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anne coulter is a disgusting, ingorant fool


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taken from her recent column:


Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix.

when, in reality, former Senator Cleland lost his limbs after jumping out of a helicopter (into a combat zone) and into a grenade blast.

she also claims that he never showed bravery in Vietnam.

4 days prior to his injury he had earned the Silver Star.

stupid cunt.

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File under: 'Omission Accomplished'

Ann Coulter (archive)

February 19, 2004 | Print | Send

Liberals are hopping mad about last week's column. Amid angry insinuations that I "lied" about Sen. Max Cleland, I was attacked on the Senate floor by Sen. Jack Reed, Molly Ivins called my column "error-ridden," and Al Hunt called it a "lie." Joe Klein said I was the reason liberals were being hysterical about George Bush's National Guard service.

I would have left it at one column, but apparently Democrats want to go another round. With their Clintonesque formulations, my detractors make it a little difficult to know what "lie" I'm supposed to be contesting, but they are clearly implying – without stating – that Cleland lost his limbs in combat.

It is simply a fact that Max Cleland was not injured by enemy fire in Vietnam. He was not in combat, he was not – as Al Hunt claimed – on a reconnaissance mission, and he was not in the battle of Khe Sanh, as many others have implied. He picked up an American grenade on a routine noncombat mission and the grenade exploded.

In Cleland's own words: "I didn't see any heroism in all that. It wasn't an act of heroism. I didn't know the grenade was live. It was an act of fate." That is why Cleland didn't win a Purple Heart, which is given to those wounded in combat. Liberals are not angry because I "lied"; they're angry because I told the truth.

I wouldn't press the point except that Democrats have deliberately "sexed up" the circumstances of Cleland's accident in the service of slandering the people of Georgia, the National Guard and George Bush. Cleland has questioned Bush's fitness for office because he served in the National Guard but did not go to Vietnam.

And yet the poignant truth of Cleland's own accident demonstrates the commitment and bravery of all members of the military who come into contact with ordnance. Cleland's injury was of the routine variety that occurs whenever young men and weapons are put in close proximity – including in the National Guard.

But it is a vastly more glorious story to claim that Cleland was injured by enemy fire rather than in a freak accident. So after Saxby Chambliss beat Cleland in the 2002 Georgia Senate race, liberals set to work developing a carefully crafted myth about Cleland's accident. Among many other examples, last November, Eric Boehlert wrote in Salon: "[D]uring the siege of Khe Sanh, Cleland lost both his legs and his right hand to a Viet Cong grenade."

Sadly for them, dozens and dozens of newspapers have already printed the truth. Liberals simply can't grasp the problem Lexis-Nexis poses to their incessant lying. They ought to stick to their specialty – hysterical overreaction. The truth is not their forte.

One of the most detailed accounts of Cleland's life was written by Jill Zuckman in a lengthy piece for the Boston Globe Sunday magazine on Aug. 3, 1997:

Finally, the battle at Khe Sanh was over. Cleland, 25 years old, and two members of his team were now ordered to set up a radio relay station at the division assembly area, 15 miles away. The three gathered antennas, radios and a generator and made the 15-minute helicopter trip east. After unloading the equipment, Cleland climbed back into the helicopter for the ride back. But at the last minute, he decided to stay and have a beer with some friends. As the helicopter was lifting off, he shouted to the pilot that he was staying behind and jumped several feet to the ground.

Cleland hunched over to avoid the whirring blades and ran. Turning to face the helicopter, he caught sight of a grenade on the ground where the chopper had perched. It must be mine, he thought, moving toward it. He reached for it with his right arm just as it exploded, slamming him back and irreparably altering his plans for a bright, shining future.

Interestingly, all news accounts told the exact same story for 30 years – including that Cleland had stopped to have beer with friends when the accident occurred (a fact that particularly irked Al Hunt).

