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The Torah Demands Justice for the Palestinians


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The Torah Demands Justice for the Palestinians

Presented by Rabbi Dovid Weiss of NKI

At Time Square in Manhattan

on Friday afternoon, June 1, 2001.

With the Creator's help, may my words and those of all the speakers today - help sanctify the name of G-d.

Daily tales of horror, reach us every day from the Holy Land. Innocent people, Palestinians and also Jews all suffer.

We of Neturei Karta have long been outspoken in our condemnation of Zionism and its atrocities. We intend to continue in this role for so long as is needed, and to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian brethren.

Since we have spoken repeatedly in favor of Palestinian rights and claims we have been criticized in some quarters. There are those who have asked me why we choose to give support to the so-called enemies of our people.

The essence of my response, which I'd like to share with all of you is we do not consider the Arab peoples in general and the Palestinian people in particular to be in any way, enemies of our people, the Jewish people, the people of the Torah.

The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe. Our agenda is simple It is to humbly worship the Creator at all times.

As Torah Jews we are called upon to feel and express our sense of compassion when any person or group of human beings suffers: In the words of King David, the Psalmist, "And His Mercy is upon all His creatures." All men are created in the image of G-d.

As Torah Jews our prime imperatives in dealing with our non-Jewish brethren -- and certainly our cousins the Arab peoples -- are peace, respect, mutual understanding and empathy.

Thus, it is obvious, that the Jewish people has no quarrel whatsoever!! with any Arab nation.

Why have the tragic events of the last 53 years come to pass?

The answer lies in one word - Zionism!!

In the name of believing Jewry the world over, we ask, that you do not confuse Zionism with Judaism.

Judaism is the faith of the Torah and the Talmud. It demands fairness and kindness towards all peoples.

Zionism, is the substitution of the Jewish religion for an empty nationalism.

When we look at the cauldron of suffering which the Middle East has become for the Palestinian people we stand back aghast - homes and lives lost, family suffering, the list goes on and on.

We know all too well the evil with which the Palestinian people grapple daily.

We, the Torah people have faced this enemy for over a century.

Zionism rejects G-d and the basics of Judaism. It is ruthless in its dealings with all men, non-Jews and indeed, Jews as ourselves who dare to stand in its way, whether we live here in the United States or our Brethren who reside in Jerusalem or other areas of Palestine or any other corner of the earth, we all suffer under Zionism.

We condemn Zionists beliefs and aggressions in no uncertain terms.

And, of greatest importance today we wish to publicly state that the Jewish people including those living in Palestine never has had and does not have any quarrel with the Palestinian people - anywhere on the face of the earth.

Zionism has misled some Jews into thinking that there exists a need to pursue aggressive policies against the Palestinian people to steal their land and persecute their people.

This is hardly surprising as Zionism is a creed in direct opposition to the basics of our Torah faith.

The justice of the current situation lies entirely with the Palestinian people. They have been dispossessed. Political control over the land and, of course, including all of Jerusalem and al-Aksa rightfully belongs to the Palestinian people.

This is the position of the G-d fearing Jewish people. They have opposed Zionism from its inception over one hundred years ago. Zionism is an embarrassment to the Torah Jew.

G-d put the Jewish people in exile and forbade them from having their own state or to try to leave exile prematurely. only when G-d will see it fit will he himself with out any human intervention, without military action, will he himself end the exile, at which time all the nations together will recognize the one G-d and serve him together peacefully in total harmony.

Zionism! in its atheistic philosophy has totally rejected and denied the notion that exile is a G-dly decree. Therefore they are trying to force an end to exile through human means, in so doing they are in total rebellion against G-d and are incurring G-d's wrath on the Jewish nation.

The American government, may be well meaning, but in reality they are doing no favor for the Jewish or the Palestinian people by their aid to the Zionist state. Peace is impossible as long as the state exists for its very essence violates G-d and the Torah law. Thus, its survival for any length of time is metaphysically impossible.

Our prayers for the Messianic era are centered on the future - a future when G-d alone, without any human involvement, will speedily redeem all mankind, who will then worship Him together in peace.

Of course, we are saddened by the loss of Jewish life today in the Holy Land as well.

But we must not let our sense of personal loss as Jews blind us to the true right and wrong of the moral drama before our eyes.

My friends, for 53 years the world has ignored the just claims and rights of the Palestinian people.

