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gay marriage


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people choose to be gay as a lifestyle choice!

LMFAO!!!! oh my god, right, who the fuck would choose to be ridiculed and discriminated against by 3/4 of the population of the world and to face more adversity daily than almost any other group?

I was with a very close friend of mine who tried to make the straight life work for him and had a child before admiting he was what he was always taught to hate.

I was with him just after his son told him he was gay too.

He was in absolute tears, and I couldnt understand why.

When the most confident gay man I ever saw told me "you have no idea what it is like, what you have to go through, what you have to deal with every day. No one would ever want that for their son." I felt ashamed for the human race.

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well while i definitely agree that its very tough there are some people who do choose it as a lifestyle - perhaps their friends are all gay, perhaps they are crying out for attention, whatever...point is you're right in saying that nobody in their right mind would choose to do this though....

....I actually know a few kids from school that were gay at school (very liberal school i might add) who later settled down with women. And by gay I don't mean acted gay or occasionally made out with a guy - i mean was into the scene, the bars, the weekend benders, etc. etc. A few years later I ran into him and when he told me he was married I was pretty shocked and asked him about it and he came right out and said something like "I was confused, I was angry, I needed attention from my parents, I wanted to be free."

Granted i don't think that's the norm but it does happen.

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Originally posted by barvybe

Granted i don't think that's the norm but it does happen.

Well perhaps, or perhaps they were worn down by society, their family or their religion..... It certainly is a complex issue, but who can look at boy george and say he made the choice to be gay :)

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personally, i think homosexually is an offspring of the cultural evolution and not a genetic issue.

were there homosexuals in the stone age? before what you call a society and social intelligence really started to evolve? anyone have a clue?

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Originally posted by tastey

personally, i think homosexually is an offspring of the cultural evolution and not a genetic issue.

were there homosexuals in the stone age? before what you call a society and social intelligence really started to evolve? anyone have a clue?

well not sure about the stone age, but there was homosexuality in asia, the hawian islands, the native americans, the isolated people of madicascar and the aboriginies of austrailia, through recorded history.

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I think thats its great that a gay couple can get hitched. They are only doing what they want to do with who they want to do it with, both peeps are gay, so why not just let them be gay by themselvs. What gives you or I the right to judge them and tell them that they are allowed to join a war, kill their lungs, kill theier liver, and watch porno? But they are not allowed to love someone. This is america, land of the free, or so I though it was.

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Originally posted by tastey

personally, i think homosexually is an offspring of the cultural evolution and not a genetic issue.

were there homosexuals in the stone age? before what you call a society and social intelligence really started to evolve? anyone have a clue?

well who can say but it does seem to be pretty much true that anytime that there's an entirely male grouping (jail, navy, to use a few cliches) there's a lot of same sex fucking going on. That doesn't mean that those people are necessarily gay all of the sudden either.

but it is true that our closest genetic relatives (monkeys) have same gender sex so who can say.

what we CAN say is that marriage is an offspring of culture and society and isn't genetic - its totally constructed by us.

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i think pro-gay attitudes are just another sign of how morally currupt our society has become, yes, this alone isn't going to bury us alive, but if you look at how the roman empire fell, this gluttony and overindulgence was just the start of its downfall, and it's happening here in america ... you have to be blind not to see it. if you had told a roman in the year 4 AD that their empire would fall ... they surely would laugh at you

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Originally posted by xpyrate

i think pro-gay attitudes are just another sign of how morally currupt our society has become, yes, this alone isn't going to bury us alive, but if you look at how the roman empire fell, this gluttony and overindulgence was just the start of its downfall, and it's happening here in america ... you have to be blind not to see it. if you had told a roman in the year 4 AD that their empire would fall ... they surely would laugh at you

So, yer "anti-gay"... but, you write in purple. Interesting.

... funk... out.

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haha.... but, seriously... So, yer telling me that homosexuality brought down the Roman Empire? And I'm suuuuuuuurrre there wasn't ANY incestual or polygamist activities going on then, either. Yeah... uh huh....

And are you telling me that if there were NEVER any homosexual activities during Roman times, the Empire would not have crumbled?

Again... you flabbergast me.

