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Philosophies And Enlightenments


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The following quotes have been gathered throughout the years by Shidoshi Bryce Dallas. Shidoshi does not claim these quotes as his own. The following quotes are listed so the student may understand the mindset of the martial arts masters of old and keep their lineage alive.

You must be willing to follow in order to lead, and without a goal, there is no center; and peace with understanding will bring unity resulting in...?

1. Think fast, react accurately.

2. Strength is nothing without knowledge, knowledge is nothing without strength.

3. Do not think about your action, allow it to be a natural reaction to what you thought about.

4. To cause paranoia and or anger in an opponents mind is greater than the finest blade.

5. To be over confidant is a great mistake; treat every opponent as your equal.

6. Those who look for trouble, find it.

7. Profanity is the language of the ignorant.

8. To fear death is to fear an illusion, a masquerade.

9. Even monkeys fall out of trees.

10. Always be aware of physical and the metaphysical.

11. Be resourceful, the environment is your ally.

12. To share your wisdom and love, allows you to live long past death.

13. He who fears nothing is either a liar, or a fool.

14. He who is unwilling to overcome his fears is a coward.

15. Tomorrow is a possibility, not a guarantee.

16. The sharpest sword in the world cannot cut itself.

17. Judge not with your eyes or ears, but with your heart.

18. Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you; if they do wrong, you still do right.

19. Two wrongs do not make a right.

20. You must give as much respect as you wish to receive.

21. Two doves bound together have four wings, yet they cannot fly.

22. There are no great warriors, for war does not make one great.

23. An object may travel in opposite directions at once.

24. Listen with your eyes.

25. See with your ears.

26. Try not, do.

27. Nature cannot be beaten, so if you and nature are as one you cannot be beaten.

28. Your mind is your best weapon.

29. You must first master yourself, before you can be a master to someone else.

30. You are your own keeper.

31. A man is as only as good as his word.

32. A master is a full time student.

33. Honor and respect are earned through your deeds alone.

34. Without grace you have nothing.

35. You must seek wisdom, for it will not seek you.

36. He who seeks truth, finds forever.

37. Experience is the best teacher.

38. Even an ant has a reason, and is part of nature.

39. Waste not, want not.

40. There is no martial arts expert, for who is there to judge what one is.

41. It is impossible to get positive results with a negative attitude.

42. If someone has all the answers, then it is obvious who made up all the questions.

43. Without balance there is no grace.

44. Nothing can be beautiful without love.

45. Your mouth can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.

46. Never think, always know.

47. The strongest force in nature is love.

48. Practice makes perfect.

49. Willingness to understand is priceless.

50. It is better to make an enemy a friend, than to destroy him.

51. It is better to be humble, than humbled.

52. Quitters never win.

53. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you as well.

54. You can only teach the things you know yourself.

55. Never under estimate your enemy.

56. You fight like you train.

57. You are responsible for your own actions.

58. Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.

59. A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.

60. The fire-fly gives light to its pursuer.

61. We're all in this together----by ourselves.

62. When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.

63. Where one door shuts, another opens.

64. Although gold dust is precious, when it gets in your eyes it obstructs vision.

65. If you're afraid of being grabbed by God, don't look at a wall. Definitely don't sit still.

66. The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn but to unlearn.

67. Indeed he knows not how to know who knows not also how to un-know.

68. The journey is the reward.

69. In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse.

70. Wisdom is often times nearer when we stoop. Than when we soar.

71. He who can take no great interest in what is small will take false interest in what is great.

72. Arouse the mind without resting it on anything.

73. The wise boldly pick up a truth as soon as they hear it. Don't wait for a moment, or you'll lose your head.

74. Life, we learn too late, is in the living, the tissue of every day and hour.

75. People in the West are always getting ready to live.

76. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive, with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell and when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough.

