jarrah, a 25-year-old Palestinian man. He came from the Aida refugee camp in the West Bank town of Bethlehem and was a member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Fox News obtained a letter written by Jarrah, saying the bombing was an "act of revenge."

Palestinian terror groups have recently begun to favor the use of women bombers because of they tend to be less suspicious to Israeli soldiers and police.

The blast, which occurred at about 8:51 a.m. local time on bus No. 19, peeled the roof back like a tin can and catapulted passengers through the windows and down the street. Body parts could be found strewn along the rooftops of buildings.

The explosion coincided with a German-brokered prisoner swap between Israel and the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah (search), although it was not clear if the two were connected. Israel still went ahead and released 400 Palestinian prisoners as planned Thursday as part of a swap with Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah reportedly praised the bombing on the group's website.

Two weeks ago, a Palestinian homicide bomber and mother of two killed four people and injured seven at the main crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Authorities believe Reem Al-Reyashi, 22, a Hamas (search) member who left behind a 3-year-old boy and 1-year-old girl, was the first mother to act as a homicide or suicide bomber.

Thursday morning's attack occurred as schools were opening. Police told Fox News children were likely among the casualties.

Sharon's spokesman, Raanan Gissin, said the bombing illustrated why Israel is building a contentious separation barrier in the West Bank. Israel says the structure is needed to keep bombers out of Israel. "The rest of the world should sit back and let us do what we need to do to defend ourselves," Gissin said.

The bomber was in the back of the bus when the explosives detonated, Jerusalem Police Chief Mickey Levy said.

"It was a very serious attack on a bus packed with passengers," Levy said at the scene. "According to what we know at the moment ... we're talking about a suicide bomber."

The green Egged bus was charred, with wires dangling everywhere. One side of the bus had been blown out and the back half of the roof was blown off.

Police investigators with sniffer dogs searched the bus. Paramedics were taking away the wounded on stretchers. Others were treated at the scene. People, dazed and crying, wandered around the area. One crying woman said she had been walking down the street when she heard a loud explosion.

Stephane Ben Shushan, who owns a chocolate store in the upscale neighborhood, was walking to work when the explosion went off.

"It's indescribable," he said. "It's a real nightmare, you can smell the blood." He said traffic was heavy and the bus was driving slow at the time.

The explosion came just two days after senior Egyptian officials made another attempt to win a pledge from Palestinian militants to halt attacks on Israelis. The attack was a further setback to international efforts to cause a resumption of peace talks. The U.S.-led "road map" peace plan has been stalled almost since its inception in June.

Palestinian Authority officials condemned the bombing. "This vicious cycle can only be broken by renewal of a meaningful peace process," said Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. "Otherwise, violence will breed violence, bullets will breed bullets."

The last attack in Israel was a homicide bombing at a bus stop outside of Tel Aviv on Dec. 25 that killed four people.

On Wednesday, Israeli troops clashed with Palestinian militants in fierce, prolonged street battles across Gaza City, killing eight Palestinians. The flare-up of violence complicated a new U.S. effort to restart peace talks.

The deaths — and subsequent demands for reprisals at angry funeral processions — jeopardized modest moves toward reviving the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan and threatened yet another escalation in more than three years of Palestinian-Israeli violence.

Palestinian leaders complained the fighting frustrated the first high-level U.S. diplomatic mission in a month, by envoys John Wolf and David Satterfield. They met with Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia in the West Bank city of Ramallah in a bid to revive long-stalled peace efforts.

The fighting on a chilly, cloudy day began near the isolated Jewish settlement of Netzarim in the heart of the crowded, poverty-stricken Gaza Strip.

The army said militants fired anti-tank missiles and set off a bomb, prompting the troops to fire back. Two Palestinians were killed in that first skirmish, said Dr. Moawia Hassanein, a Palestinian hospital official.

The army then entered a Gaza City neighborhood near Netzarim, and a fierce battle began. Six other Palestinians were killed and several were wounded, Hassanein said.

A rocket-propelled grenade whizzed just a few yards in front of two Israeli tanks, leaving a streak of white smoke. The tanks swiveled their barrels and fired machine guns.

During the long battle with an unusually large force of as many as 200 Palestinian gunmen, an armored Israeli bulldozer uprooted a small patch of olive and orange trees, and tanks crushed some parked cars.

At least five of the dead were armed men, including four from the Islamic Jihad group and one from Hamas, and three were believed to be bystanders, hospital officials said. Israel's military said no soldiers were hurt and claimed all the Palestinian dead were armed.

Also Wednesday, thousands of Palestinians jammed the streets of Gaza to mourn the dead. Some fired weapons in the air, and women watched from balconies as the bodies, wrapped tightly in flags of Islamic groups, were hoisted above the crowd on stretchers.

