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Sources: Israeli strike kills two, including boy


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GAZA CITY (CNN) -- An Islamic Jihad bodyguard and an 11-year-old boy were killed and at least 10 others wounded by an Israeli air strike in Gaza on Saturday, Palestinian sources said.

Bodyguard Aziz al-Shami, who was killed, was believed to have been the target. Israeli officials said the strike was aimed at a "senior Islamic Jihad terrorist" whom Israel said it blamed for the deaths of Israeli soldiers.

Al-Shami died from wounds sustained in the Apache helicopter air strike on a car in which he and another Islamic Jihad bodyguard were traveling. An 11-year-old bystander also was killed and 10 other people wounded, according to witnesses and Palestinian medical sources.

An Israel Defense Forces statement said its strike targeted "a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist responsible for the killings of IDF soldiers and who was currently, actively involved in planning more terror attacks."

IDF did not identify the target by name.

The missile struck the car at around 10:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. ET) and killed an 11-year-old boy, hospital sources said.

The two people in the car -- both bodyguards for Islamic Jihad's Gaza City leader, Sheikh Abdullah al-Shami -- were among the 10 wounded, Palestinian sources said. The leader was not in the vicinity at the time of the attack.

Aziz al-Shami was a relative of Sheikh Addullah al-Shami. The other bodyguard's back was injured and he fled shortly after the attack. Aziz al-Shami was the target of an Israeli air strike last year, sources said.

Islamic Jihad's top operative Mohammed al-Hindi condemned the air strike, saying it was a message from Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to the Palestinian people to surrender. Al-Hindi also called for continued suicide attacks on Israeli targets.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a militant group dedicated to the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel. There are different groups called Islamic Jihad in different Arab countries.

Video of the scene of Saturday's strike showed the front of the white hatchback car had been mangled, but the passenger area was largely intact.

An F-16 fighter jet also was spotted in the area around the time of the attack.

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Originally posted by breakbeatz2

good shot!

yeah, well, guess what genius - even if that boy's friends, siblings, father, mother were not terrorist sympathizers they definitely will be now. Genius isn't it - adding more fuel to the fire.

so stupid and short-sighted. Well, I'm not sure about short-sighted, Sharon and his cronies probably full well know this will cause more animosity toward Israelis, and would love to capitalize on it.


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Originally posted by raver_mania

yeah, well, guess what genius - even if that boy's friends, siblings, father, mother were not terrorist sympathizers they definitely will be now. Genius isn't it - adding more fuel to the fire.

so stupid and short-sighted. Well, I'm not sure about short-sighted, Sharon and his cronies probably full well know this will cause more animosity toward Israelis, and would love to capitalize on it.


That kid more than likely would've been a homocide bomber or a member of Hamas in a few years anyway, what else would you expect from a "people" who name thier streets after murders.

PS, doucheboy I already posted this article.

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Originally posted by babbo

the death of ther young boy is tragic- an unfortunate occurence of war- the YOUNG BOY IS NOT THE TARGET- again-it is sad and unfortunate

I'm not saying he was, but c'mon - firing a missile onto a street, do you really believe that IDF thought civilians wouldn't be injured and killed?? LIke I said before, the govt doesn't have any value for Palestinian life - what would you expect from a PM who at one point said you wouldn't rest till every single Palestinian was "removed" from the OT....fortuntely, thats starting to take its toll on the morale of troops (as evidenced by the recent refusals to serve in the OT).

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I'm not saying he was, but c'mon - firing a missile onto a street, do you really believe that IDF thought civilians wouldn't be injured and killed?? LIke I said before, the govt doesn't have any value for Palestinian life - what would you expect from a PM who at one point said you wouldn't rest till every single Palestinian was "removed" from the OT....fortuntely, thats starting to take its toll on the morale of troops (as evidenced by the recent refusals to serve in the OT).

1-Im not worried about the moral of israeli troops-there are always a small % of mal contents

2-hundreds left arafats organization recently-

3-unfortunately there is a war going on there- civilians unfortuanately also pay a price- but are not the target of the idf

4-killers/terrorists make civilians the TARGETS( see hamas etc)

5-get palestinian leadership who can control the terroroists-and negotiate land for peace-Israel has made many offers- arabs never satisfied- thats a missed opportunity- yet again by the arabs- they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity- only time they dont miss- is when they murder murder murder

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Originally posted by babbo

1-Im not worried about the moral of israeli troops-there are always a small % of mal contents

2-hundreds left arafats organization recently-

3-unfortunately there is a war going on there- civilians unfortuanately also pay a price- but are not the target of the idf

4-killers/terrorists make civilians the TARGETS( see hamas etc)

5-get palestinian leadership who can control the terroroists-and negotiate land for peace-Israel has made many offers- arabs never satisfied- thats a missed opportunity- yet again by the arabs- they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity- only time they dont miss- is when they murder murder murder

I'm getting tired of this. We say the same things over and over again - lilke talking to a wall. If you want to see my response to this post see the million other threads on the topic.

