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Originally posted by tequiza

I'll be pretty occupied over the next 2 moths or so. What about a watering hole gathering?

sounds good :aright: . i remember a lot of people said they live in the oc; i'm moving there april 1st! what say we do something after that?
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Originally posted by weyes

sounds good :aright: . i remember a lot of people said they live in the oc; i'm moving there april 1st! what say we do something after that?

solid...us OC folks might have to have our own meetup. Unless everyone else is willing to head down to da OC :D

Speaking of which, why isn't there a CPOC board? Oh yeah...cause OC is lame like that :laugh: Ok I'm exaggerating. But it feels like it sometimes.

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I'm willing to meet up in OC and LA!! YAH MAN! I want to put a face to the NAMES already!! heehee.

((((Frank))))) I want to meet you!

((((LaLATE))))) I want to smack that booty!!

((((WEYES))))) Another chick to hang with!! WOOWOO

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So let's pick a date and place for OC?!?!? (((frank)) you ever been to Sharkeez?!?!? I won a Happy HOuR party!! woohoo. Its just included seating and 1/2 drinks.

Where in LA is good? I work in OC, so I dunno the LA happy hours

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yup deepfunk .. white russians all the way!

so i would suggest that this meet up be on the weekend because I hate driving to OC and then having to drive home afterwards unless peeps are willing to car pool... but saturday mid afternoon or sunday would probably be best...


this time people have to show up.. I will wear a name tag for goodness sake just so you all know who to look for..

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Originally posted by queenv

So let's pick a date and place for OC?!?!? (((frank)) you ever been to Sharkeez?!?!? I won a Happy HOuR party!! woohoo. Its just included seating and 1/2 drinks.

Where in LA is good? I work in OC, so I dunno the LA happy hours

heard of Sharkeez but never been. Thats in Newport or Huntington right? I can use a happy hour or two or ten million :D

But this Sunday is not good for me :( Why don't you guys toss out some dates and I'll try my very best to show with my drinking liver on :eek:

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I want to ((((WEYES)))) since you're the moderator, compile a list of all that are willing to show up! ;)

I'm always working (on weekends too) so let me know so that I can arrange my schedule! Weekends would be best! :D

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Originally posted by queenv

I want to ((((WEYES)))) since you're the moderator, compile a list of all that are willing to show up! ;)

ok, this needs its own thread :idea: .

but blue has a serious point about peeps showing up and knowing how to recognize each other!!! last time, alex said he was there, but the rest of us never found him, and i got so insanely lost that i pretty much missed the meetup (sorry again, you guys :( !). i felt soooooo bad :hey: . plus, weho is the worst neighborhood if you ever want to find a place to park.

i'll start us our own thread, but someone has to choose a location BEFORE we pick a date, because picking a date at the last minute is a recipe for disaster. link to follow...

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some place cheap some place in between ... a bunch of my other friends always meet up in long beach at Tequila Jacks.. I know it's a drive but it's worth it... but even some place in hollywood would work like lets say some sort of chinese or thai place...

so i guess what we could do is people start posting where they would like to go and we choose which one sounds best!

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