77. A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.

78. A hole is nothing at all, but you can break your neck in it.

79. If your ears see, and your eyes hear, not a doubt you'll cherish-from the eaves!

80. Everything flows; nothing remains

81. Simply the thing I am shall make me live.

82. God made everything out of nothing. But the nothingness shows through.

83. We listen to insects, and human voices with different ears.

84. Place no head above your own.

85. ...death and life are not serious alternatives.

86. Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go.

87. The fruit drops when it is ripe.

88. On whose door does the moonlight not shine?

89. A good craftsman leaves no traces.

90. I like reality. It tastes of bread.

91. The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection. The water has no mind to receive their image.

92. My religion is to live-and die-without regret.

93. If a man understands the Tao in the morning, it is well with him even when he dies in the evening.

94. The world is a passage back to God, that is the only reason it is here.

95. The birds have vanished down the sky. Now the last cloud drains away. We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains.

96. The man who's drunk water, knows if it's cool or warm.

97. The more you run, the further away you are, and the more you hurry, the later you become.

98. Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always.

99. Infinitely more important than the answers are the questions, the choice of them, the inner form of them.

100. The field of consciousness is tiny. It accepts only one problem at a time. Get into a fist fight, put your mind on the strategy of the fight, and you will not feel the other fellow's punches.

101. There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect.

102. That which has been successfully defined has been successfully killed.

103. Roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are; they exist with God today. There is no time to them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect on every moment of its existence.

104. The greatest sin is to be unconscious.

105. When it is winter, speak cold; when it is summer, speak hot.

106. The eye is the lamp of the body; if therefore thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

107. The very act of observing disturbs the system.

108. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.

109. If you do not get it form yourself, where will you go for it?

110. The Truth is realized in an instant; the Act is practiced step by step.

111. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

112. I know that I know nothing.

113. Before doing, one must BE.

114. When we are not sure, we are alive.

115. A man encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of a root and swung himself over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down where, below, another tiger was waiting. Two mice, one white and one black, began to gnaw away at the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!

116. The wise man says, "I am looking for the truth," and the fool, "I have found the truth."

117. To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous.

118. The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.

119. Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

120. It is better to master the mind than be mastered by mind.

121. Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events not of words. Trust movement.

122. A monk who had been with Master Kassan went on pilgrimage, but found nothing to suit him. Moreover, everywhere he heard praise for Master Kassan. So he returned, and asked the Master: "Why did you not reveal your profound understanding to me?" The Master replied: "When you boiled rice, did I not light the fire? When you handed out food, did I not hold out my bowl to receive it? When did I betray your expectations?" At this the monk was enlightened.

123. The Zen "genius" sleeps in every one of us and demands an awakening.

124. A dog is not reckoned good because he barks well, a man is not reckoned wise because he speaks skillfully.

125. Talk does not cook rice.

126. How can you come to know yourself? Never by thinking , always by doing. Try to do your duty, and you'll know right away what you amount to. And what is your duty? Whatever the day calls for.

127. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, live your way into the answer.

128. Even of our efforts seem for years to be producing no result, one day a light that is in exact proportion to them will flood the soul.

129. Both speech and silence transgress.

130. Ten years' searching in the deep forest...Today great laughter at the edge of the lake.

131. As for the outside world, the artist is confronted by what he sees; but what he sees is primarily what he looks at.

132. With no bird singing the mountain is yet more still.

133. If you are stopping now, then stop. If you are seeking a time when you finish, there will never be a time when you finish.

134. To attain Zen enlightenment, it is not necessary to give up family life, quit your job, become a vegetarian, practice asceticism and flee to a quiet place, or go into a ghost cave of dead Zen to entertain subjective imaginings.

135. Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.

136. Someone asked master Yunmen: "What is the eye of genuine teaching?" The master said "Fu!" (Everywhere)

137. Under the sword lifted high there is hell making you tremble: but go ahead, and you have the land of bliss.

138. Master Nansen was washing clothes. A monk asked: "Is the Master still doing such things?" Master Nansen, holding up his clothes, asked: "What is to be done with them?"

