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met a man from cambodia (you know that country america bombed the shit out of, causing the genocide and slaughter of the khemer rouge), who is a real democratic activist.

this is a 23 year old in a country that is a dictatorship.

he is blacklisted.

one of his friends was killed, he was on the blacklist as well.

he has helped organised mass demonstrations.

he is a popular figure in his country.

it is likely that he will be killed for trying to save his country from dictatorship.

I hope I can do something to help him and his country.

his patriotism is real.

he takes risks that are life and death.

makes me feel lucky, indulged, perhaps over indulged, but above all, it is another reminder, a very potent one, looking into the eyes of someone who has seen suffering. real suffering. real repression. the real effects of what happens when the west fucks over a country then moves on and ignores it.

this incident, a small one in my life, could be a profound one.

another reminder that what we are fighting for is just.

I would dare any of you gung ho militarists who have never killed anyone in your life, never been in a war zone, never seen the results of war, never had friends killed for their political beliefs to argue that america's military might is used justly and fairly.

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can i tell you that i do not know

and i have other shit to do then look up the history of cambodia

whatever we did im sure you think its horrible and now you will post a 15 page dossier on why america sucks and how many inocent people we have killed i just dont wanna hear it you fuck

not because "its the truth" because you will do anything in your power to make america look bad because you are obviously jealous of the life we live

and wish they didnt deny you citizenship at the border

you just need to die

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america secretly dropped a huge tonnage of bombs on cambodia during the vietnam war. I believe the figure is comprable to the numbers that were dropped onto japan during the second world war.

this was kept secret from the american people at the time, and until the present day.

vietnam is a bit of a misnomer as the conflict actually did spread over the borders into cambodia and laos.

I'm not trying to make america look bad, the actions in this instance do that for themselves.

secretly bombing a country and allowing the population of the capital city to be taken out into a peverted communist agricultural revolution where a couple of million people died, mainly worked and beaten to death, by children - the khemer rouge had a large number of teenage members, and younger.

america has ignored this country ever since pretty much.

this is not lies.

this is the reality of the world.

you admitted you know nothing about cambodia.

now ask yourself why.

not because it's not important, but because people don't want you to.

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Originally posted by marksimons

america secretly dropped a huge tonnage of bombs on cambodia during the vietnam war. I believe the figure is comprable to the numbers that were dropped onto japan during the second world war.

this was kept secret from the american people at the time, and until the present day.

vietnam is a bit of a misnomer as the conflict actually did spread over the borders into cambodia and laos.

I'm not trying to make america look bad, the actions in this instance do that for themselves.

secretly bombing a country and allowing the population of the capital city to be taken out into a peverted communist agricultural revolution where a couple of million people died, mainly worked and beaten to death, by children - the khemer rouge had a large number of teenage members, and younger.

america has ignored this country ever since pretty much.

this is not lies.

this is the reality of the world.

you admitted you know nothing about cambodia.

now ask yourself why.

not because it's not important, but because people don't want you to.

I know quite a bit about the secret bombing we did in cambodia. Even after we pulled out of vietnam. Very, shameful. Unfortunetly, the normal citizens as with any bombing campaign, are the ones that suffer. Millions died and even continue to die today because of embedded bomlets from cluster bombs dropped over 25 years ago.

It's important for humanity to learn the lessons from the past but it seems that most americans don't even understand 5 years ago or 10 years ago much less 30 years ago. Lot of misinformation and lies. It's like the old saying, "lies told over and over again long enough become truths."

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but of course with "rules" set up by this govt'...such as u cannot cross into N. Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to persue the N. Vietnamese (which many of our soldiers did anyways) it was a very very diff. situation...i have said it once and i have said it before...war is hell....if u guys ever want good war stories sit down with my old man and have a beer...very interesting stories

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

but of course with "rules" set up by this govt'...such as u cannot cross into N. Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to persue the N. Vietnamese (which many of our soldiers did anyways) it was a very very diff. situation...i have said it once and i have said it before...war is hell....if u guys ever want good war stories sit down with my old man and have a beer...very interesting stories

War is definetly hell. I'm not going to argue with you there. It's just ironic that we put ourselves, humanity, through such hell for peace. Classic catch 22.

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gotta ask yourself why America got involved in vietnam anyway?

what did the economic and social policy of a small asian country have to do with the US anyway?

I'll direct you to Killing Hope by William Blum for a very good introduction to the proceeding years before vietnam and what was going down there.

remember, the reason given for getting involved in vietnam - gulf tonkin - was a lie.

why did america have to destroy the country to 'save' it?

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Originally posted by marksimons

gotta ask yourself why America got involved in vietnam anyway?

what did the economic and social policy of a small asian country have to do with the US anyway?

I'll direct you to Killing Hope by William Blum for a very good introduction to the proceeding years before vietnam and what was going down there.

remember, the reason given for getting involved in vietnam - gulf tonkin - was a lie.

why did america have to destroy the country to 'save' it?

Gulf Tonkin never happend. Vietnam was a very shameful war indeed. Idealism and Pax Americana is what drove this war. Not to mention that for so long the actual extent of the war in South Asia was a proxy war fought through China and Russia.

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Originally posted by marksimons

gotta ask yourself why America got involved in vietnam anyway?

what did the economic and social policy of a small asian country have to do with the US anyway?

