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Save Alaskan Wolves

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Originally posted by CHRles


Why should people care about wolves dying when there are also people dying everyday? For all I care they can kill the wolves not just in Alaska, but the whole world. While you're at it, add snakes, sharks, and alligators to that list. So we'll never see these vicious animals again, oh no, boohoo, cry me a river.

You said it yourself, that we're effected by everything around us. Maybe if some humans are never exposed to animals such as these, it will keep their barbaric side deep down inside them. This argument makes just as much sense as yours.

Animal rights? Maybe once every human on Earth is living nice and comfortably. Find a cure for every human disease, a way to stop wars and corruption. Then talk to me about a bunch of wild beasts in Alaska.

When was the last time you heard of wolves starting a campaign to save humans anywhere? Sounds ridiculous right? Why don't you go live with the Alaskan wolves if this cause means so much to you. Your cause is weak.

Maybe you can ask Disney to do a movie with talking cartoon wolves who act and think like humans so that little kids will be dumb enough to think these animals are actually worth two s*its. :blown:



I take it that you never read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?

If you do, I'm pretty certain that you'll have a different picture concerning the 'innocence' of humanity.

That is, if you U n d e r s t a n d t h e h i d d e n m e a n i n g.

Ahhh hum.

(HINT: It's Not really about farm animals..hmmmm)



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Originally posted by CHRles


Why should people care about wolves dying when there are also people dying everyday? For all I care they can kill the wolves not just in Alaska, but the whole world. While you're at it, add snakes, sharks, and alligators to that list. So we'll never see these vicious animals again, oh no, boohoo, cry me a river.

You said it yourself, that we're effected by everything around us. Maybe if some humans are never exposed to animals such as these, it will keep their barbaric side deep down inside them. This argument makes just as much sense as yours.

Animal rights? Maybe once every human on Earth is living nice and comfortably. Find a cure for every human disease, a way to stop wars and corruption. Then talk to me about a bunch of wild beasts in Alaska.

When was the last time you heard of wolves starting a campaign to save humans anywhere? Sounds ridiculous right? Why don't you go live with the Alaskan wolves if this cause means so much to you. Your cause is weak.

Maybe you can ask Disney to do a movie with talking cartoon wolves who act and think like humans so that little kids will be dumb enough to think these animals are actually worth two s*its. :blown:


if anyone is barbaric......its the those (people) who kill them out of pure pleasure as a part of leisere activitity......as far as fact goes animals kill to eat........ or attack when they feel endagered.... noy because they feel like it........ so who is barberic......

anyway....I'm not even going further trying & hoping 4you to see the LIGHT out of protected....brainwashed.....vaccumed.......black hole of yours.........

its a complete waste of time.....:shoot::biggun:

WAKE UP!!!!!!!:idea:

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Originally posted by iliana

For the rest of you dopes....keeping popping pills so you can kill yourselves.



What makes you think that just because I want to fly in a plane and shoot innocent wolves that I pop pills?

Originally posted by ilianaYOU'RE DUMB


I take it that you never read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?


No I haven't read it but I saw the movie "Animal House" and enjoyed that very much


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I love these earth crunchy fuckfaces that think b/c they sent a petition to some fuckin crook of a politican that they're actually doing something.. One person isn't doing shit, i'm sorry to tell you.. Do you think this cause really gives a shit about you? Your sorely mistaken if you do... All they care about is funding, not some whore in NYC sending names around thinking shes gonna save the world...

These people that run shit like this should be shot, who cares about wolves, are they endangered, don't think so.. Do you think Eskimos really give a fuck, doubt it.... what would you do for a Klondike bar?

There are people being killed everyday overseas by war, people being killed here in the states from being homeless, cancer, aids and a shit load of other diseases and personal downfalls, lets fund this shit, not some 4-;legged animal how would tear you apart in a second if they see you..

Shove that petition up your ass.

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Originally posted by misskittie

I just sent a very important petition to the Governor of Alaska,

Frank Murkowski, expressing my outrage that he has signed a bill

allowing wolves to be hunted and killed from airplanes. The people

of Alaska have TWICE voted to revoke land-and-shoot in the last

seven years. But certain state officials want wolves killed to

boost moose and caribou herds for hunters.

Unlike wolves in the lower 48 states, wolves in Alaska are not afforded

protection under the Endangered Species Act, and wolf hunting is allowed

in most parts of the state. In the past five years, nearly 7,500 wolves

were killed through hunting and trapping.

Please go to http://www.savealaskawolves.org to learn more about this

urgent issue and to send a message to Gov. Murkowski telling him to support

protections for Alaskan wolves.

You need to be kicked in the cunt you hippie.

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Originally posted by xlr8ted


MsKitty, help us, sign that paper....


If you only signed that paper last week, this could have been avoided


Whoops, did I do that, says the guy in the plane w/ the gun.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

poor lil' fellas... all they wanted was to get their fur toussled... :(

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

I would love to kill that thing and make nothing out of him.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

heres the poor lil' fella just waiting to be thrown in the corpse grinder...


hey... is that a plane flying in the background??? :eek:


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As for my first proposal to you maybe getting together with iliana, I understand if you're not really into that type of stuff so if you want instead we can start off slow...you know, maybe just the two of us can get a bottle of wine and rent "Dances With Wolves". PM me if your down :D

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Originally posted by nomembername


As for my first proposal to you maybe getting together with iliana, I understand if you're not really into that type of stuff so if you want instead we can start off slow...you know, maybe just the two of us can get a bottle of wine and rent "Dances With Wolves". PM me if your down :D

I wonder if she signed the petition "Lieutenant Dunbar" :laugh:

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