139. From the withered tree, a flower blooms.

140. Let us be poised, and wise, and our own, today.

141. The ultimate Path is without difficulty, just avoid picking and choosing.

142. Begin at once to live.

143. The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest things without it.

144. The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.

145. Don't play what's there, play what's not there.

146. Meditation, then, is bringing the mind home.

147. What is your original face, before your mother and father were born?

148. I am a part of all that I have met.

149. Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control---these three alone lead to sovereign power.

150. Zen is discipline in enlightenment.

151. The real being, with no status, is always going in and out through the doors of your face.

152. When you eat, the meal is yourself.

158. It takes a long time to become young.

159. True knowledge lies in knowing how to live.

160. Only one koan matters you.

161. Even though you know a thousand things, ask the man who knows one.

162. When the source is deep, the stream is long.

163. Consciousness is in the first place not a matter of "I think" but of "I can."

164. A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.

165. Don't draw another's bow, don't ride another's horse, don't another's business.

166. Being incapable of conjugating the verb to be, we conjugate instead the verb to have. But as the verb to have can lead us nowhere, for nothing lasting can be acquired, we seek indefinitely to have more. Such is the source of our enslavement.

167. An autumn evening; It is no light thing, To be born a man.

168. A monk said to Chao-chou, "I have just entered this monastery. Please teach me." Chao-chou said, " Have you eaten your rice gruel?" The monk said, "Yes, I have." Chao-chou said, "Wash your bowl." The monk understood.

169. Once Fa-yen was asked, " what is the first principle?" He answered: "If I should tell you, it would become the second principle."

170. Let the nothingness into yer shots.

171. Learning Zen is a phenomenon of gold and dung. Before you understand it, it's like gold; after you understand it, it's like dung.

172. He who binds to himself a joy. Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the as it flies. Lives in eternity's sun rise.

173. Miso with the smell of miso is not good miso. Enlightenment with the smell of enlightenment is not the real enlightenment.

174. The knife does not cut itself, the finger does not touch itself, the mind does not know itself, the eye does not see itself.

175. Tung-kuo Tzu asked Chuang-tzu, "What is the Way? Where is it?" "It is everywhere," replied Chuang-tzu. Tung-kuo Tzu said, " It will not do unless you are more specific." " It is in the ant," said Chuang-tzu.

176. A man met a lad weeping. " What do you weep for?" he asked. "I am weeping for my sins," said the lad. "You must have little to do," said the man. The next day they met again. Once more the lad was weeping. "Why do you weep now?" asked the man. "I am weeping because Ihave nothing to eat," said the lad. " I though it would

come to that," said the man.

177. The infinite is in the finite of every instant.

178. In an archery contest, when the stakes are earthenware tiles a contestant shoot with skill. When the stakes are belt buckles he becomes hesitant, and if the stakes are pure gold he becomes nervous and confused. There is no difference as to his skill but, there is something he prizes, he allows outward considerations to weigh on his

mind. All those who consider external things important are stupid within.

179. "The right art," cried the Master, "is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede."

180. You can observe a lot by watching.

181. In walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all, don't wobble.

182. The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity.

183. Religion is a way of walking, not a way of talking.

184. Anything more than the truth would be too much.

185. We work to become, not to acquire.

186. The water-bird wanders here and there, leaving no trace, yet her path she never forgets.

187. The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.

188. Every man is born as many men and dies as a singles one.

189. If you love the scared and despise the ordinary, you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion.

190. What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it.

191. Better to see the face than to hear the name.

192. A warrior should have an understanding of the peaceful arts as well as the killing arts. This is a two fold way.

193. The only shame in dying incorrectly is to die a stupid and meaningless death. To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or losing.