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

i think pro-gay attitudes are just another sign of how morally currupt our society has become, yes, this alone isn't going to bury us alive, but if you look at how the roman empire fell, this gluttony and overindulgence was just the start of its downfall, and it's happening here in america ... you have to be blind not to see it. if you had told a roman in the year 4 AD that their empire would fall ... they surely would laugh at you

if you equate pro-gay / hetero attitudes with morality then you're obviously basing things on religious beliefs. I'll bet you find anal sex moral perverse too.

What is morally offensive about people being gay? Who are they hurting? Unless you believe that sex is ONLY for the purpose of mating (having kids) then the fact that gay people have sex for pleasure is no different morally then a guy banging a girl or someone getting a blowjob.

not every gay person has wild sex parties and orgies...there are committed gay couples who don't have sex any more frequently then your parents do.

if you're worried about morality how about dealing with the conservative platform message that its better to not educate people about how to have sex safely (as in without getting pregnant or contracting diseases) and instead enforce their own questionable morality of never having sex unless you're married. Hard to listen to this sort of thing when you got priests humping little kids and the leaders of the religious right / conservative groups being uncovered in sex scandles, adultry, and drug additictions. But i suppose all that is ok since they ask god for forgiveness and said a couple hail mary's :aright:

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Originally posted by dgtlfnk

haha.... but, seriously... So, yer telling me that homosexuality brought down the Roman Empire? And I'm suuuuuuuurrre there wasn't ANY incestual or polygamist activities going on then, either. Yeah... uh huh....

And are you telling me that if there were NEVER any homosexual activities during Roman times, the Empire would not have crumbled?

Again... you flabbergast me.

... funk... out.

now youre putting words in my mouth

and im "flabbergasted" at some of the attitudes some of you have about mariage as if its just some contract that has to do with property as if ones spouse is just a matierial possession, with attitudes like that no wonder there is such a high divorce rate (50 years ago divorce was very rare) ... which is what i was referring to when i say how our society is becoming morally currupt, when you take the base values from our cultural foundation ie. family values, you destroy the very structure of our society.

(btw its indigo not purple ;) )

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Originally posted by xpyrate

i think pro-gay attitudes are just another sign of how morally currupt our society has become, yes, this alone isn't going to bury us alive, but if you look at how the roman empire fell, this gluttony and overindulgence was just the start of its downfall, and it's happening here in america ... you have to be blind not to see it. if you had told a roman in the year 4 AD that their empire would fall ... they surely would laugh at you

Its funny, others say the exact same thing about dance music and drug use relating it closely to sodam and gomorrah and their ways of debauchery.

I can just see all the ills of todays society, the huge numbers of one parent homes, the huge numbers of pregnet girls who are still children, the violence and hoplessness of the inner cities, and the evil of racism ... they will all go away if we can just get rid of the fags!!

someone please tell me how two guys or girls wanting to commit to each other for life honestly affects them??

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Originally posted by xpyrate

now youre putting words in my mouth

Oh really? You've been arguing AGAINST gays, and FOR polygamists and incest. And then you follow it up with....

yes, this alone isn't going to bury us alive, but if you look at how the roman empire fell, this gluttony and overindulgence was just the start of its downfall, and it's happening here in america

Makes it seem as tho you're saying 'being gay is gluttonous and an overindulgence'. And therefore it's one of the factors in the downfall of a) the Roman Empire, and B) America.

That's how it's coming across, man.

with attitudes like that no wonder there is such a high divorce rate (50 years ago divorce was very rare) ... which is what i was referring to when i say how our society is becoming morally currupt, when you take the base values from our cultural foundation ie. family values, you destroy the very structure of our society.

Dude! You have got to be kidding me! Divorce was very rare back in the day because EVERYONE, and mainly women, were under the thumb of MEN, especially white men. The moment any woman made mention of wanting to 'get out', she was bitch-slapped and told to "shut up and get fucking dinner ready, bitch". There was hardly a divorce rate... because society FORCED many married couples into staying together. It was considered a "bad" thing to want a divorce, no matter what the reason. And as we know today, many people grow OUT of love, and begin to hate the person they're with if forced to remain together. People SHOULD be allowed to separate. Otherwise, abuse between spouses AND children would continue to skyrocket.

It's called "e-q-u-a-l-i-t-y"... and "e-v-o-l-u-t-i-o-n"... look into it.

