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Civil Rights Group Seeks Kerry Apology


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Civil Rights Group Seeks Kerry Apology

Mon Mar 8, 8:49 PM ET

WASHINGTON - The head of a civil rights and legal services advocacy group wants Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) to apologize for saying he wouldn't be upset if he could be known as the second black president.

"John Kerry is not a black man — he is a privileged white man who has no idea what it is in this country to be a poor white in this country, let alone a black man," said Paula Diane Harris, founder of the Andrew Young National Center for Social Change.

Last week, Kerry told the American Urban Radio Network: "President Clinton (news - web sites) was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second."

Kerry's spokesman Chad Clanton said: "This was intended as a light-natured remark about President Clinton's strong legacy with African Americans It is a legacy that John Kerry would like to build upon if elected president. John Kerry has a record of fighting for civil rights and as president he will continue this fight."

Harris also criticized civil rights leaders who "sit back and ignore these types of comments, a practice that further insults African Americans."

"It seems that all these leaders care about is their personal agendas in how a 'John Kerry' will keep up their personal causes," she said.

The Andrew Young National Center for Social Change, based in Harrisburg, Pa., provides legal services to the poor.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

ok on another thread i did not immediatly answer your question you get pissy and ask my why i didnt

now you do not answer my question, but leave a smart ass remark

you make no fuckin sense

Ok...you really want my opinion on what would happen if Bush said he wanted be the 2nd black president. Probably the same thing that's happening to Kerry. Many people would chuckle because the reference is to Clinton having soul and being in touch with african americans and understand it's a "tongue in cheek remark". Others would be pissed and demand an apology. Same as Kerry.

Probably more black people would be pissed at Bush because he's done very little specifically for blacks.

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Originally posted by pattbateman

please tell me what would happen if bush said he wanted to be the next black president???????

It's knowing him not to apologize because the racist fuck doesn't care. Fuck! He won't apologize for pissing off the families of the victims of 9/11. Shows how much of an inconsiderate asshole he is. He deserves to lose.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

It's knowing him not to apologize because the racist fuck doesn't care. Fuck! He won't apologize for pissing off the families of the victims of 9/11. Shows how much of an inconsiderate asshole he is. He deserves to lose.

I'' tell whats going to happen the next 4 years....

Bush will serve his second term and you will spend the next 4 years in your parents basement with your dumb up your ass thinking up new conspiracy theories while jerking off to kiddie porn...LOSER :blown:

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