194. The true virtue of strategy is in allowing us to overcome all odds in daily life and in helping us attain the closest stare we can to being one with the supreme power before going into battle.

195. Each new experience continually leads to new challenges.

196. The "Way" cannot be learned through frivolous contests in which the outcome is for the name of a school or a large trophy.

197. It is important that technique is not the end of an art. Those good in technique, regardless of the art they pursue, are not necessarily able to teach the true meaning of an art.

198. It is useless for people who look good in play competition to think in terms of being masters.

199. Only through a constant search from within, based on one's own lifestyle, can the truth be known.

200. A man cannot understand the perfection and imperfections of his chosen art if he cannot see the value in other arts.

201. You must search constantly for still more understanding of your chosen art.

202. Do not assume that what appears to be finely crafted goods will hold up under use.

203. Strength lies in the interior of the warrior; in his heart, his mind, and his spirit.

204. All men are the same except for their belief in their own selves, regardless of what others may think of them.

205. A commander must walk among his men if he is to expect a certain level of performance.

206. The commander must praise and admonish in the same manner. This is a virtue of strategy. Why would a commander want a spearman to join the line of archers?

207. A warrior is responsible for his own weapons just as a craftsman is responsible for his own tools.

208. He must care for them, the weapons, as if they were his own self. Only then can he meld with them to become the end product, that is what is meant by the sword being the soul of the samurai.

209. A warrior must be proficient in all tools of his trade. He must understand the functions of all weapons and the functions of all military regimentation.

210. The amount of strength you have depends upon the training and practice you have put into your art.

211. You can only fight the way you practice. By maintaining the proper attitude, you will always practice diligently with the proper spirit and ensure your ability to become that much stronger. Through practice you will be able to properly maintain yourself at all times.

212. When you understand the Way of strategy you will be able to hit a man without a thought in a completely natural manner.

213. You should always train with timing and rhythm uppermost in your mind, and realize that there are different types of timing and different types of rhythm.

214. Never stop training. In this way the spirit of the warrior will continue to grow.

215. Never stop studying the written passages of the masters relating to the art you have chosen to practice.

216. The heart is essential in helping the intellect to understand the spirit.

217. Strive for inner judgment and an understanding of everything.

218. See that which cannot be seen.

219. Overlook nothing, regardless of its significance.

220. You will be able to beat many men just by looking them in the eye. They will realize that you are a formidable opponent and will not have the heart to attack.

221. While information may be evident, knowledge is not necessarily obvious. There are "hidden" meaning, not to be confused with the non-understandable things, that must be thought through constantly until you reach and understanding.

222. There is no limit to a man's ability once he understands the strategic principles of an art, for they will also be useful when applied to other situations.

223. The manner in which a warrior carries himself is of utmost importance both physically and mentally.

224. To be a warrior, look like a warrior and stand like a warrior.

225. Look at the enemy as if you are looking through him without being too obvious about it, perception and sight are two important principles.

226. Perception relies on intuition. This is developed through practice.

227. Peripheral vision is of utmost importance. It is a skill that is developed over a period of time in training. This is a stern discipline. It should be used in everyday life as well.

228. Steadfastness of purpose is above all the essential requirement for understanding yourself in relation to the Universe.

229. Force yourself to develop the skills needed to be the warrior that you define yourself to be.

230. The martial arts are not a game to see who is stronger and who is faster. You must mean it when you strike at the enemy. If you do not, you will certainly get hurt.

231. It is essential that you understand there is no difference between using the sword in combat and in practice.

232. Even in practice you must strike with all your heart and will all your soul. To do otherwise will result in your being unable to strike with full force and conviction should the need arise. Every strike must be done with full authority and full intensity.

233. Proper movement of the body depends entirely on the manner in which you carry yourself.

234. Walking is walking, whether in a excursion to the park or in a combat maneuver.

235. Do not be a "righty" or a "lefty". Become both by practicing your movement from all directions.


FUNK :cool:

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