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250 dead in Haj/saudi arabia


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250 reported dead by the saudis in this weeks haj. could this be yet another mis understood- accident , by the poor down beaten-and abused muslims-or has the muslim message and koran been misunderstood by us evil infidels yet again??

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Originally posted by babbo

250 reported dead by the saudis in this weeks haj. could this be yet another mis understood- accident , by the poor down beaten-and abused muslims-or has the muslim message and koran been misunderstood by us evil infidels yet again??

Dude, do you even know what the fuck you're babbling on about? It was a stampede at an annual pilgrimage/ritual, not some terrorist attack or protest!

Shit happens, hell its happened in the US plenty of times.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Dude, do you even know what the fuck you're babbling on about? It was a stampede at an annual pilgrimage/ritual, not some terrorist attack or protest!

Shit happens, hell its happened in the US plenty of times.

yea i know exactly what the fuck happened - kinds souls stampeded and killed 250 at a religious gathering- yea- it happens all the time- everywhere- heard about one in finland last nite- lmfao-

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Dude, do you even know what the fuck you're babbling on about? It was a stampede at an annual pilgrimage/ritual, not some terrorist attack or protest!

Shit happens, hell its happened in the US plenty of times.

yea- happens all the time- last year I think ONLY 36 died in the annual/peaceful pilgrimmage- muslims must have been very dissappointed in the low body count- I heard the goal is 500 dead for next year-and win a free trip to heaven!! yep- happens all the time lmfao

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you calous bastards.

how would you like it, if last year when ten people died in NY on the statten island boat crash:


hah hahah stupid americans, can't even park a boat LMFAO


I love it when fat yanks can't escape and sink to the bottom of the sea ahahhaah dead stupid americans, bet they were stuffing their fat fucking faces and thought the boat crashing was just their fat bitch of a wife farting.

imagine it, fucking twinkies floating all over the water with those fat walrus-like bodies... ahahha



you wouldn't like me would you.

so 250 odd people die in this mecca pilgramige.

well over 2 million people went in five days, that's not too bad, and it was an accident.

shame people died, they didn't deserve to, but it happens, just like that boat accident.

batemann and babbo, jokes about accidents and in poor taste can be good, but you guys ain't even been funny...

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Originally posted by marksimons

you calous bastards.

how would you like it, if last year when ten people died in NY on the statten island boat crash:


hah hahah stupid americans, can't even park a boat LMFAO


I love it when fat yanks can't escape and sink to the bottom of the sea ahahhaah dead stupid americans.


you wouldn't like me would you.

so 250 odd people die in this mecca pilgramige.

well over 2 million people went in five days, that's not too bad, and it was an accident.

shame people died, they didn't deserve to, but it happens, just like that boat accident.

batemann and babbo, jokes about accidents and in poor taste are good, but you guys ain't even been funny... [/QUO31

#1-your comparative is not appropriate- doent work

#2- so you say 2 mill were there, and 250 died- and its"not bad" ??what is it a game of percentages?? so that if five mill were there- and 500 died- thats okay also?? lnfao-just goes to show you the mentaliity yoiure speaking with, and of the muslim m ind set as well- lmfao

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how is my analogy different?

appart from my lurid fantasies of fat fuckers surrounded by twinkies face down in the water with new york reflected around them...

(erm I'll get my straight jacket)

well, what do you say about this accident?

it was an accident, whenever you get millions of people into a confined space there are bound to be incidents, this is bad, it could have been worse, it could have been avoided.

the most important thing is to learn from it and ensure it's not repeated.

and why not play a percentage game? as calous at that is, I'm here detached, I could play percentages with anything.

out of 2,000,000 people 250 died in this accident, that's 0.0125 of the people who went there dying in that accident.

figures for 2001, show that the USA had 14.8 people killed in road accidents for every 100,000, times that up by 20, and for every 2,000,000 people in america, 296 die each year.


so driving on american roads for a year is more dangerous statistically than going to mecca for a pilgramige, even with this stamepede

as I said, those deaths are tragic, but it is not a big deal in percentage terms, safer than american roads it seems...

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Originally posted by marksimons

how is my analogy different?

appart from my lurid fantasies of fat fuckers surrounded by twinkies face down in the water with new york reflected around them...

(erm I'll get my straight jacket)

well, what do you say about this accident?

it was an accident, whenever you get millions of people into a confined space there are bound to be incidents, this is bad, it could have been worse, it could have been avoided.

the most important thing is to learn from it and ensure it's not repeated.

and why not play a percentage game? as calous at that is, I'm here detached, I could play percentages with anything.

out of 2,000,000 people 250 died in this accident, that's 0.0125 of the people who went there dying in that accident.

figures for 2001, show that the USA had 14.8 people killed in road accidents for every 100,000, times that up by 20, and for every 2,000,000 people in america, 296 die each year.


so driving on american roads for a year is more dangerous statistically than going to mecca for a pilgramige, even with this stamepede

as I said, those deaths are tragic, but it is not a big deal in percentage terms, safer than american roads it seems...

