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THE BEST WE'VE GOT - U.S. Military!!


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February 24, 2004 -- OVER the coming weeks, a quarter of a million U.S. troops will move into or out of Iraq. The logistics of such a transfer would be formidable even under peaceful conditions in a country with Western-quality infrastructure. No other power in the world could do it in Iraq - or anywhere else.

Our military is going to execute the mission with such skill that it won't make headlines. There'll be brief reports buried in the back pages of our newspapers and a few human interest stories on TV. But the only way this massive event will get onto the front page will be if terrorists pull off a stunt during the operation.

They'll try. There are no guarantees of safety where peace is still being made. And the terrorists desperately want to be the lead story at the top of the hour again. But even if a bomb or a missile takes American lives, the real story will remain how much our military can do - and how much our troops have accomplished over the past year.

Recall how the pundits insisted that our troops were bound to fail, that Iraq was another Vietnam, a quagmire that would only worsen. Shamelessly, American ideologues who had been too good to serve in uniform themselves pretended that their only concern was the safety of our soldiers, who they wished to bring home immediately. Morale was going to break down, civilian "experts" insisted, our military would dissolve.

It wasn't just going to be Vietnam. It was going to be Oliver Stone's Vietnam.

Our soldiers' response? They broke the back of the Ba'athist insurgency. They captured Saddam. That deck of cards? Saddam and the boys were playing on credit - and G.I. Joe called 'em.

When our soldiers were attacked, they hit back with such ferocity, precision and determination that even hardline al Qaeda operatives in Iraq have admitted to the masters of terror that the U.S. Army cannot be dislodged.

But our soldiers didn't only fight. They built. The contractors with their snouts in the Iraqi trough have a mixed record, but our soldiers have been consistently effective - and economically efficient - in their own reconstruction efforts. And yes, damn it. Our soldiers did win hearts and minds. And they continue to do so.

Terrorists rushed to Iraq, dreaming of a quick triumph that would send the Great Satan fleeing back to America's shopping-mall Hell.

Well, al Qaeda's intelligence failure dwarfed any errors the CIA ever made. Far from discouraging anyone, the terrorists only stiffened the resolve of Iraq's Kurds, Shi'as and even many Sunnis not to let foreign assassins shape their future.

Operationally, the skills and fortitude of the American soldier quickly forced the terrorists to shift their efforts to targeting our allies - in an attempt to drive them from the Coalition - or to strike Iraqis committed to rebuilding and reclaiming their own country.

That hasn't worked, either. Iraq is moving forward. Our Coalition allies have shown admirable resolve - and adaptability. After a few early successes against our partners, recent terrorist attacks have failed. A sophisticated suicide bombing a few weeks ago didn't even penetrate the Polish compound it targeted, but only killed civilians.

Does anyone imagine that the terrorists are winning hearts and minds?

Iraq remains a brutally dangerous place, a country that will struggle for years with its disastrous past. Progress will be imperfect. Success will be inconsistent. Disappointments will intoxicate the media. But, when all is said and done, Iraq is now the only major country in the Middle East with hope for a better future.

Our soldiers created that hope.

Far from the crude babykiller of campus legend, the American soldier has proved that he is as humane as he is competent, as creative as he is valorous, and as optimistic as the best traditions of his - or her - country. Our troops have tracked down war criminals, turned the tables on ambushers, faced countless roadside bombs - and built schools, created jobs, picked up garbage and set an example that even those Iraqis anxious for us to leave will not forget.

The American soldier has an immeasurably greater impact than American bombs.

For the soldiers themselves - including our superb Marines - conducting this massive "relief in place" in Iraq, the on-the-ground reality will often be frustrating. Especially to the soldier heading home, the complexities of such a huge transfer of forces will have a hurry-up-and-wait side that will draw out the enlisted man's blackest reserves of humor.

But the new troops will go in, the veterans will come home, intelligence and operational techniques will be handed off, the "newbies" will master the local environment and this great campaign for freedom will continue to march.

Iraq is working. Attacks on our troops and American casualties are down. No Iraqis argue about whether the old regime should return - only about the rules for future statehood. A broken country is recovering from a generation of shock and misery. Their hopes may take a number of different directions, but the peoples of Iraq have hope.

I only wish that those Americans so anxious to use our soldiers as political pawns in election campaigns actually knew our troops. Not as an abstract concept, but as people.

The American soldier is a historical anomaly - not a grasping conqueror, but a man or woman of courage and good heart who wishes only to do what must be done, and then go home. Our troops are inspiring in ways that no campaign speech or campus rally will ever rival. They live the virtues - courage, patriotism, love of freedom, self-sacrifice, honor - of which their critics are embarrassed to speak.

They have a wicked sense of humor. They're exuberantly politically incorrect. They're part of the most thoroughly integrated, representative American institution - our military. And when the American people and our leaders stand behind them, they can do any job on earth.

