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You should *all* read this


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I got it yesterday in manchester, looked interesting, nice and fat, keep me busy.

200 pages and two transfers later and I have to say it is quite literally a must read for anyone who even has the slightest interest in how american military decisions have been made.

the writer keeps politics out of it, and it's just, amazing.

it's not the only thing you should read, but it's worth it for seeing the history of many key players and how things work or don't.

I've not finished it yet, but for less than ten bucks, but I feel I've got my money's worth.

one review did criticise the lack of coverage of anti-terroist policy under clinton, and the fact that it's pro clinton, although I found some of the comments of clinton to be very damning, from my point of view.

it's more than just about yugoslavia and clinton, it darts around back and forth, from the 60's 70's 80's and 90s... showing how the old boy network works, and giving a good history of the various strands of foriegn policy thought in american politics.

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