You're just a very confused person when it comes to the ins and outs of society... past AND present. Many of your thoughts and reasons are all jacked up. And this thread is apparently not doing anything to help you. And that's just hurtin', man.

... funk... out.

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Originally posted by xpyrate

which is what i was referring to when i say how our society is becoming morally currupt, when you take the base values from our cultural foundation ie. family values, you destroy the very structure of our society.

omfg this is such bullshit man

i have news for you, society EVOLVES. constantly. there is no "structure of society" and even if there were, it would certainly not be marriage. think of it as fluid, constantly changing form and shape.

in social revolution it takes like no time to evolve. all it takes is an IDEA. and if the idea gets picked up by many people that can adapt better to their lifes with it or that feel more comfortable in their life by following that idea, then society adapts.

if the idea should prove not be as good as everyone thought, guess what, society will adapt again. you can´t do anything about it.

seriously, when i already hear these words "morally corrupt". who says what is morally correct? who has the RIGHT to say whats morally correct and what not?

morals are a tool of MANIPULATION for people that are easily influenced, like yourself.

marriage is still a phenomenon ONLY created so that the child grows up protected, with a balanced influence of both the female (mother) and the male (father). while in the "perfect" marriage, the father works so the family can take care of the child and the mother cares for the child. after they have risen their child, people are basically USELESS (from a darwinian/nature point of view). "love" and "faithfulness" "eternal together" and all that other shit was just pumped into your mind so that you will raise the child protected. THAT IS THE ONLY REAL REASON WHY MARRIAGE EXIST. the other stuff is just social conditioning (or better to say: manipulation).

so since basically marriage only "makes sense" if you want to have children, it is total bullshit for those lesbians and gays to want to marry. it just shows how much social conditioning is in their heads. they want to do the "ultimate commitment" to each other and think that "marriage" is the way. which is of course bullshit cause they only buy into the social conditioning that comes with the idea of "marriage".

another example: look how many women fell for the "i'm supposed to be frigid until I'm in luuuv" myth. this myth was initially perpetrated by mid-victorian male moralists, essentially in order to control female factory workers and reduce time off due to pregnancy. the myth´s still around. even here..

THINK bro, think!

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ok ... i nvr expected to change anyones mind ... not like youre gonna change mine ... and its amazing how some of you completely distorted what i said ... i went off on a tangent abit with 'moral curruption in society' but the bottom is that if you think gays should be allowed to marry, you also believe that incestual marriage is OK ... they are equally immoral ... that is a fact ... you may as well try to argue the sky is pink

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Originally posted by xpyrate

so like then what is the difference between incest and gays then? please explain? i mean who says a brother and sister shouldnt be able to get married? i mean if they both really love each other ...why not? what is the difference?

i mean i think you all are bigots cause you think a brother and sister cant love each other in those ways :rolleyes:

this explains things in the cuurent event boards perfectly-lmfao

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Originally posted by xpyrate

ok ... im wondering what everyone thinks about mass. legalizing gay marriage? ... like in my opinion, i think its gross ... i mean are they gonna legalize polygamy and incest marriage next? it really is the same thing

my opinion is if two ppl want to spend the rest of their life together as life partners or whatever the term may be... so be it... who am i, or who is the state, or who is anyone to get in the way of "love"??? as far the state getting involved because of tax consequences and what have you, are you kidding me??? you think ppl would really go through all this just to drop their taxes??? and as far as this being a religious issue what about all those individuals who get married by judge or in court who do not opt for the overly oppulent dog and pony show like everyone else??? hey listen... just give in now because 5-10 years down the road itll be granted any way... and well have gay history month, and gay awareness or whatever... so why bother even fighting??? home of the brave land of the free??? all men and women created equal, blah blah blah... did we forget that??? bottom line who gives a shit...

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why should i give in? i have my beliefs and i know im in the majority.

ok :rolleyes: lets let the gays and the polygamists and the incestuists get married ... lets legalize crack while we're at it ... fuck it ... legalize murder ... it should be everyones god given right to exact justice on those who have fucked us over in the past ... yes let us throw out everything that it means to be descent human beings, throw out the very foundations of society we live in .,.. why do we need "civilization" anyway? :rolleyes:

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