Defying countless predictions of disaster, our soldiers have accomplished more in Iraq than we had any right to expect. And they did it not because of some brilliant master plan - there was none - but because they took a look at the bloody mess they inherited, rolled up their sleeves and went to work to fix it.

They're the best we've got.

Ralph Peters is a retired Army officer and the author of "Beyond Baghdad."

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10,000 dead iraqi's.

only 547 of our boys dead.

so that's just over 18 dead iraqi's for every american dead.

that's a ratio we can cope with.


seriously though.

what these kids have been sent to do is beyond comprehension.

most of them don't speak the language, most have no training in dealing with a tense, post conflict, traumatised population and different culture.

having to act as a domestic police service in a foriegn land under attack must be close to living in hell.

bush's smirk fucking disgusts me.

the ignoring of the iraqi civilian casualties disgusts me.

this whole fucking war disgusts me.

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Originally posted by marksimons

10,000 dead iraqi's.

only 547 of our boys dead.

so that's just over 18 dead iraqi's for every american dead.

that's a ratio we can cope with.


seriously though.

what these kids have been sent to do is beyond comprehension.

most of them don't speak the language, most have no training in dealing with a tense, post conflict, traumatised population and different culture.

having to act as a domestic police service in a foriegn land under attack must be close to living in hell.

bush's smirk fucking disgusts me.

the ignoring of the iraqi civilian casualties disgusts me.

this whole fucking war disgusts me.

Did Sadam killing and torturing his own people "Disgust" you?

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and so did finding out that the US supported him, along with France, Britian, Germany, Russia and China.

that he probably learned his tricks of the trade from the CIA, that disgusts me.

that the CIA could provide intelligence to help him kill his own people. that disgusts me.

that america would provide satellite intelligence to help him gas people.

that fucking disgusts me.

you know what?

this whole fucking sordid episode of history disgusts me

the way people can manipulate the world for their own gain, at the expense the masses.

fucking disgusting.

bush's smirk is disgusting.

the way the whole world economic system, based around 19th century economic theory, and enforced by the cold hard steel of 21st century realpolitik. it disgusts me.

those who preach war as a step to peace.

that disgusts me.

saddam did disgust me.

but there have been worse dicatators.

there are worse dictators.

I find it disgusting that what is a war about raw materials has been lied about so much.

I am disgusted that clinton gets impeeched for a blowjob and bush lies about a war and gets away with it.

I'm disgusted by the whole political process the world over.

I'm disgusted by a lot of things mr.

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*raises handbag*

and why do I disgust you?

(it can't be my nice shiney new avatar oooh look at the colours)

come on, let it all out, this'll be like threapy...

shit... I posted to this thread?

are you going to tell me to kill myself?

no wait, we've been over that...

are you going to kill me to shut me up?

no wait, you're too much of a pussy...

so what are you going to do igloo? when will you realise that you've never tried debating me, and (as far as I can tell) never will because you can't.

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Originally posted by marksimons


*raises handbag*

and why do I disgust you?

(it can't be my nice shiney new avatar oooh look at the colours)

come on, let it all out, this'll be like threapy...

shit... I posted to this thread?

are you going to tell me to kill myself?

no wait, we've been over that...

are you going to kill me to shut me up?

no wait, you're too much of a pussy...

so what are you going to do igloo? when will you realise that you've never tried debating me, and (as far as I can tell) never will because you can't.

Stop your crying already about the "kill yourself" you fucking pussy.....

Debate you??? are u fucking kidding me.....you dumb useless piece of shit.......I have kicked your fucking dumb ass so many times.....it is a waste of time to bother "debating' you any more....you are a fucking retard jerkoff who just spews bullshit...

Fuck off pussy

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I ain't crying about the kill yourself, I'm just using it to point out that everything you say is deluded bullshit...

let's try the debate thing.

let's debate cambodia.

what lessons can we learn from cambodia's relations with the west from the early 70s throught to today?

I'm reading up tonight on cambodia, so I'll meet you here tomorrow to discuss this small little asian country.

I think it'll be educational for the both of us.

you up for some learning igloo?

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Originally posted by marksimons

I ain't crying about the kill yourself, I'm just using it to point out that everything you say is deluded bullshit...

let's try the debate thing.

let's debate cambodia.

what lessons can we learn from cambodia's relations with the west from the early 70s throught to today?

I'm reading up tonight on cambodia, so I'll meet you here tomorrow to discuss this small little asian country.

I think it'll be educational for the both of us.

you up for some learning igloo?

Stick it up your ass douche bag.......to repeat, stick your .org bullshit back up your rotted ass......

Nice job wrecking the orginal post you fucking worthless piece of shit

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I'm in the library, I was going to get two or three books, give them a read, and summerise the information...

you don't care about the history of other countries?

you don't want to debate cambodia?

what's the problem?

I just asked you, nicely I feel, to a debate, something you said I was incapable of, and you tell me to, and I quote;

"Stick it up your ass douche bag.......to repeat, stick your .org bullshit back up your rotted ass......"


which one of us has the problem with debate I wonder...