"He told the pilot he was going to stay awhile. Maybe have a few beers with friends. ... Then Cleland looked down and saw a grenade. Where'd that come from? He walked toward it, bent down, and crossed the line between before and after." (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dec. 5, 1999)

"[Cleland] didn't step on a land mine. He wasn't wounded in a firefight. He couldn't blame the Viet Cong or friendly fire. The Silver Star and Bronze Star medals he received only embarrassed him. He was no hero. He blew himself up." (Baltimore Sun, Oct. 24, 1999)

"Cleland was no war hero, but his sacrifice was great. ... Democratic Senate candidate Max Cleland is a victim of war, not a casualty of combat. He lost three limbs on a long-forgotten hill near Khe Sanh because of some American's mistake ..." (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Sept. 29, 1996)

The story started to change only last year when the Democrats began citing Cleland's lost Senate seat as proof that Republicans hate war heroes. Indeed, until the myth of Republicans attacking Cleland for his lack of "patriotism" became central to the Democrats' narrative against George Bush, Cleland spoke only honorably and humbly about his accident. "How did I become a war hero?" he said to the Boston Globe reporter in 1997. "Simple. The grenade went off."

Cleland even admitted that, but for his accident, he would have "probably been some frustrated history teacher, teaching American government at some junior college." (OK, I got that wrong: I said he'd probably be a pharmacist.)

Cleland's true heroism came after the war, when he went on to build a productive life for himself. That is a story of inspiration and courage. He shouldn't let the Democrats tarnish an admirable life by "sexing up" his record in order to better attack George Bush.

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Originally posted by cintron

is she hot?

Yes she is

By the way EVERYONE in Veitnam got a silver start or a purple heart The gov't gave away medals like candy that's why vets were throwing these medals on the ground during vietnam them meant nothing. at least that's what my friends dad said who was there and in the shit

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umm yeah, ann coulter is more intelligent then anyone i have ever seen

ever see her debate on cspan?

she kills whoever she debates

democrats hate her cause she is to smart

and that article has a quote from that dude in it you dumb fuck saying

"In Cleland's own words: "I didn't see any heroism in all that. It wasn't an act of heroism. I didn't know the grenade was live. It was an act of fate." That is why Cleland didn't win a Purple Heart, which is given to those wounded in combat. Liberals are not angry because I "lied"; they're angry because I told the truth."

didnt win a purple heart you dumb fuck

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

taken from her recent column:


Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix.

when, in reality, former Senator Cleland lost his limbs after jumping out of a helicopter (into a combat zone) and into a grenade blast.

she also claims that he never showed bravery in Vietnam.

4 days prior to his injury he had earned the Silver Star.

stupid cunt.

but Annie was so cute with the red hair and the singing and what not:D

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Cleland lost three limbs in an accident during a routine noncombat mission where he was about to drink beer with friends. He saw a grenade on the ground and picked it up. He could have done that at Fort Dix.


whether the man lost it on a routine mission or not...he was in the Army in Vietnam and lost limbs serving this country...POOR TASTE by Coulter...and my father never got a purple heart in Vietnam...

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Shameful...but this doesn't surprise me coming from the person that believed McCarthyism along with the fear mongering and jailing of innocent americans for 30 plus years was a good thing. What a cunt. :rolleyes:

Nice job missing the point...

Get an adult to read her second column to you....I know how the big words scare you

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277


whether the man lost it on a routine mission or not...he was in the Army in Vietnam and lost limbs serving this country...POOR TASTE by Coulter...and my father never got a purple heart in Vietnam...

I agree 100%. She tried to make this point in her column but it came across as patronizing. Veterans deserve the highest amount of respect period, and it's not her place to comment on his service....whether she started the debate or not, she should have had the class to stay out of it.