your logic is way messed uyp there dude-and yeah i can picture bloated drunk countrymen of yours dropping dead in a bar throwing darts- lmfao- so I guess when the pope has a christmas talk in st peters square- a % of people should be expected to die there- in a religious driven accident?? again yr logic is fcuked up- and when jews gather in jerusalem- deaths should be projected on a % basis?? oh i forgot you are coorect- when a british soccer team loses a game- people will die- thats expected and normal- dude-youre head is twisted

moslems die every year in this peaceful religious event- its expected- thatrs fucked up asshole

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Originally posted by babbo

Originally posted by marksimons

you calous bastards.

how would you like it, if last year when ten people died in NY on the statten island boat crash:


hah hahah stupid americans, can't even park a boat LMFAO


I love it when fat yanks can't escape and sink to the bottom of the sea ahahhaah dead stupid americans.


you wouldn't like me would you.

so 250 odd people die in this mecca pilgramige.

well over 2 million people went in five days, that's not too bad, and it was an accident.

shame people died, they didn't deserve to, but it happens, just like that boat accident.

batemann and babbo, jokes about accidents and in poor taste are good, but you guys ain't even been funny... [/QUO31

#1-your comparative is not appropriate- doent work

#2- so you say 2 mill were there, and 250 died- and its"not bad" ??what is it a game of percentages?? so that if five mill were there- and 500 died- thats okay also?? lnfao-just goes to show you the mentaliity yoiure speaking with, and of the muslim m ind set as well- lmfao

get it through your thick skull - IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.

lmao - man, some people on here can be dumb! And muslims don't die every year...though there have been numerous accidents including fires...hmm... remember the nightclub fires that happened in the US last year.

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1.) 250 people die in a stampede.

2.) They just shrug it off and say "God's Will."

3.) They never accept responsibility for their own actions.

That's the BIGGEST problem i have with muslim culture: it's so easy to close any rational train of thought with "God's Will."

Of course nobody would think "wow, we trampled fellow muslims, perhaps we should be more careful" or "this is horrible becuase we killed fellow believers during a ceremony that was supposed to show how devot we all were"

The problem is SO many of them dont bother to think like that. It's just "god's will that 250 people died." No thought, no analysis, not even a hint of rationale. That kind of behavior is frightening becuase it means nobody learns a thing.

This kind of thing will happen again and again and the only thing that people will think of is The Great Satan that they're stoning.

They'll probably blame America that 250 people were trampled, becuase according to them, if America wasn't the great Satan they wouldn't have had such a frenzy to stone those pillars and muslims wouldn't have died.

Fucked up, but that's all that many of them see.

God's will and America as the Great Evildoer.

Too bad they dont look at themselves and realize what a bunch of unintelligent shitwads they are, or the fact that they're responsible for their own actions.

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Originally posted by cintron

1.) 250 people die in a stampede.

2.) They just shrug it off and say "God's Will."

3.) They never accept responsibility for their own actions.

That's the BIGGEST problem i have with muslim culture: it's so easy to close any rational train of thought with "God's Will."

Of course nobody would think "wow, we trampled fellow muslims, perhaps we should be more careful" or "this is horrible becuase we killed fellow believers during a ceremony that was supposed to show how devot we all were"

The problem is SO many of them dont bother to think like that. It's just "god's will that 250 people died." No thought, no analysis, not even a hint of rationale. That kind of behavior is frightening becuase it means nobody learns a thing.

This kind of thing will happen again and again and the only thing that people will think of is The Great Satan that they're stoning.

They'll probably blame America that 250 people were trampled, becuase according to them, if America wasn't the great Satan they wouldn't have had such a frenzy to stone those pillars and muslims wouldn't have died.

Fucked up, but that's all that many of them see.

God's will and America as the Great Evildoer.

Too bad they dont look at themselves and realize what a bunch of unintelligent shitwads they are, or the fact that they're responsible for their own actions.

Show me where they said it was "God's will". Serious question - I'd like to see the link.

Not saying this shit is sick, but for babbo to turn an accident of this level into a religion bashing contest is plain disgusting.

yeah, just as the shitbacks who rioted after the King beating. Or the douchebags who used fireworks in a club made mostly of wood.


and oh, lest I forget, those wonderful kind loving people who stampeded and killed a woman at a fuckin Walmart because of some sale!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Show me where they said it was "God's will". Serious question - I'd like to see the link.

you really only believe what you read, don't you?

SO MANY of my friends are muslim. Many i went to school with were from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, UAE and Iran.

ALL of them always had the same attitude: "It is god's will what happens from day to day."

I've spoken to them about it in the past and they have all told me it was how they were raised. Especially the Saudis and Iranians.

Religion is such a thickly ingrained part of their culture and upbringing, as well as the outlook that even daily events are mostly out of their hands.

You think i'm kidding, go visit the middle east sometime. You'd be suprised and horrified when you see something like a ladder fall and crush an old woman, and yet those passing by keep walking, never stop to help and simply mutter "Insh'Allah"...

and take a wild guess what that means.