I'll direct you to Killing Hope by William Blum for a very good introduction to the proceeding years before vietnam and what was going down there.

remember, the reason given for getting involved in vietnam - gulf tonkin - was a lie.

why did america have to destroy the country to 'save' it?

Domino Effect theory....:idea: ....we def. hated Communists, didnt we?;)

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and I also forgot to say

"at the time it was a fucking stupid reason as well. it made no sense however you looked at it"

it was just the offical reason peddled to get the american public whipped up for a patriotic defense of 'democracy' and saving the world from the 'evils' of communism.

never mind that russia often did very little to help these fellow communist states, as did china, and that in many places the communist parties were the ones who took the most risks to bring democracy to their people, and that in many places they had genuine popular support for reform of political systems and economic systems.

god forbid a country should be able to choose, democratically, how to run itself...


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Originally posted by marksimons

I forgot to say:

"if you're going to say domino theory, then don't, 'cause that was a fucking retarded bullshit theory"


Here is another theory......"if douche bags like you would just kill yourself, the world would be a better place"

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igloo, why not just balls on the table come out and say you're going to try and murder me?

or are you scared that I won't save you the hassle and do it myself, 'cause I ain't going to, you do realise that.

if you want to shut me up you had better come over here and kill me yourself.

you sound like you'd be much more at home in an islamic society, where you can beat your bitch, rape your daughter, make your son scared of you and kill people who say things you don't like.

I bet you're too pussy to kill me with a knife.

I bet you'd have to use a gun. or get someone else to do it.

come on igloo, I'll tell you my address.

you can come on a plane come over and fucking kill me.

do it.

I fucking dare you.

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Originally posted by marksimons

igloo, why not just balls on the table come out and say you're going to try and murder me?

or are you scared that I won't save you the hassle and do it myself, 'cause I ain't going to, you do realise that.

if you want to shut me up you had better come over here and kill me yourself.

you sound like you'd be much more at home in an islamic society, where you can beat your bitch, rape your daughter, make your son scared of you and kill people who say things you don't like.

I bet you're too pussy to kill me with a knife.

I bet you'd have to use a gun. or get someone else to do it.

come on igloo, I'll tell you my address.

you can come on a plane come over and fucking kill me.

do it.

I fucking dare you.

:laugh: :laugh:

Settle down clown....settle down.....your hysteria only rivals your ignorance and stupidity....

Perhaps you should immediately conduct an anti-American google search to calm your balls down.....

Find some .org anti-American conspiracy theory baked article laced in inaccuracies that you pass off as facts, gospel, and history to soothe your little tantrum

:laugh: :laugh: Fucking clown

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no you don't fucking tell me to calm down you sack of shit.

"if douche bags like you would just kill yourself, the world would be a better place"

how many times have you told me to kill myself igloo?

now I offer you the chance to do the job for me, and as I thought, you pussy out and tell me to calm down.

well you can't have it both ways.

either you want me dead or you don't

so what is it?

21 saxony road, liverpool, england.

its easy enough to find.

come and kill me you little pussy.

you don't have the fucking balls.

just as I thought.

"Find some .org anti-American conspiracy theory baked article laced in inaccuracies that you pass off as facts, gospel, and history to soothe your little tantrum"

the history of the world is not an anti-american conspiracy, it is what has happend.

are you saying that America did not drop a shitload of bombs on cambodia? is that what you're saying igloo?

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Originally posted by igloo

:laugh: :laugh: Perhaps you should immediately conduct an anti-American google search to calm your balls down.....

Find some .org anti-American conspiracy theory baked article laced in inaccuracies that you pass off as facts, gospel, and history to soothe your little tantrum

:laugh: :laugh: Fucking clown

i read this in the middle of class and busted the fuck up laughing

good shit igloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by marksimons

no you don't fucking tell me to calm down you sack of shit.

"if douche bags like you would just kill yourself, the world would be a better place"

how many times have you told me to kill myself igloo?

now I offer you the chance to do the job for me, and as I thought, you pussy out and tell me to calm down.

well you can't have it both ways.

either you want me dead or you don't

so what is it?

21 saxony road, liverpool, england.

its easy enough to find.

come and kill me you little pussy.

you don't have the fucking balls.

just as I thought.

"Find some .org anti-American conspiracy theory baked article laced in inaccuracies that you pass off as facts, gospel, and history to soothe your little tantrum"

the history of the world is not an anti-american conspiracy, it is what has happend.

are you saying that America did not drop a shitload of bombs on cambodia? is that what you're saying igloo?

:laugh: :laugh:

Easy does it little clown.......you are going to bust an anti-American artery and spill conspiracy laced blood all over your George W Bush carpet...

Seriously, don't post your address idiot.......as much as I despise you, that is not a wise thing to do.....

The kill yourself comments are for effect silly clown......bounce your balls in a bucket of ice and get a grip on yourself........

Maybe roll up a picture of President Bush on the aircraft carrier and stick it up your ass while singing American the Beautiful if it calms you down....

As much as I find you to be a repulsive, ignorant cunt, I do not wish to see "deathly " harm to you.....perhaps a nice beating at the hands of a few US Marines in an english pub when they catch you shooting off your ignorant mouth :D

Silly little lost blowhard....get a grip

:laugh: :laugh:

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