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Originally posted by marksimons

which one of us has the problem with debate I wonder...

The problem is you douche bag...you.....you don't debate, you spew bullshit.....you are pile of bullshit..

And shove your Cambodia debate up your ass....you have been trying to get that going with everyone for a while now, unsuccessfully......either people don't care or have other issues for deabte with a higher priority.......

If you are on the job, good for you...the rest of us can sleep easier......

Fuck off douchebag

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I'm up for an open IRC debate, anyone can join, I'll find a room, or a debate on MSN, anything.

and igloo, I think it's you who is ignoring cambodia.

it'll take 20 mins to get a basic idea of where the country is at today.

seriously, show some inquisitiveness about the world.

if you're serious about understanding the world today, cambodia has a story that will, if you have any semblance of a heart, cause you to feel great sadness, great pity, and possibly anger, that such things can and do go on in the world.

to understand cambodia, to understand why so few americans know about it, is to help understand why there is a huge gap between how americans see america acting and the rest of the world.

if you don't even want to spend a few minutes talking about that, and relating it to cambodia, what was reported at the time, what has been reported since and the wider understanding of the situation?

if you won't debate that, then what the fuck will you debate?

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Originally posted by marksimons

I'm up for an open IRC debate, anyone can join, I'll find a room, or a debate on MSN, anything.

and igloo, I think it's you who is ignoring cambodia.

it'll take 20 mins to get a basic idea of where the country is at today.

seriously, show some inquisitiveness about the world.

if you're serious about understanding the world today, cambodia has a story that will, if you have any semblance of a heart, cause you to feel great sadness, great pity, and possibly anger, that such things can and do go on in the world.

to understand cambodia, to understand why so few americans know about it, is to help understand why there is a huge gap between how americans see america acting and the rest of the world.

if you don't even want to spend a few minutes talking about that, and relating it to cambodia, what was reported at the time, what has been reported since and the wider understanding of the situation?

if you won't debate that, then what the fuck will you debate?

You always do a good job of diverting attention from what the orginal debate or brawl was about.....usually in a pathetic attempt to somehow disguise your bullshit or alleviate the pain of your ass kickings....

Go start a debate or an "education" forum on Cambodia...knock yourself out.......just shut the fuck up already...you are a fucking bore...

But stay off threads that honor people that you would not even deserve to lick their shit kernels, but they will continue to protect your fucking ass so you can continue to be free to spew your bullshit...

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

do you not care how many bombs america dropped on cambodia?

or why?

or why it was kept secret?

*baaaa baaa baa baaaaaaaaaa*

what's that?

it's the sound of igloo looking for the flock 'cause he's worried he might have to question his beliefs...


it isn't easy.

I was rasied by cynical parents, I've been taught to question the military, the politicians, the media.

you're raised to obey, god, the flag, the chain of command or whatever it is that was drumed into you in school...

I don't know why you don't want to talk about cambodia.

but I know why I do.

it is a small issue, one issue on the edge of vietnam that just shows how cruel, how little respect people can have for life, far away and close to home.

it touches on some important issues. I know I can make cambodia an issue for people, if I know how to approach it.

as I said. it takes about 20 mins to get the basics of the story.

what are you scared of finding out?

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Originally posted by marksimons

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

do you not care how many bombs america dropped on cambodia?

or why?

or why it was kept secret?

*baaaa baaa baa baaaaaaaaaa*

what's that?

it's the sound of igloo looking for the flock 'cause he's worried he might have to question his beliefs...


it isn't easy.

I was rasied by cynical parents, I've been taught to question the military, the politicians, the media.

you're raised to obey, god, the flag, the chain of command or whatever it is that was drumed into you in school...

I don't know why you don't want to talk about cambodia.

but I know why I do.

it is a small issue, one issue on the edge of vietnam that just shows how cruel, how little respect people can have for life, far away and close to home.

it touches on some important issues. I know I can make cambodia an issue for people, if I know how to approach it.

as I said. it takes about 20 mins to get the basics of the story.

what are you scared of finding out?

But stay off threads that honor people that you would not even deserve to lick their shit kernels, but they will continue to protect your fucking ass so you can continue to be free to spew your bullshit...

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what are the troops in iraq protecting me from exactly igloo?

and what about showing respect to the people of cambodia?

do those risking their lives for their nation yet you cannot be bothered to spend a few minutes, as much time as you've spent arguing with me today perhaps, reading and thinking about their country...

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Originally posted by marksimons

what are the troops in iraq protecting me from exactly igloo?

and what about showing respect to the people of cambodia?

do those risking their lives for their nation yet you cannot be bothered to spend a few minutes, as much time as you've spent arguing with me today perhaps, reading and thinking about their country...

But stay off threads that honor people that you would not even deserve to lick their shit kernels, but they will continue to protect your fucking ass so you can continue to be free to spew your bullshit...

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