Islamic Jihad vowed to avenge the killing of its gunmen. Hamas said the "barbaric Zionist aggression is a greeting and a reception for the American delegation."

Wolf and Satterfield urged Qureia to meet soon with Sharon. Qureia has balked at a summit until he gets assurances it will produce results. Also, he was hoping to present Sharon with a Palestinian agreement for a truce, but he has been unable to secure a deal.

The United States has promoted the road map, which envisions the formation of a Palestinian state in 2005, but neither side has carried out its initial requirements.

Instead, Israel continued planning unilateral measures if peace talks remain stalled.

Sharon has pledged to impose a new boundary on the Palestinians if peace efforts don't bear fruit in coming months. He has not yet released details of the plan, but said it would include moving Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.

The United States and the Palestinians have rejected Sharon's idea of unilateral steps, insisting moves must occur through negotiations

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"we want a ceasefire"

"We do not believe you. KILL ALL INFIDELS."

"we want to do a prisoner exchange."

"we want two hundred times the amount of prisoners that we give you. KILL ALL INFIDELS."

"this violence must stop but we are willing to allow a palestinian state."

"You all must die... and yes we want the state.


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Can you blame Isreal now for setting curfews and targetting terrorist leaders?

How can anyone try to restrain Isreal when some nutjob just blew up a CIVILIAN bus in broad daylight....

My blood was boiling this morning when I saw the news..

How fawking dumb can they be? These peole are fawking backwards they will never achieve there goals and rattling the lions cage will only bring suffereing to their own people...

It makes no sense....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Can you blame Isreal now for setting curfews and targetting terrorist leaders?

How can anyone try to restrain Isreal when some nutjob just blew up a CIVILIAN bus in broad daylight....

My blood was boiling this morning when I saw the news..

How fawking dumb can they be? These peole are fawking backwards they will never achieve there goals and rattling the lions cage will only bring suffereing to their own people...

It makes no sense....

Actually my friend, it does make sense .......they believe in the destruction of Israel...case closed.

It is their belief, their foundation, their existence....it is taught in their schools, textbooks, and religious teachings.....they indoctrinate the young into this world of thinking, and nurture this mindset until it is the time to do their "duty"...

Anyone who denies that this at the heart of the problem is blind, and an apologist.

I am not saying Israel does not have their own roster of faults, and has been guilty of making decisions that obviously do not help the situation.

BUT the core of this issue can not be ignored---the belief in the destruction of Israel, and the support of Arab governments who refuse to recognize the state of Israel.

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So, whats your solution?

Maybe, its the act of desperation of a people humiliated so much that they have nothing else to do. Maybe, maybe if they actually give them a state, these bombings will stop? At least the people will have something to live for, and that makes for very hard recruiting for suicide bombers.

Fighting terrorism with terrorism is not the answer. Unless you intend to wipe out the whole area of the people in one incredibly gruesome act that would rival the holocast, then violence is not the answer - on both sides.

Yeah, Hamas, hezbollah, and all those other organizations HAVE to go, but so do certain Israeli tactics and people in power.

You know what - I seriously am starting to think a nuclear bomb in that region would be a good thing - wipe out both the Palestinians and Israelis, as that spot is like a sore festering with infection.

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Originally posted by g420

What I don't understand is why Israel continues to negotiate with these animals, history has proven time & again that you cannot negotiate w/them.

Yeah, this coming from a dipshit who was rejoicing at the deaths of thousands of people. Dude, all you come out with is hate, and with nothing to contribute to any discussion.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Yeah, this coming from a dipshit who was rejoicing at the deaths of thousands of people. Dude, all you come out with is hate, and with nothing to contribute to any discussion.

I agree- give them a state- i agree totally- then when they attack israelis again- and Israel retaliates- everyone can shut the fuck up. its not a matter if they would attack israel- only a matter of how many times

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Originally posted by babbo

I agree- give them a state- i agree totally- then when they attack israelis again- and Israel retaliates- everyone can shut the fuck up. its not a matter if they would attack israel- only a matter of how many times

I completely agree - if even after they get a state, they continue with terrorist attacks for no reason other than to destroy Israel, then by all means go ahead and destroy them, and I'll shut the fuck up - hell, I'll even back them. But till then....

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I completely agree - if even after they get a state, they continue with terrorist attacks for no reason other than to destroy Israel, then by all means go ahead and destroy them, and I'll shut the fuck up - hell, I'll even back them. But till then....

until then- the arabs- have never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity

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Originally posted by g420

The Arab states gave up that land when they decided to attack Israel.

well, guess what, with the land come the people. And this is the 21st century where you don't butcher people (it seems you don't realize this and think we still live in the dark ages). So, if claimiing that land as Israeli, make those people Israeli citizens with full voting rights.

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