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dancers-everyone please read


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I just posted a nicely organized thread for the first time and the page times out so now i am a bit irritated and have to rewrite everything.

I recently moved down here from NY about 7 months ago and have been trying ot get into the dancer scene in the Miami nightclub industry. I have auditin and gotten 3 call backs from Space bit still and supposedly awaiting a schedule but this has been months in progress and i haven't heard anything.

I briefly worked for hotjam and though i feel they are very talented i would not describe the company as dancers...it is more of theatrical performances.

Whatever happened to hot girls/hot guys getting up there and danicng their asses off with coordinated costumes and created an atmosphere in the club???

There is very sporatic work here and there but can someone please explaoin why with so many clubs and so many great dj's...there are not steady dancers down here..or if they are i need to find out how to get involved!!

Nikki Beach seems to have somewhat of the vibe im talking about on Sundays but if anyone can offer any insite or contacts i would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks so much!

Oh...and im glad i found you all because until reading these boards i havent met anyone down here that i can feel asimilates with my interest and passion for the music & dance.

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I've seen that blonde girl at almost everyclub. She is HOT and can dance her ass off. I remember at Crobar Edgar dropped Satisfaction, and her and some other chick was going at it with strawberries and chocolate.....mmmmmm they looked soo good!

....the stawberries and chocolate...lol

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Originally posted by themrs

My husband and I were talking about that this weekend...

Where have all the dancers gone??

Why aren't clubs doin this anymore??

All the trapeze acts and costumes and crazyness used to be incredible. Amazing to watch.

It's all about the benjamins . . .

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Originally posted by mrmiami

I've seen that blonde girl at almost everyclub. She is HOT and can dance her ass off. I remember at Crobar Edgar dropped Satisfaction, and her and some other chick was going at it with strawberries and chocolate.....mmmmmm they looked soo good!

....the stawberries and chocolate...lol



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Originally posted by mrmiami

I've seen that blonde girl at almost everyclub. She is HOT and can dance her ass off. I remember at Crobar Edgar dropped Satisfaction, and her and some other chick was going at it with strawberries and chocolate.....mmmmmm they looked soo good!

....the stawberries and chocolate...lol

I remember that night..they did look GOOD!!:eek: But I think it was just chocolate, no strawberries!;)

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Originally posted by mrsblend

I remember that night..they did look GOOD!!:eek: But I think it was just chocolate, no strawberries!;)

No, I remember that night quite well, they had strawberries, they were feeding eachother them, dipped in chocolate! then they poured it all over them;) :3some::hump::licker:

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Yes, there were stawberries...hmmmm....anybody else hungry around here?

To get back to the topic...I agree there arent enough dancers in clubs anymore! This is something that I too have always been interested in but never had the body for. Mayve some of the promoters on this board wil have some info to share.:D

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here something that might help you, i used to dance at space last summer fridays for after hours and every now and then i get emails from people who need dancers.

\aDANCERS \bProfessional Dancers for production co. performances. Must be reliable, responsible, personable. Trained dancers preferred. E-mail lia@wnzshowtime.com


MODEL TYPES/DANCERS Female Model Types wanted for Mansion, Yacht Parties, Private, Social & Corp events. Miami,Palm Beaches. 18-35.954-394-4639

take care =0)

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well as was states b4 why would any of the club owners want to waste there money when the people r gonna come anyways....but it sure does add some spunk to a club....i remember space back when they frist opened..had like robot people and crazy shit like that.....they would bus the dancers in back in the day...but theres no need..for the most part having dancers there isnt gonna make people come to the club...but i for one liked it better!!!!!!!!!

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by CrzyC

Yes, there were stawberries...hmmmm....anybody else hungry around here?

To get back to the topic...I agree there arent enough dancers in clubs anymore! This is something that I too have always been interested in but never had the body for. Mayve some of the promoters on this board wil have some info to share.:D

I dont think its so much a matter of having the body for it, but having the stage presence. I have seen s couple girls at space that were not stick figures but man could they command people's attention with their moves. Others I have seen were WAY too skinny, but could move very well too.

I for one am too shy to get up there and do my thing, besides the fact that I dont have that presence when I dance. Its been YEARS since I have been on stage, but I sure do miss it! Theres nothing like the rush you get when you perform....its like it transforms you into a different person. :)

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