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Kerry has said for months that he opposes gay marriage, as well as the ruling by the Supreme Judicial Court that cleared the way for such marriages starting in May, but that he supports civil unions that guarantee gay couples the same rights and benefits that married couples receive.

the same rights and benefits that married couples get you fucks.

i thought you guys said they didnt get the same rights and benifits as civil unions

you guys need to get your shit straight before you start crying if this is true

and i dont see why not, i just took it from an article posted today in the boston globe

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Originally posted by pattbateman

1) Marriage is based on our heritage of reproduction and family gay marriage makes the definition of marriage meaningless.

2) Being Gay is abnormal - but not as abnormal as smoking or extreme religion.

3) Gays should not use this issue as a metaphor for their own self acceptance issues.

4) The institution of marriage is a fraud and not sane person who truly understood how corrupt the courts are would ever get married in the first place.

And based on this theory gay married couples are lesser people than heterosexual male couples and don't deserve the same rights as "normal" people?

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Marriage is one of the 7 HOLY SACRAMENTS

For you atheists this is a path put forth by the church that every catholic should follow in order to go to heaven...

The story of Adam and Eve teaches us that the woman was born from the flesh of man.

Marriage is a process of reuniting the man and woman and to ultimatley produce offspring..

Homosexuality contradicts that...

I have nothing against "civil unions" you can partner up with your dog for all I care just don't put it under a banner of marriage becuase it doesn't belong there.

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thats what i said at the start

but they jumped on me saying that you only get the same benifits if you are MARRIED

here is what john kerry stands for

John Kerry

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Background: John Kerry has been a Senator from Massachuttes since 1984.

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Employment Non-Discrimination: Kerry supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act 2003. He co-sponsored ENDA in 1996.

Gender Identity Employment: Kerry has not made it clear if he will support a bill to end workplace discrimination based on gender identity and expression. See comments below.

Hate Crimes: Kerry supports the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity in Federal Hate Crimes Law. Current law does not include either, but does include race, religion and national origin.

Same-Sex Marriage: Kerry initially said he does not support same-sex marriage, but supports civil unions. In the candidates' debate on November 24, when asked about the Massachusetts ruling he said, “I would urge the Legislature to do precisely what the Constitution requires. It is a matter of equal protection under the law.â€

Family Medical Leave: Kerry supports extending the Family Medical Leave Act to same-sex couples.

Same-Sex Immigration: Kerry supports the Permanent Partners Immigration Act (H.R. 832) which would allow American citizens to sponsor their same-sex partners for immigration into the country.

Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Kerry supports gays and lesbians having the same rights to adopt children as heterosexuals.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Kerry supports the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which would allow gay and lesbian soldiers to serve openly in the military.

Kerry Comments:

On Gender-Identity Discrimination in Employment: "I oppose discriminationof all kinds and my office policy prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on gender identity and expression. I believe we should focus efforts on getting ENDA passed and signed into law, and I am concerned that adding gender identity and expression to the ENDA legislation is likely to significantly hinder that effort."

On Don't Ask, Don't Tell: "In 1993, I was one of four Senators who testified before the Armed Services committee that it was fundamentally wrong to continue to deny gay and lesbian Americans the right to participate in the armed forces of the United States."

On Gay Marriage: John Kerry released the following statement on November 18, 2003 after the Massachusetts Courts ruled that gay marriages should be legal."I have long believed that gay men and lesbians should be assured equal protection and the same benefits – from health to survivor benefits to hospital visitation - that all families deserve. While I continue to oppose gay marriage, I believe that today’s decision calls on the Massachusetts state legislature to take action to ensure equal protection for gay couples. These protections are long over due.â€

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Civil Unions do not offer the same rights as Marriage. Why create a double standard for someones belief or sexual preference?

Like what?

In NYC you can receive benefits from your gilr friend or boyfriend's coverage under a domestic partner rule. what rights are they losing?

Remember MARRIAGE is a holy sacrament and homosexuality, in the churches eye is a sin..

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Marriage is one of the 7 HOLY SACRAMENTS

For you atheists this is a path put forth by the church that every catholic should follow in order to go to heaven...

The story of Adam and Eve teaches us that the woman was born from the flesh of man.

Marriage is a process of reuniting the man and woman and to ultimatley produce offspring..

Homosexuality contradicts that...

ummm....in case you havent noticed, Catholicism is not the main religion of this country.

In fact, this country doesnt not have an established religion....why let religion be used to justify laws and politics?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Like what?

In NYC you can receive benefits from your gilr friend or boyfriend's coverage under a domestic partner rule. what rights are they losing?

Remember MARRIAGE is a holy sacrament and homosexuality, in the churches eye is a sin..

They would be losing all sorts of rights.

Such as:

*Portability of the status

*Federal Benefits: According to a 1997 GAO report, civil marriage brings with it at least 1,049 legal protections and responsibilities from the federal government, including the right to take leave from work to care for a family member, the right to sponsor a spouse for immigration purposes, and Social Security survivor benefits that can make a difference between old age in poverty and old age in security. Civil unions bring none of these critical legal protections.

*Taxes & Public Benefits for the Family

*Filling out forms

*Separate & Unequal -- Second-Class Status

We've gone over this at length already.


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What does the First Amendment say about religion?

A. Nothing

B. The US is founded upon Christian principles

C. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise

D. that there is no national religion, but each state may set up its own religious practices

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Bush Plans To Back Marriage Amendment

Constitution Would Specify Man, Woman

By Mike Allen and Alan Cooperman

Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, February 11, 2004; Page A01

President Bush plans to endorse a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as the union of a man and a woman in response to a Massachusetts court decision requiring legal recognition of gay marriages in that state, key advisers said yesterday.

Bush plans to endorse language introduced by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (R-Colo.) that backers contend would ban gay marriage but not prevent state legislatures from allowing the kind of civil unions and same-sex partnership arrangements that exist in Vermont and California.

Bush has moved incrementally over six months toward embracing a ban on gay marriage, and the advisers said he will clarify his position with a public statement shortly.

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