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Saudi Arabia enrages Yemen with Israeli type fence


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Saudi Arabia enrages Yemen with fence

By John R. Bradley in Sa'ada, Yemen

11 February 2004

Saudi Arabia, one of the most vocal critics in the Arab world of Israel's "security fence" in the West Bank, is quietly emulating the Israeli example by erecting a barrier along its porous border with Yemen.

The barrier is part of a plan to erect what will be an electronic surveillance system along the length of the kingdom's frontiers - land, air and sea. The project, involving fencing and electronic detection equipment, has been in the planning stages for several years. It may cost up to $8.57bn (£4.58bn). Behind the plan is a deep-seated lack of trust in the Yemeni authorities' ability to arrest infiltrators before they make it into Saudi territory.

A Yemeni delegation arrived in Jeddah for emergency talks on the issue yesterday, after submitting an official complaint. Saudi officials have combated drug, alcohol, luxury-goods and arms smuggling across the mountainous and porous border with Yemen for years. And they have paid a high price in their battles with the smugglers.

In 2002, 36 Saudi border guards were killed in Jizan, a southern Saudi border town. The government says the smugglers provide the explosives and weapons used by radical Islamists inside the kingdom, who carried out two suicide attacks against civilian targets last year, killing more than 50 and injuring hundreds.

The perpetrators of earlier terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, spanning at least a decade, also used explosives from Yemen, state-controlled Saudi media has reported. They include the 1993 attack in the Bahah region, 200 miles south of Jeddah, in which 10 people were killed after a bomb was thrown into a mosque during Friday prayers, and a blast in Riyadh, the capital, in 1995 at an American compound, which killed nine.

Since the bombings on 12 May last year, Saudi border patrols have continued to seize large quantities of weapons and explosives daily - including more than 90,000 rounds of ammunition, grenades, more than 2,000 sticks of dynamite, hundreds of bazookas and more than 1,200 other weapons.

Sa'ada, 25 miles south of the border, has the biggest of Yemen's numerous arms souks. Here an 85mm surface-to-surface missile can be bought for $2,500. Anti-aircraft missiles are no longer on display, but they can still be had for the right price. The row of shops attracts thousands of buyers each day for weapons from China, Russia, Belgium, Spain and even Israel - a country Yemen does not recognise or trade with. There are about 60 million weapons owned by the 20-million strong Yemeni population.

Osama bin Laden's roots straddle both sides of the border. He was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, but has strong ancestral ties to Yemen - a tribal and largely lawless country, where all males past puberty outside the main cities openly bear arms. Yemen remains the place that al-Qa'ida operatives see as home. But Saudi Arabia is the source of ideological inspiration and financial support. Many are products of the Saudi education system, which breeds extremism.

Al-Qa'ida's leader in Yemen, the Saudi-born and educated Mohammed Hamdi al-Ahdal, who was arrested last year, is a case in point. He has revealed under interrogation to Yemeni authorities that Saudis and Yemenis were involved in funding two major terrorist attacks in Yemen - against the USS Cole in October 2000, which killed 17 American sailors, and the French supertanker Limburg in October 2002.

But Saudi-Yemeni tensions long pre-date the "war on terror". Saudi Arabia has a history of supporting tribal and other disaffected Yemeni groups to keep unstable a country they see as a security threat.

The ruling family, Al-Saud, who sponsor the Wahabi school of Islam that damns Shias as infidels, even gave military assistance to the hereditary Shia ruling family of Yemen when it was deposed in a coup in 1962. The country split in two soon after into a traditionalist North Yemen and Marxist South Yemen, but reunited in 1990, despite official Saudi opposition.

In the 1990s they increased clandestine funding to various Yemeni groups leading to local conspiracy theories that the Saud paid tribal leaders to kidnap foreign tourists. This destroyed Yemen's tourism industry, but there is no evidence that the Saudi ruling family was involved.

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Originally posted by igloo

Saudi Arabia enrages Yemen with fence

By John R. Bradley in Sa'ada, Yemen

11 February 2004

Saudi Arabia, one of the most vocal critics in the Arab world of Israel's "security fence" in the West Bank, is quietly emulating the Israeli example by erecting a barrier along its porous border with Yemen.


Typical arab hypocracy

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I wouldn't expect anything more from g-stank but c'mon Igloo you can see the difference between the two! This is a fence along a stretch of the country's established border - a kind of fence that MANY countries have. The Israeli fence is different in two ways:

1) it confiscated a large percent of the land, and does not run along any established border.

2) it effectively imprisons the Palestinian population except for the checkpoints.

