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So did Denny back down yesterday?

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Originally posted by stymie

How much should glass should I bring with me for the plane ride to Miami... Im going straight to Newark airport from Morillo Afterhours. What do you think X???

SOUNDS like you already took a shitload of 'glass'


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Originally posted by djmikeloikith

denny is scared that rydell is going to record it and sell bootleg copies at mondo without giving him his cut.:eek:

that would be tough since Rydell hasnt worked at Mondo in quite some time.

Originally posted by MrCHOOPA2u

isn't that the truth. thats where the whole root of the rivalry between these two started

Please get your facts stright before you talk shit. I'll spare you an ass ripping today. But check yo self.

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Originally posted by kostaP

that would be tough since Rydell hasnt worked at Mondo in quite some time.

Please get your facts stright before you talk shit. I'll spare you an ass ripping today. But check yo self.

Hey Kosta I think he was being facisious........................

Funny how the board can joke around on one side of the coin but as soon as the coin flips.............look out:laugh:

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Originally posted by stiffler

Hey Kosta I think he was being facisious........................

Funny how the board can joke around on one side of the coin but as soon as the coin flips.............look out:laugh:

its just with all the bullshit that went on yesterday over a simple little event....i did not know if he was being FACETIOUS ;) or not and figured others would misunderstand it as well.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Funny how the board can joke around on one side of the coin but as soon as the coin flips.............look out:laugh:

Sticky can you please clarify this??

I'd really like to know what youre getting at....

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All I am saying is i think he was joking..........and that there was no need for you to get mad at it.............

all day yesterday people ripped on denny but noone "really" defended him other than "let the night just be music" and post like such................and Im sorry but he had a strong point and I know you agreed with it to some extent. But this board is GAY!!!! A bunch of opinionated nobodys who don't know anything about the truth and such post should be taken at that..... And what I noticed is that the moment somebody mentioned Mondo, Richie and a pointless joke you came to defend............but at the same time you did alot of joking yourself yesterday.

Denny is a great guy and so is Richie..........both incredible DJ's that dont deserve the bs this board creates...............

I'm sure I made my point somewhere in all this...........

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