The thing about Ann I don't get is she makes these crazy outlandish, sweeping generalizations that are very offensive. I do the same thing all time (I did it the other day calling Fox News viewers "inbred & fundamentalists"), but I make those kind of comments intending to be funny -- I don't actually believe that. However, in Ann's case I think she actually does believe what she says ---- Like when she compared Katie Couric to Nazi Propagandist Josef Goebbels ---- at first I thought -- "that's so funny" ---- but then you realize she's actually serious :eek: -- she scares me! :shake:

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Originally posted by raver_mania

yeah with her fanatism, which somehow noe-cons equate with intelligence.

She think she smart but what she think is no same as what she is!


You may disagree with her views, but to say she is not an intelligent person is absurd

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You really can't argue that she's not intelligent, it's pretty obvious that she's at the very least extremely well read & articulate.

However, she trys to spark debate by taking things out of context --- in her book she'll quote something --- which the reader will think is "shocking," but if one checks the footnotes the full context is far less outrageous than she lead the reader to believe. Al Franken does the same thing - it's the industry standard gimick these pop-political commentators use to sell books. It's amusing and serves its purpose, but I don't think anyone really takes Ann Coulter serious.

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I used to be a fan of hers, but she is such a fraud. Let me explain

You know the show Kudlow and Cramer. Last August they were promoting this debate between Ann and Joe Conason. Ann ofcourse was going on alot of TV shows promoting her book Treason. Joe Conason writes for the NY observer. He's left center. He's a top notch debater. He also has a book out, how the media is for the Republicans. He's the confronting type and is great with facts. Joe also wrote an article about Ann in July where he really criticized her.

So its 8 pm and I'm getting ready to watch this debate. All of a sudden, Jim Cramer says we had trouble finding Ann and we had to cancel the debate.

From the way he said it, I just assumed Ann was caught in traffic or maybe she got sick. But you could tell from Jim Cramer's face, that he was not happy.

Then 2 days later, I see Ann debating Susan Estrich on Fox.

Susan Estrich is a formal type Democrat. I'm saying to myself thats odd. Ann doesn't look sick, so I doubt that was the reason she wasn't there for the Conason debate.

A day later I called Jim Cramer's radio show in NY. I said what happened with the Coulter Conason debate. He said, Ann backed out of the debate.

Jim also knew about Ann debating Susan Estrich the day before.

He was so upset at Ann. You know what he told Ann's publicist that day. If Ann only want to debate the Susan Estrich types and doesn't want to debate Joe Conason, Ann is not coming on my show anymore.

Guess what, Ann still doesn't want to be debate Conason and hasn't been back on Kudlow and Cramer.

Joe Conason wrote about what happened about Ann not debating him


Joe Conason's Journal

More notes from a media book tour:

What it's like to be ducked by Ann Coulter and avoided by Fox. Aug. 21, 2003

Where's Ann?

As the Daily News reports today, Ann Coulter ducked a debate with me on CNBC's "Kudlow & Cramer" last night. Disappearing at the last minute, she blew off the

producers, who had been so eager to book her with me that they changed the schedule at her request.

Maybe she didn't feel like talking about her idol Joe McCarthy's patriotic crusade on behalf of Nazi officers who had massacred American soldiers. Or maybe she wasn't up for discussing my book, which includes a few unflattering facts about her work. In any case, I believe we'll meet again someday -- and I won't run.

5 days after Ann backed out of the Conason debate, I hear Ann on this NY radio show. The host of the show is Sam Greenfield. He has a radio show on 1600 am from 3pm to 7pm. He's also left center.

He's great with facts and is definitely the confronting type.

He starts off the interview by telling Ann about a false statement she said on TV.

Then Ann just hung up the phone. I couldn't believe it, she backed out of another debate. Then Sam said, Ann just did her Roberto Duran no-mas imitation. The Daily News wrote about this. Its at the bottom of this article.


Then there's Alex Jones. He's a libertarian.

I personally dont like his views.

He's anti goverment. But one thing about this guy, he will confront you wheather your a liberal or Conservative. He's also good with facts.

