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mr mahs

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Trying to paint Kerry as this drug enduced, anti-government hippy is not going to work because he actually served his country and saved lives of his fellow soldiers. How many soldiers' lives did Bush save during the Vietnam war while he was in Alabama helping out with a failed political campaign or when he was doing drugs and boozin it up.

Please! I think Kerry has the right to protest his gov't's actions in the 70's during the huge anti war movement in the US for vietnam especially since he gave the ultimate sacrifice as opposed to the deserter George Bush.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1


Trying to paint Kerry as this drug enduced, anti-government hippy is not going to work because he actually served his country and saved lives of his fellow soldiers. How many soldiers' lives did Bush save during the Vietnam war while he was in Alabama helping out with a failed political campaign or when he was doing drugs and boozin it up.

Please! I think Kerry has the right to protest his gov't's actions in the 70's during the huge anti war movement in the US for vietnam especially since he gave the ultimate sacrifice as suppose to the deserter George Bush.


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Originally posted by pattbateman

i saw a pic this morning of john kerry and her at a protest together. iguess after they met she helped back his group and helped him out on what ever it was he was doing

if that is so...he is disgrace...its one thing to be against the war in Vietnam (that i respect)..but to hold hands with a lady who flew all the way to Hanoi to side with the Communists, when our soliders where dying...thats something totally diff...

my dad had a bumper sticker on his truck that said, "I will forgive Jane Fonda, when the Jews forgive Hitler"...and i am sure many if not ALL Vets from Vietnam feel the same way...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Don't make me kick your proverbial ass again and send this thread straight to the drama forum, nazi nad licker.

:laugh: :laugh:

Silly clown.....but I give you credit.......most all who received the ass kickings that you have would have left the board....

Either you have thick skin or you are just retarded.....

Hmmmm...I will take retarded......

Not a difficult choice

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Veterans, Vietnamese unite to oppose Kerry

While photo of candidate with Jane Fonda circulates on Internet


Posted: February 10, 2004

2:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

A Vietnam veterans organization and a Vietnamese-American group have united in opposition to Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. John Kerry.

"We represent hundreds of thousand of American veterans who do not want to see John Kerry anywhere near the Oval Office," said Ted Sampley, founder of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. Sampley is a U.S. Army Green Beret and veteran of two combat tours in Vietnam.

Said Sampley: "I have personally dealt with John Kerry on the issue of U.S. POWs left behind in Vietnam. Kerry is not truthful and is not worthy of the support of U.S. veterans. Many Vietnam vets have been duped into thinking Kerry is their friend. He is not. To us, he is 'Hanoi John.'"

Dan Tran is president of the Vietnam Human Rights Project and a member of Vietnamese Americans Against John Kerry.

"John Kerry aided and abetted the communist government in Hanoi and has hindered any human rights progress in Vietnam," Tran said.

Said the new coalition in a statement: "In the Senate, Kerry blocked the Vietnam human rights (and religious freedom) bill on behalf of Hanoi, while the Vietnamese Communists continue to wage a war of repression against the non-Communist Vietnamese and a war of genocide against our former allies the Montagnard ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands of Vietnam."

The coalition plans nationwide demonstrations against Kerry beginning with the New York and Massachusetts primaries.

Sampley's reference to Kerry as "Hanoi John" represents a campaign issue that could become a big problem for the Democrat. A photo on the Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry website shows anti-war activist Jane Fonda at a Valley Forge rally sitting a few feet ahead of Kerry.

Jane Fonda and John Kerry, who can be seen in background directly "north" of Fonda.

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh features the photo on his website with the caption: "The picture Democrats have been hoping nobody had: John Kerry sitting behind Jane Fonda during an anti-war rally at Valley Forge, PA in September 1970."

Kerry has been roundly criticized for anti-war activities he participated in following his military service in Vietnam.

A proposed bumper sticker image that encapsulates the issue is making its away around the Internet. The sticker says, "Kerry-Fonda 2004" and includes the image of a North Vietnamese flag.

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Originally posted by igloo

:laugh: :laugh:

Silly clown.....but I give you credit.......most all who received the ass kickings that you have would have left the board....

Either you have thick skin or you are just retarded.....

Hmmmm...I will take retarded......

Not a difficult choice


As much as I think you're a total ass cheek...You are an entertaining fucker. I'll give you that....well at least it's entertaining kicking your ass, that is.


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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Igloo owns my nuts in his gaping mouth. And so do you, you non trash talking beeyoch! Go back to playing your sorry ass video games and downloading porn, bootlicker. lol

Video games?

You can suck it you pile of worthless horse shit...

Go run along and beg your girl to take your nuts out of her purse... Bitch boy....oh and your sista hole you half a fag tree hugging queer

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Video games?

You can suck it you pile of worthless horse shit...

Go run along and beg your girl to take your nuts out of her purse... Bitch boy....oh and your sista hole you half a fag tree hugging queer

That was the weakest shit I ever heard. Stop trying to be like your idle, Igg poo, cause your half ass weak come backs are like your mother's pussy....Played the fuck out...and stinky too.

Yes, I said video games, mr broke ass "soldier of fortune". What a cake boy!

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

That was the weakest shit I ever heard. Stop trying to be like your idle, Igg poo, cause your half ass weak come backs are like your mother's pussy....Played the fuck out...and stinky too.

Yes, I said video games, mr broke ass "soldier of fortune". What a cake boy!

Broke? What do you do for a living?

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Originally posted by igloo

:rofl: :rofl:

What are you laughing at mr. latent homosexual. You talk more about gay people married then a gay person. Why are you so afraid of homosexuals? hmmm? Homophoebia is sign of latent homosexuality, cake boy.


I'm done exposing you too douches. Have fun eating each other's asses. :laugh:

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Broke is your mother coming over my house every night to get 5 dollars for a crack rock.

What do I do for a living? I chew bublegum and fuck your mother and it's hard fucking work.

Stop avoiding the question short bus ..WHAT DO YOU DO?

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Stop avoiding the question short bus ..WHAT DO YOU DO?

I told you already. I give your mother and igloo golden showers for a living. None of your fucking business where I work. Unlike you, I don't define myself by what occupation I have. Sad you need to reach for clout, isn't it. Fucking pathetic.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I told you already. I give your mother and igloo golden showers for a living. None of your fucking business where I work. Unlike you, I don't define myself by what occupation I have. Sad you need to reach for clout, isn't it. Fucking pathetic.

Like I suspected PIKER!

Did you pick up your food stamps today?

Answer the question.... what field?

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