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Originally posted by cintron

You think i'm kidding, go visit the middle east sometime. You'd be suprised and horrified when you see something like a ladder fall and crush an old woman, and yet those passing by keep walking, never stop to help and simply mutter "Insh'Allah"...

and take a wild guess what that means.

I believe everything you say except for the last part. Unless you've seen something like that happen first-hand, I cannot believe it.

BTW, I have visited the ME before. I've been to the UAE several times and I've never seen anything like you describe.

My uncle used to work in Saudi, and he's described the people as normal.

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ah irony...

yes... familiar with the concept, a bit of a joke that American's aren't, glad to see you're trying, but can you see how:

"they are dumb asses they were protesting satan and they ended up killing there own people.....fuckin morons"

doesn't sound like a particulary witty statement of irony...

just looks like you're calling them fucking morons for being tampled to death in an incident that was more likely the fault of those who planned things, and certainly not the fault of the people who were trampled.

it's not that they run wild, you have any idea about crowd control and how crushes occour?

a crowd can be moving very slowly and still kill people by crushing them.

here in the UK we had a football disaster a few years ago, 1989. hillsborough, before stands when all seater, in fact that caused top grounds to be all seater.

it was the police who caused a load of people to be killed because they funnelled people into a packed area, inexperience, inappropriate training and calousness resulted in tragedy, and it certainly wasn't the fault of crowds running wild.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I believe everything you say except for the last part. Unless you've seen something like that happen first-hand, I cannot believe it.

BTW, I have visited the ME before. I've been to the UAE several times and I've never seen anything like you describe.

My uncle used to work in Saudi, and he's described the people as normal.

I stayed in Jordan for a few months and have seen a few crazy things there. The old woman was crushed at a marketplace - nobody did anything.

Life is cheap over there, that's for sure.

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Originally posted by cintron

I stayed in Jordan for a few months and have seen a few crazy things there. The old woman was crushed at a marketplace - nobody did anything.

Life is cheap over there, that's for sure.

good illustration of the difference in culture and mind set- arabs dont give a shit about people being killed numbers dont mean a thing 1- 10,000 doesn matter. yet israel trades 400 prosoners for 1 civilian and a few dead soldiers- there is ahuge difference in value of ones life

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Originally posted by cintron

1.) 250 people die in a stampede.

2.) They just shrug it off and say "God's Will."

3.) They never accept responsibility for their own actions.

That's the BIGGEST problem i have with muslim culture: it's so easy to close any rational train of thought with "God's Will."

Of course nobody would think "wow, we trampled fellow muslims, perhaps we should be more careful" or "this is horrible becuase we killed fellow believers during a ceremony that was supposed to show how devot we all were"

The problem is SO many of them dont bother to think like that. It's just "god's will that 250 people died." No thought, no analysis, not even a hint of rationale. That kind of behavior is frightening becuase it means nobody learns a thing.

This kind of thing will happen again and again and the only thing that people will think of is The Great Satan that they're stoning.

They'll probably blame America that 250 people were trampled, becuase according to them, if America wasn't the great Satan they wouldn't have had such a frenzy to stone those pillars and muslims wouldn't have died.

Fucked up, but that's all that many of them see.

God's will and America as the Great Evildoer.

Too bad they dont look at themselves and realize what a bunch of unintelligent shitwads they are, or the fact that they're responsible for their own actions.

oh my god.......i really can't believe the shit thats coming out your mouth man, really i cant.......America the Great Satan?????

America being the pillars that are stoned?????? Do you even know what the pillars signify???

I am really really shocked at the level of your stupidity that I cannot even post a response to this garbage that you have posted.

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Originally posted by babbo

good illustration of the difference in culture and mind set- arabs dont give a shit about people being killed numbers dont mean a thing 1- 10,000 doesn matter. yet israel trades 400 prosoners for 1 civilian and a few dead soldiers- there is ahuge difference in value of ones life

yeah israel really cares about life when they drop one ton bombs on houses to take out one person.

Jerkoff :jerkoff:

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Originally posted by djxeno

oh my god.......i really can't believe the shit thats coming out your mouth man, really i cant.......America the Great Satan?????

America being the pillars that are stoned?????? Do you even know what the pillars signify???

I am really really shocked at the level of your stupidity that I cannot even post a response to this garbage that you have posted.

American hatred coming right up....Mr Bin-Laden


On Sunday morning, they prayed at dawn then gathered pebbles to throw at the pillars. Each participant throws seven times, chanting "bismillah" ("in the name of God") and "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Great").

Calling America "the greatest Satan," Egyptian pilgrim Youssef Omar threw pebbles at one pillar on which someone had scrawled "USA."

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Originally posted by mr mahs

American hatred coming right up....Mr Bin-Laden


On Sunday morning, they prayed at dawn then gathered pebbles to throw at the pillars. Each participant throws seven times, chanting "bismillah" ("in the name of God") and "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Great").

Calling America "the greatest Satan," Egyptian pilgrim Youssef Omar threw pebbles at one pillar on which someone had scrawled "USA."

so your taking one person's stupidity out of Millions and saying that all Mulims are like that?

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