I'm pretty sure Ann never heard of his guy. She probably thought this would be another interview she would do to promote her book treason.

Ann debated him last July. This guy confronted Ann big time.

Ann was probably never confronted like this in her life.

Ann was losing this debate. Guess what, she hung up the phone on Alex. Another guy she hung up the phone on. Here was that interview. You can listen to it here. The interview was 37 minutes.


Then there's Katrina Vanden Heuvel.

When Ann came out with her book Slander. Ann was on MSNBC to debate the book with Mike Barnicle. Mike was subbing for Chris Matthews. Ann thought she was going to only debate Mike Barnicle. Then Mike Barnicle says he brought on the show Katrina Vanden Heuvel to join the debate. Ann had no idea that Katrina would join the debate.

Ann got really upset. You could tell, she didn't want to debate Katrina.

Check out Ann's reaction when she realized she would have to debate Katrina Vanden Heuvel. I later found out, the only reason why Mike Barnicle did this, is because Ann kept refusing to debate Katrina.

Here's part of the transcript to the debate.


Thats the last time Ann debated her.

Then there's Erik Alterman. He's a left wing confronting speaker. He's a commentator for MSNBC. He wanted to debate Ann when she came out with her book Slander. Guess What, Ann refused to debate him. Erik has written how Ann refuses to debate him.

Then I realized something. Whenever I see Ann debate someone. Look who she debates? Susan Estrich. I must have seen her debate Susan 7 times on Hannity and Colmes just in August. She debated Ellis Hennigan, Pat Caddell and Betsy Mccall Ross and now Kiki Mcclean. All these Democrats are the formal type. There not the confronting type.

She never debates the confronting type. And if she debates one of the confronting type Democrats. It will be a one time thing. Take Alex Jones

You think Ann will debate him again? Heck No.

When Ann backed out of that debate with Joe Conason and then 2 days later I saw her debating Susan Estrich.

Thats where I lost all respect for her. Now when I see her debating one of these formal type Democrats. I just turn the channel and laugh.

The other thing I dont like about Ann is how she treats guys.

You know the term stuck up woman in NY. Jesus, this woman is horrible. You know she's never been married. Well I think I found out why. I was on an MSNBC site some months ago. Someone posted an article she did with the Guardian from last May. www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,957670,00.html The Guardian is a left wing paper.

The interview was a cozy type interview. The interviewer was very supportive of Ann.

But there was one thing that stood out in this interview. The interviewer found out, that Ann's been engaged to 4 guys in her life and she left them all. The interviewer asks Ann, are you still in contact with any of these guys you were engaged to? Ann says, not really. She then says, its like going from one boss to another. You forget about the other one.

Now I got to tell you, I can see her leaving one guy she was engaged to. Possibly even 2. Maybe they weren't the right guys for her. But for her to do this to 4 guys.

Comeon! You got to be cold to do something like that.

I just get the feeling, she left these guys out of the blue and broke these guys hearts.

Then when I see Ann joking about this in that Guardian interview. It just sounds like, she thinks its funny to get engaged to a guy and then dump him.

I'm sorry, I cant root for someone like her.

Whats interesting about Ann's looks.

I'v seen her on TV where she looks great.

These cable shows have the best makeup artists and hair stylists..

Did you ever see how Ann looks when she doesn't have one of these makeup artists and hair stylists work on her.

I was on this site and someone posted pics of Ann at a speech she made in September. OMG, you got to see these pics. She looks so different then when you see her on TV. She looked horrible. Here's the link


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I'm voting for Bush in the election. But Kerry is right on the money on this.

John Kerry released a statement calling Coulter a “Bush campaign operative†and saying her column “achieved a level of cruelty that is not only slanderous, but offensive to the millions of men and women who have fought and bled for America.†“If the best the other side can do is to attack disabled war heroes when there are millions of veterans in America whose health care and benefits have been slashed by this administration, then they are in for a fight that they will lose,†Kerry said.

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