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Time Could Be Running Out for the ‘Endless War’ Brigade


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Time Could Be Running Out for the ‘Endless War’ Brigade

Linda S. Heard

CAIRO, 10 February 2004 — Richard Perle, former chairman of the US Defense Policy Board, and George W. Bush’s former speech writer David Frum — co-authors of a book entitled “An end to evil: How to win the war on terror†— outlined their right-wing extremist views on Boston University’s WUBUR radio last Friday.

Their message was loud and clear. US global dominance using military might when necessary is the only way forward.

After subjecting myself to almost an hour of the Perle-Frum philosophy I quickly came to the conclusion labeling the Zionist ideologues “hawks†is an insult to a noble bird. And there is nothing conservative about them either — whether neo or otherwise. They’re simply good old-fashioned warmongers with friends in high places. Extremely high places!

Perle was a founder of the neoconservative think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC) along with Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and Donald Rumsfeld — all Bush administration head honchos. Its report entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: strategy, forces and resources for a new century†advocated a greatly increased defense budget so the US could “fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars†starting with Iraq.

It was Perle who invited Rand Corporation analyst Laurent Murawiec to give a 24-slide presentation to the Defense Policy Board in July 2002; the last slide titled “Grand strategy for the Middle East†states: “Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the Prizeâ€.

Both Perle and Frum are fellows of The American Enterprise Institute in company with Lynne V. Cheney and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich among others. This ultra right-wing organization received glowing praise from George Bush in a 2003 speech.

The fact that Perle was kicked off his lofty perch under a cloud that he personally profited from the Iraq war, while Frum submitted his resignation when word got around he was responsible for the infantile “Axis of Evilâ€, hasn’t deterred this deranged duo from pursuing their mutual agenda. On the contrary, they fear the Bush administration’s resolve might be flagging when it comes to the war on terror. Their book seeks to be a shot in the arm but is more likely to represent one in the foot.

In the Perle-Frum black-and-white world view, the US faces either victory over evil or holocaust. According to their manuscript, the road to victory entails forcing European nations to choose between Paris and Washington; special scrutiny of Muslims living in the US by law enforcement; the overthrow of the Iranian and the Syrian governments; a blockade of North Korea; rejection of the United Nations Charter and last, but certainly not least, the abandonment of any plan for a Palestinian state. In other words it’s a recipe for chronic worldwide anti-Americanism.

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