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Why one Saddam-hating Iraqi is resisting the US


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Why one Saddam-hating Iraqi is resisting the US

From The Times

February 19, 2004

LIKE many university students, Thu al-Fiqar has a variety of extracurricular activities: he is sometimes a DJ at parties, he hangs out with friends at cafes and goes to their houses to watch films.

But once a month or so, the clean-shaven, casually dressed young man drives a truck full of concealed rocket-propelled grenades and mortar bombs from a town near the Iranian border to Baghdad, sometimes even helping to distribute the illicit arms among guerillas fighting US troops in the capital. Sometimes he drives the getaway car.

Thu al-Fiqar (his nom de guerre is taken from the name of the sword used by Imam Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's cousin) works amid elaborate security and without apparent fear of arrest.

"To be honest, the first time I was nervous about being caught by the police or the Americans, but when I saw how professional we were in planning the runs, under no circumstances could I be caught," he told The Times.

At first, the gun runners took few precautions because there were no checkpoints along the road from Iran's border through the town of Baqouba and down to Baghdad.

As checkpoints cropped up, they started disguising the weapons, first in crates of fruit and then in propane gas cylinders, cut open and stuffed with wood shavings and munitions and then soldered shut.

"Sometimes the Americans search among the cylinders, but never inside," he said. Travelling with fake documents, he is guided by a series of spotters, who drive ahead in cars and check with street observers advising them which route is guarded and where diversions are needed.

The elaborate precautions are only designed to avoid the American troops on the main road, however.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Why one Saddam-hating Iraqi is resisting the US

From The Times

February 19, 2004

LIKE many university students, Thu al-Fiqar has a variety of extracurricular activities: he is sometimes a DJ at parties, he hangs out with friends at cafes and goes to their houses to watch films.

But once a month or so, the clean-shaven, casually dressed young man drives a truck full of concealed rocket-propelled grenades and mortar bombs from a town near the Iranian border to Baghdad, sometimes even helping to distribute the illicit arms among guerillas fighting US troops in the capital. Sometimes he drives the getaway car.

Thu al-Fiqar (his nom de guerre is taken from the name of the sword used by Imam Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's cousin) works amid elaborate security and without apparent fear of arrest.

"To be honest, the first time I was nervous about being caught by the police or the Americans, but when I saw how professional we were in planning the runs, under no circumstances could I be caught," he told The Times.

At first, the gun runners took few precautions because there were no checkpoints along the road from Iran's border through the town of Baqouba and down to Baghdad.

As checkpoints cropped up, they started disguising the weapons, first in crates of fruit and then in propane gas cylinders, cut open and stuffed with wood shavings and munitions and then soldered shut.

"Sometimes the Americans search among the cylinders, but never inside," he said. Travelling with fake documents, he is guided by a series of spotters, who drive ahead in cars and check with street observers advising them which route is guarded and where diversions are needed.

The elaborate precautions are only designed to avoid the American troops on the main road, however.

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He does sometimes feel remorse for the Americans he helps kill, but not enough to make him stop. "We know the American soldier has a family, a life and has been ordered to do this. But they tell us in their country they have freedom, not like us, and they could have refused to come here."

First off, I think piece is bullshit because if Australian jounalists can find this fucker the coalition can't?


I hope his nuts get cut off and stuffed in his mouth like the pig that he is...

The part I highlighted above shows what kind of person he is and I hope they burn his & relatives home to the ground and hang him by his nutsack in the town square :blown:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

He does sometimes feel remorse for the Americans he helps kill, but not enough to make him stop. "We know the American soldier has a family, a life and has been ordered to do this. But they tell us in their country they have freedom, not like us, and they could have refused to come here."

First off, I think piece is bullshit because if Australian jounalists can find this fucker the coalition can't?


I hope his nuts get cut off and stuffed in his mouth like the pig that he is...

The part I highlighted above shows what kind of person he is and I hope they burn his & relatives home to the ground and hang him by his nutsack in the town square :blown:


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