And, yes, for that same amount of time, some people, blinded by the dogmas of militant Zionism, have first created and then perpetuated this horrible abuse of an entire people.

We are here to proclaim that the crimes committed against the Palestinian people when they were exiled from their homes in 1948 and deprived of their basic human rights, first as refugees and later as persecuted subjects in the West Bank and Gaza were not done in the name of Torah or of Torah believing Jews

They were the deeds of Jews far from the letter and spirit of their ancestral faith.

We condemn their actions these past months, and for the last 53 years and for the entire past century when Zionism has steadily pursued the policy of the ethnic cleansing of a land that had a large and cultured indigenous population.

To our Islamic brethren gathered here today and around the world Let the message of Torah Jewry go out from this day and forevermore

The Torah's ways are peace.

G-d's seal is truth.

The path to peace is Palestinian sovereignty over the entire Holy Land.

There will never be peace as long as the Zionist state exists.

We cry for your suffering.

We apologize for the suffering created by those led astray by Zionism.

Many many Jews thorough Palestine stand in solidarity with you!

We pray that Zionism, the sole cause of your suffering, can be eradicated with no further loss of life to anyone.

We where saddened to hear that Mr. Faisal Husseini passed away. We personally met with him recently in Washington DC. - Another lost to the Palestinians. May G-d compensate this loss to the Palestinians and to the world in general. May his soul rest in peace.

And so I conclude, my friends, Palestinians and Arabs of all nations, may G-d's peace and blessing be upon you all.

Thank you Asalaam Aleikum and G-d's mercies upon you.

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Originally posted by tribal

does the Koran say anything about blowing up buses ???

:laugh: :laugh:

don't ask questions you already know the answers too, makes you look like a dick.

:laugh: how predictable that this would be your response, immature and ignorant comments that have nothing to do with the topic that was posted.

please stop making an ass of yourself as I have just had my lunch and do not want to throw up with laughter :laugh: :laugh:

you are a disgrace to your jewish ppl and ancestors.

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Originally posted by djxeno

:laugh: :laugh:

don't ask questions you already know the answers too, makes you look like a dick.

:laugh: how predictable that this would be your response, immature and ignorant comments that have nothing to do with the topic that was posted.

please stop making an ass of yourself as I have just had my lunch and do not want to throw up with laughter :laugh: :laugh:

you are a disgrace to your jewish ppl and ancestors.

and how do todays muslim terrorists disgrace their muslim people and ancestors- lmfao

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trypical hardliner response - whether Jewish or not. Anybody or anything (even in your same religion) against your train of thought is called a "self-hater". Haha - such fuckin morons. And you wonder why the radical islamists label the the more mdorate ones traitors when they speak out!

The level of stupidity this board has gone down to amazes me!


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Originally posted by g420

I thought being muslim is a religion and not a race you ass monkey

correct, but you hate arabs, palestinains, and any other race that is synonomous with muslims.

so there you go jerkoff look deep inside your hatred and answer your own question.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

trypical hardliner response - whether Jewish or not. Anybody or anything (even in your same religion) against your train of thought is called a "self-hater". Haha - such fuckin morons. And you wonder why the radical islamists label the the more mdorate ones traitors when they speak out!

The level of stupidity this board has gone down to amazes me!


i know right that shit cracks me up :laugh:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Violence in the name of god by anyone or people is crime against humanity, not just muslims.

i was watching comedy central last week...and a comedian was talking about Wars and Religion...and he said that he thought that killing for Religion was the funniest thing he had ever heard...he understands fighting for oil, revenge, etc...but for Religion? he said thats like saying my imaginary friend is better than yours...:laugh:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i was watching comedy central last week...and a comedian was talking about Wars and Religion...and he said that he thought that killing for Religion was the funniest thing he had ever heard...he understands fighting for oil, revenge, etc...but for Religion? he said thats like saying my imaginary friend is better than yours...:laugh:


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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i was watching comedy central last week...and a comedian was talking about Wars and Religion...and he said that he thought that killing for Religion was the funniest thing he had ever heard...he understands fighting for oil, revenge, etc...but for Religion? he said thats like saying my imaginary friend is better than yours...:laugh:

the problem is though, which most people don't understand, is that if people followed thier religions the exact way as they are suppose to, we would all be living in world peace.

there is not religion on this earth that is violent.

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