Comparing the two is plain absurdity!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I wouldn't expect anything more from g-stank but c'mon Igloo you can see the difference between the two! This is a fence along a stretch of the country's established border - a kind of fence that MANY countries have. The Israeli fence is different in two ways:

1) it confiscated a large percent of the land, and does not run along any established border.

2) it effectively imprisons the Palestinian population except for the checkpoints.

Comparing the two is plain absurdity!

I concur.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I wouldn't expect anything more from g-stank but c'mon Igloo you can see the difference between the two! This is a fence along a stretch of the country's established border - a kind of fence that MANY countries have. The Israeli fence is different in two ways:

1) it confiscated a large percent of the land, and does not run along any established border.

2) it effectively imprisons the Palestinian population except for the checkpoints.

Comparing the two is plain absurdity!

If there weren't suicide bombings there wouldn't be a need for a fence...

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Originally posted by raver_mania

thats anot the point of this thread.

and if the palestinians had their state, without Israeli oppression, there wouldn't be suicide bombings.

Not true...as long as the "Israel has no right to exist" ideology exists and the infrastructure and terrorist organizations continue to exist that support that stance, Israel will be under attack...

Not Israeli oppression, but self defense

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Originally posted by raver_mania

thats anot the point of this thread.

and if the palestinians had their state, without Israeli oppression, there wouldn't be suicide bombings.

So you believe that if a Palestinian were formed, they could live side by side with the Isreali's without violence?

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Originally posted by igloo

Not true...as long as the "Israel has no right to exist" ideology exists and the infrastructure and terrorist organizations continue to exist that support that stance, Israel will be under attack...

Not Israeli oppression, but self defense

Hamas is the organization with that as their "charter", not the PLO. Give the PLO a security force, don't undermine their authority (via Israeli incursions into the OT), help rebuild the security force that Israel destroyed, then, yes I believe there will be real cooperation and attempt to stop terrorist attacks.

"Israel has no right to exist" idealogy exists in the fundamental elements - and the way the situation is going the extremists are gaining more and more power. Way to go Israel - as once the PLO is completely powerless, who else to restore "order" than the Israel?

Wonder why Israel has been so against an international peacekeeping force when the Palestinians have requested one??

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Hamas is the organization with that as their "charter", not the PLO. Give the PLO a security force, don't undermine their authority (via Israeli incursions into the OT), help rebuild the security force that Israel destroyed, then, yes I believe there will be real cooperation and attempt to stop terrorist attacks.

"Israel has no right to exist" idealogy exists in the fundamental elements - and the way the situation is going the extremists are gaining more and more power. Way to go Israel - as once the PLO is completely powerless, who else to restore "order" than the Israel?

Wonder why Israel has been so against an international peacekeeping force when the Palestinians have requested one??

Raver........Arafat is a terrorist.....there is no debating this. As long as he runs the PLO, maintains ties with Hamas and the rest of them, the PLO is useless.

Israel does not undermine the PLO...Arafat, Hamas, Hezbelloh, Arab govts do....

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So you believe that if a Palestinian were formed, they could live side by side with the Isreali's without violence?

Absolutely. Of course, no-one is going to expect that to happen overnight (hell, did things get better in Iraq overnight after Saddam was disposed?) - but in a course of a few years, yes. That is, IF there is true Israeli cooperation, which I don't believe will happen until a more moderate leader steps up. And IF the current PM (not Arafat) has full control of the security forces. A great way to bolster popular support of Queiri(sp??) would be if he actually helped form a Palestinian state, thus shifting some of the popularity from Arafat.

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Originally posted by igloo

Raver........Arafat is a terrorist.....there is no debating this. As long as he runs the PLO, maintains ties with Hamas and the rest of them, the PLO is useless.

Israel does not undermine the PLO...Arafat, Hamas, Hezbelloh, Arab govts do....

Probably so, but to say Israel is completely clean in this regard is false.

Also, why is Israel SO against international monitors and/or peacekeeping force, if it has nothing to hide?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The hatred poured into you and your muslim, jihad zombie, but buddies that believe Iraq is better off with SADAM in power.

Got it?

what hatred?

jihad zombie is an oxymoron...much like your name and intelligence in the same sentence.

i suggest you look up the greater jihad and lesser jihad, since you yourself engage in jihad without knowing it.

oh and one more thing, a "jihad ridden" mosque could not exist (on earth), although I wish it could.

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Originally posted by djxeno

what hatred?

jihad zombie is an oxymoron...much like your name and intelligence in the same sentence.

i suggest you look up the greater jihad and lesser jihad, since you yourself engage in jihad without knowing it.

oh and one more thing, a "jihad ridden" mosque could not exist (on earth), although I wish it could.

So when are you shAving your beard and driving you 89 Ford ESCORT into a ATM machine to protest the "GREAT SATAN":laugh:

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