BTW, maybe its a Freudian slip, but I find it funny how you substituted "Palestinian" with "Arab".

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I'm getting tired of this. We say the same things over and over again - lilke talking to a wall. If you want to see my response to this post see the million other threads on the topic.

BTW, maybe its a Freudian slip, but I find it funny how you substituted "Palestinian" with "Arab".

youre right- see my other posts-im bored with this retread as well-its like talking to a stone-

as far a freudian goes- look up pavlovian lmfao

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Originally posted by mr mahs


How come you never post articles of the "homocide bombers" attacks and portraying them in a negative light? or am I wrong?

I have man. Dunno if you want to dig em up but even if I didn't post the article I've always posted on the thread saying its fuckin retarded and absolutely stupid. Even recently on one of these threads I've said that I'm starting to get convinced that these organizations (maybe not the bombers themselves who could very well be motivated by revenge more than anything, but the leaders) have something other than "freeing the Palestinian people" in mind. Same way I think the Sharon govt has something more than "pure peace" in mind.

But that could just be my conspiracy oriented mind at work. :D

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Originally posted by mr mahs


How come you never post articles of the "homocide bombers" attacks and portraying them in a negative light? or am I wrong?

That's because he's a jew hating racist piece of shit who secretly supports homocide bombings & terrorism.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

i really do not read the jew/muslim bashing posts much i just skim through

and my overall perspective is that raver and djxeno are rascist

even though they enjoy calling me one tehy themselves hate jews for what ever reason i do not really care

just a little hypocrtical

You're fuckin kidding me. You think we're the only two "racists" on this board? I guess you have been quite blinded in your "skimming".

Goes to show how much you really know.

EDIT: I can't leave this one alone. bateman you really put your foot in your mouth with this one. I want you to point out exactly where I was "racist". Seems like this will be similar to the post where you said embassies charged for "secure" lines for visa info.


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Originally posted by pattbateman

i really do not read the jew/muslim bashing posts much i just skim through

and my overall perspective is that raver and djxeno are rascist

even though they enjoy calling me one tehy themselves hate jews for what ever reason i do not really care

just a little hypocrtical

i resent that remark. i am not a racist, if i were i wouldnt be muslim.

i have the utmost respect for the true children of israel. i respect moses and jesus and abraham, i have too....its a part of my religion.

i however do have a big problem with Zionists and the Zionist movement, since that is not consistent with the true beliefs of Judaism.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

i really do not read the jew/muslim bashing posts much i just skim through

and my overall perspective is that raver and djxeno are rascist

even though they enjoy calling me one tehy themselves hate jews for what ever reason i do not really care

just a little hypocrtical


Look in the fucking mirror, fucking clown! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by pattbateman

i really do not read the jew/muslim bashing posts much i just skim through

and my overall perspective is that raver and djxeno are rascist

even though they enjoy calling me one tehy themselves hate jews for what ever reason i do not really care

just a little hypocrtical

They're def racists

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i hate everyone equally

especially stupid people

im not a rascist

for some reason you all brind me as one for whatever reason i do not really care

i was just tryin to say that you all seem like you hate jews

and the other dude seem like they hate arabs

thats just what vibe i am catching

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Originally posted by pattbateman

i hate everyone equally

especially stupid people

im not a rascist

for some reason you all brind me as one for whatever reason i do not really care

i was just tryin to say that you all seem like you hate jews

and the other dude seem like they hate arabs

thats just what vibe i am catching

No, I don't hate Jews, just the current Israeli administration, and all the hard-liners who believe in a "greater Israel" at the expense of the Arabs living there now. You know why I hate that - because its too close to the ex-apartheid regime of south africa.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

No, I don't hate Jews, just the current Israeli administration, and all the hard-liners who believe in a "greater Israel" at the expense of the Arabs living there now. You know why I hate that - because its too close to the ex-apartheid regime of south africa.

Raver's not racist.......just too one-sided in the Israel-Palestine debate :D

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