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9/11 Panel Threatens to Issue Subpoena for Bush's PDB's


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9/11 Panel Threatens to Issue Subpoena for Bush's Briefings


February 10, 2004

WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 — Members of the independent commission investigating the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks warned the White House on Monday that it could face a politically damaging subpoena this week if it refused to turn over information from the highly classified Oval Office intelligence reports given to President Bush before 9/11.

The panel's chairman, Thomas H. Kean, a Republican and the former governor of New Jersey, said through a spokesman that he was hopeful an agreement would be worked out before the commission's next meeting, on Tuesday. Commission officials said that negotiations continued throughout the day on Monday and into the evening with the office of Alberto R. Gonzales, the White House counsel.

But other members of the commission said that without an immediate resolution, they would call for a vote on Tuesday on issuing a subpoena to the White House for access to information in the documents. The papers are known as the President's Daily Brief, the intelligence summary prepared each morning for Mr. Bush by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Responding to earlier threats of a subpoena, the White House agreed last year to allow three members of the 10-member commission and the panel's Republican staff director to review portions of the daily briefings from before the Sept. 11 attacks that referred to intelligence warnings about Al Qaeda and its plans for terrorist attacks.

The commission has described the briefings as vital since they would show whether the White House had warnings of a catastrophic terrorist attack. The White House has acknowledged that one briefing Mr. Bush saw in August 2001 referred to the possibility of a Qaeda strike with commercial airplanes.

In recent weeks, however, the White House has refused to give permission for the four members of the delegation to share their handwritten and computerized notes — which have been retained by the White House under the agreement — with the full commission. That has outraged Democrats and Republicans on the panel and prompted the renewed threat of a subpoena.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

isnt it obvious

Bush obviously planned 9/11 and if you did that everyone would find out

Which is why the records have to be subpoened to clear Bush's name and so he'll be elected for another glorious 4 more years. Why hold back the PDB's and leave in doubt his innocnence in 9/11?

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Originally posted by pattbateman

dont get to excited

i was being sarcastic

i know you were getting wet, thinking that we were going to join forces to rip bush apart.

but im sorry, i was kidding!!

What do you mean? Let's join forces to prove once and for to all those liberal scumbags that Bush is our hero and had nothing to do with 9/11 baring no responsibility for the 3K people that died by showing the world the presidenitial daily briefings before September 11th!!

Are you with me?? :aright:

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why dont you join me in exposing bill clinton and his fuck ups with national security

remember bush was in office only for a few months before 9/11

this shit just doesnt happen these people had been planning it since the first bombing of the trade centers (which clinton never even showed up to)

go figure that one fuck face the whole time clinton was in office not one fuckin thing was done, while these fucks were planning this attack

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Originally posted by marksimons

how many acts of international terroism perpetrated on us soil under clinton?

how many americans died on his watch?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Words do not provide proper justification to define what a douche bag jerkoff you are...

You need to kill yourself....soon

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Panel sees edited CIA memos

11/02/2004 11:29 - (SA)

Washington - The US federal commission investigating the September 11 attacks will get greater access to classified intelligence briefings prepared for President George W Bush under an agreement with the White House.

The 10-member, bipartisan panel had been barred from reviewing notes taken by three commissioners and the commission's executive director, Philip Zelikow, who reviewed the data in December but couldn't take the summaries with them. Under the agreement, which was announced on Tuesday, the entire commission was allowed to read versions of the summaries that were edited by the White House.

The panel is now is seeking additional interviews with several officials, including national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.

"The report we have today raised some questions," said former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, who chairs the commission. "There are questions that go to what happened, the history of al-Qaeda and the history of the Clinton and Bush administrations."

The materials in question are the presidential daily briefings prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency. They include a memorandum dated one month before the 2001 attacks that discusses the possibility of airline hijackings by al-Qaeda terrorists.

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for mr simons .......under clinton

After a let-up, the attacks then restarted: Five and 19 dead in Saudi Arabia in 1995 and 1996, 224 dead at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998 and 17 dead on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000.

anuary 1993: two CIA staff killed outside agency headquarters in Langley, Va.

February 1993: Six people killed at the World Trade Center.

March 1994: an Orthodox Jewish boy killed on the Brooklyn Bridge.

February 1997: a Danish tourist killed on the Empire State building.

October 1999: 217 passengers killed on an EgyptAir flight near New York City.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

No. Bush KNEW about 9/11 before it happened and the briefs prove it. It doesn't surprise why he refuses to hand them over.

Of course. It's so politically damaging the CIA is having to go back and change their notes that explained the al qaeda threat to the president. This disgraces everyone that died and their families on September 11th.

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