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Happy Munday.........:tongue: I can't believe the week has gone and left.

I went to D-land (i won a annual pass) after work yesterday around 6ish.. The lines were too long and everyone smelled. errrr.

Today I have class.. then off to sleep

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i loooooooooooooove disneyhoo :spin2: !!! but you should never go on a weekend; that's just torture. especially when it's the first really warm weekend of the year.

how did you win an annual pass? i'm seriously jealous :( ...

it's a goal of mine to have my picture taken with all of the characters, or, at least, all of the cool ones. i've never seen mickey, though, 'cause his lame ass doesn't walk around the park. that pisses me off. why should we have to go to his house? we already made the trip to disneyland in the first place; i think he should meet us halfway. he's the only cool character who doesn't walk around; the only other ones who don't are the lame ones, like ariel and that chick from aladdin. did you get any good pics taken?

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